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The entirety of reality 6 shook with fierce power as a battle of immense proportion was happening, One that would determine the fate of everyone's existence  as they now know it. Loading and Error being the only even comprehending what is going on at the moment while everyone else was in a state of panic and fear at could or would come.

On the far other side of reality Omni and J404!Butterfly continued their fight with each blast and hit shaking the foundation of their reality shattering and breaking the concept of what a battle could ensue. J404!Butterfly continued to fire large and powerful blast out of his wings that were going at intense speeds even faster than that of a instant, destroying hundreds of multiverses and hyperverses as they simply grazed and flew past them trying to hit Omni who was moving too fast to properly hit.

"Stop running around you little shit!" J404!Butterly said as his other four wings began to shoot more large blast at Omni who was jumping from hyperverse to hyperverse in order to dodge the attacks.

"Ares, this foe is unlike anything i've seen before, hes coded and yet he somehow has the ability to use attacks that don't require it, how is that possible?" said a deep voice in Omni's head "I'm unsure, but for now I'm on the defensive until i can figure out how to strike him. His attacks are pretty fast" Omni said as he then hopped over one blast and then flew off into the air.

"Well you better stop messing around before you get yourself caught in one of those attacks, It'll take me months to bring you back from something like that" said the voice

"Thanks Islothorn, time to put the breaks on this one, give me 25%" Omni asked as he dodged a wave of blast from J404!Butterfly

"25%? You think its that serious?" asked Islothorn

"Yea, this guy isn't messing around, Hes giving me massive Malesgrow vibes and thats not a good thing, so i'm putting a end to this now" Omni replied

"Good luck my friend" Islothorn said as he then gave Omni a massive boost in power, Omni's eyes began to shoot out lightening as hen then began zip across light itself as he made his way to J404!Butterfly

"WHAT THE!? I CAN'T SEE HIM!?" J404!Butterfly said in a panic as he looked around for Omni, however it was too late for J404!Butterfly then began to get punched rapidly by a invisible force he couldn't see, Omni then came from the sky and smashed his leg against J404!Butterfly sending him skyrocketing down to the ground.

J404!Butterfly got up as he coughed up a spool of blood, his body was beginning to fail him and not only that as he looked at his hand he began to see it begin to turn back into 404's regular hand "Son of a bitch, trying to resist me are you!? well its not happening, I will be free from you even if i have to turn this whole reality to cinders!" J404!Butterfly thought to himself as he got up and looked as Omni ran around the place at immeasurable speeds.

"COME ONE THEN! LETS END THINGS!" J404!Butterfly said as he then began to power up even more gaining a total of nine wings "LETS FINISHE THIS! GIVE ME EVERYTHIG YOU GOT OTHERWISE I'LL DESTROY THIS REALITY AND THE NEXT AFTER THAT!" J404!Butterfly shouted with joy as he flew into the sky and attached his wings to every part of Reality and began to suck it dry of it's resources and more. 

Omni then bolted towards J404!Butterfly, the closer he got the slower he became until coming to a complete standstill forcing him to then teleport away.

"Damnit what is going on?" Omni said as he kept running around reality looking at J404!Butterfly as he powered up. "Whats the problem son?" Islothorn asked in confusion

"I can't get close to him to get the finishing shot in, hes somehow slowing down time n space making it impossible for me to get close to him" Omni said as he continued to run "Ares, Nothing is impossible for you, use you're will and run through it all, hes going to destroy everything! You must find a way to rush through and end this fight once and for all! GO ALL IN!" Islothorn said as his voice echoed in Omni's head.

