Usurp the Throne

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As 404 made his way back to HQ he saw Error and Seraphim!Sans were gone "my gosh can't i leave anyone here for a couple moments." 404 said annoyed as he looked around and then saw the mainframe liquid begin to forum and and congest "Looks like he's ready" 404 said as he then looked towards the bridge "...i suppose im starting without you then." 404 said as the began to use his blue mastery to lift Photonegative out of the mainframe pool however alot of resistance began to occur stopping him form pulling him out, "D-Damnit! Come on! Budge you bastard!" 404 shouted as he used more of his strength to get photonegative out of the pool, luckily results began to show and as he began to pull photonegative out 404 caught a small glimpse of a red eye staring back at him from the mainframe pool. 404 got photonegative out of the pool and threw him onto the ground, 404 sat down exhausted as he turned to see the mainframe clawing for him and now photonegative too "...Been nearly a century and i still know nothing about you...damn it all" 404 said as he then looked towards photonegative he then saw that he was now black and white, his clothes completely disintegrated and skeleton still in tact thankfully. 404 then got up and began to scan  photonegative's vitals and code "At least now that Error and Seraphim are gone i can finally have some peace n quiet while i work on getting my responses and controls into him" 404 said as the wind of HQ blew against him and he compltley gave into the silence of the world around him.

" Well dont we look like shit!" shouted Bill!Sans from the bridge behind 404 much to 404's displeasure " How ya been man? haven't seen you in a while" Bill!Sans said as he floated over towards 404 to which remained silent the whole time "Oooo you looking kinda pissed off, hate to be the guy who upsets you hu?" Bill!Sans said with a wide grin on his face before seeing the person on the ground "Oh shit, you killing people now Blue? well i mean you always killed people, but i mean now your killing people yourself? and i dont mean to say your not killing people yourself but-" before Bill!Sans could finishes 404 stared at him with a cold stare " shut up" 404 said calmly before looking back to photonegative " Oh my bad, guess your still wetting yourself from before" Bill!Sans said as he then sat ontop of photnegative's chest swinging his cane around "Hey did you also see that weird camera thing from before when you were kicking those faggots asses from before? dont you think that was weird? i know i do, oh what am i talking about your never worried about anything, you have it all figured out right?" Bill!Sans giggled to himself as he floated towards 404 who closed his monitor after finishing his analysis over photonegative  " You wanna know something funny though Blue? heheheh i just finished reading a whole urban dictionaries worth of info on turtles and guess what?!" Bill!Sans shouted as 404 then lifted Photonegative up and began to walk out through an portal to the Anit-Void with Bill close behind " Whatever belligerent answer to this god forsaken you have i dont want any part of it" 404 said as he then materialized photonegative some clothes "Woah you can do that?!?!" Bill!Sans shouted compltley shocked while 404 then put photonegative up right" Now all i need is Error and we can get this started" 404 said as he then opened up his graphic pad and began to message Error " So are we just gonna gloss over the fact you can create clothes now?! Can you make me a scarf? some stockings?" Bill!Sans said only for 404 to stop and look at him with concern " Why?" 404 asked with complete confusion and surprise and disgusts all at the same time "What i have kinks" Bill!Sans said only to then see Seraphim!Sans teleport onto the scene. Seraphim looked down at Bill!Sans and pointed his tail directly at his head " Jester" Seraphim said " Nice to see you too big guy" Bill!Sans said as he then looked to 404 who stared back only to turn back to Photonegative.

"If your here then that means-" but before Bill!Sans can finishes he was then wrapped up in strings " *exhales* this again?" Bill!Sans smirked as he looked up towards Error descending from a blaster his attention then going to 404 who was looking at hi too " Apologies sir for my absence, i was checking up on Nightmare. you mentioned that you hadn't heard form him in 2 days so i thought i'd do you a favour" Error said as he then  dropped down and noticed photonegative " Nice oreo boss, so what now?" Error asked "Well now we-" but out of nowhere Photonegative then woke up and blasted 404 and Error away sending them flying along with Bill who was still tied up "Where am i!? whats going on?!!" Photonegative shouted as he looked at everyone only to then get slammed into the ground and knocked out instantly by Seraphim who then looked over to the rest of them on the ground. Error and 404 got up while Bill continued to squrim on the ground like a worm " Hey Blue! look at me, i'm you when your alone and helpless" Bill!Sans giggled only for 404 to blast him away into the distance " Thank you" Error said with relief " Dont thank me yet " 404 said as the both walked to photonegative and looked down at him " Now what? We kill him and start over? We could still try having you take leadership over the multiverse sir" Error said " No, We just need to make him forget, no more memories, no more regrets, no more home to remember. You know what to do and i'll do my part" 404 said in which Error nodded and teleported away. 404 then lifted Photonegative by his head and then began to use his mind manipulation on him " Forget the past, forget the worries and those you once knew, only remember who you are now, You are the new King of this multiverse. You are King Multiverse" 404 said.

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