"Islothorn give me 100%" Omni said with hesitation "ARE YOU MAD!? YOU WON'T MAKE IT TO HIM IN TIME BEFORE YOU'RE BODY TURNS TO STARDUST!! Hell you won't even make it one step!" Islothorn shouted in concern in which Omni then began to reassess himself "Alright then give me at best 60%" Omni requested 

"You'll be literal liquid if you stop moving for a fraction of a millisecond, you better hope you can run him through you understand that right? a puddle on the ground" Islothorn said with concern "Don't care, give it to me when i give the word" Omni said as he kept running

J404!Butterfly began to summon a large ball of energy above his head and more 8 more wings to help hold it up"GET READY ARES! CAUSE I'M GOING TO DESTROY THIS ENTIRE REALITY WITH MY OMNINOVA BLAST! AND THEN I'LL FINISHE OFF EVERY OTHER REALITY AFTER THAT!!" J404!Butterfly shouted while laughing a demonic laugh

"Just got to wait a bit longer" Omni thought to himself as his body began to crack and melt under the pressure of what percent he was already at.

J404!Butterfly's Omninova blast began to grow to the size of a large moon as it's power and magic grew exponentially and with that J404!Butterfly then began to know it was time

"ITS DONE! SAY GOODBYE TO THIS WRECKED REALITY YOU POOR EXCUSE FOR A HEEERRROOOO!!" J404!Butterfly shouted as he threw down the blast straight at where Omni would be next

"NOW ISLOTHORN GIVE ME 60% POWER!" Omni shouted as he then went straight forward running as fast as he possible could while the power began to already destroy his body turning it liquid and wiping it away from existence.

Omni kept running as fast he could, he was running so fast that the lighting behind him began to turn into plasma lighting and the air began to explode all while J404!Butterfly kept his hands forward to keep the Omninova blast on course.

"I need to go faster, faster then ever before, fast then light, faster, faster, faster and even faster!" Omni shouted in his head as he then put his arm out and made a fist "I'll end everything here!" Omni thought to himself as his fist began to catch on fire, the flames burned a white and almost invisible tint while his body continued to degrade with the second with him only having a fraction of his skull left as he approached the large blast known as the Omninova.

"DIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!" J404!Butterfly screamed

"THIS IS EVERYTHING!!! TAKE IT!!! OMNILOCK DESTROYER!!!!" Omni screamed as he punched the Omninova blast shattering the very concept of it's existence and with that the kinetic force of the punch carried as it blasted away J404 and all his power tearing apart his very existence the idea of him and then destroying everything behind him erasing it all forever destroying them from the very fabric of existence. Omni and J404 fell to the ground and collapsed from exhaustion.

Omni looked up as he saw J404 struggling to keep himself from shattering into atoms from the attack when suddenly the effect just wore off

"W-what?! h-how is that possible?!" Omni said in shock as he watched as J404 got up, but instead of being blue and black he was completely black. "W-what is this?" Omni asked in slight fear as he was unable to move "Don't worry son i'm coming to get you out of there!" Islothorn said in Omni's head.

" Did you honestly think you could destroy my precious vessel that easily?" said a unfamiliar voice coming from J404

"What? that voice..it can't be!" Omni thought to himself

" I know you're dying to find out, how it happened, but it'll have to wait for another time. Now isn't the right moment" said the voice as pure white glowing eyes appeared where J404's use to be

"M...M-Malware" Omni said with a pissed tone

But before Omni could ask anymore questions a large star gate like portal opened above him and then a large scaly hand came down and picked him up as Malware watched.

"It would seem things are getting more interesting, what will you do now Bookkeeper? with me now bonded to the soul of the god of this world i now hold all the power i need to achieve true insight and more importantly end this wrenched world for good, but that will have to wait, I've wasted enough power as it is, this will have to wait till another time" said Malware as he then reverted back into 404 with 404 then collapsing on the ground unconcise.

Error and King!Multiverse with the rest of 404's team then arrived and went to check on 404.

"Rest for now my lovely vessel, just like Omni, you hold within you the power to do unimaginable things, i just need to break these chains you don't even know you hold me under. Once thats done then we can start the corruption and destruction of this world. Sweet nightmares William Peterson, we will see each other soon" said Maleware as he faded away into 404's subconscious once again.

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