Here comes the Monster

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Outside of the Thought-space, Infected and Gorg were battling still. Infected was running through the woods as Gorg chased him down, barreling and knocking down everything in his path. Infected then jumped onto a tree branch and began to place leave behind Wisp and smaller wisp bombs he'd throw deep into the snow.

Infected swung and jumped futher ahead, as Gorg arrived he would step on a wisp mine which exploded right under him. Nearly leveling the entire area. The other wisp Infected had left behind also attached to Gorg and exploded on him too. Infected was watching from afar, looking for only one thing. As the wisp exploded ontop of Gorg, Infected then noticed a small piece, not too big, but it was a small piece of metal coming off of Gorg's body. Infected smiled wide as he then jumped back off the branch he was on and then grabbed it, swinging himself right into the heart of the destruction happening. As he did he'd go flying onto the sky from the effects of the blast and then swallow the piece of metal. "HEHEHAHAHAHA! Guess who's got a steel stomach now metal-" however thats when a metal hand would come up and grab Infected's face and pull him down slamming him into the ground.

Gorg then walked over and stomped on Infected's head, only this time he felt his foot sink in. Gorg lifted his foot and saw a head shaped dent in his foot. He looked down and saw Infected made out of the same martial he was. Null watching afar noticed it. "Resourceful." He said thats when an alarm went off in his laboratory. He then showed another feed recording and saw it showing D+, Alpha and Killer.JPG breaking into the facility.

"Now there's another problem." Null said, the giants then walked behind him and looked down to him. "Bring them to me, dead or alive. Neither matters to me." Null said as the giants then marched past him and up towards the facility main level. Null then looked up at his magnum opus. Calculated Heaven. He stared at it and lifted his hand up.

"...Soon my son...soon I will pay for the mistake I made all those years ago. I promise." Null said. Null then sent out a signal to Mecha404. Mecha404 turned and looked towards the facility.

"Mecha, targets have entered the facility. Aid my giants in getting rid of them." Null said. Mecha404 then charged his rockets.

"[Attending immediate termination request.]" Mecha404 said as he then flew off and towards the facility.

Up above in the higher levels of the facility, D+ would be walking around the place with Alpha and Killer.JPG. "Wow, they built all this to kill 404? Where's the team?" Killer asked, D+ then picked up a skull piece of Abyss!Sans.

"I think I have a good idea." D+ said. Alpha walked over and took a look. Killer kicked around some of the junk and chairs. "This place is a complete shit hole. Stalker alert." Killer said. Alpha then expanded his senses and could sense Error way down deep inside the facility. "This place has to be probably on my number one list of creepiest places I've ever been. Minus hell itself." Killer said.

"Oh yea. Would the first be that freak 404's hideout?" D+ said, Alpha then turned around and looked at them. "Wait you work with 404? The Au killer?" Alpha asked

"...Not by my own free will, but-"

"But nothing, that monster is on my list of creeps to get rid of. So unless you're about to tell me that you are being used as a slave. You best prepare yourself." Alpha said as he started walking towards Killer before D+ got between them. "Hey, not the time guys. We're here for other business. Not this, but ghost boy." D+ said as he turned to Alpha and cracked his knuckles.

"If you're looking for a rough time, I'm your guy." D+ said. Alpha's eyes looked at D+. "You don't want to try me pal." Alpha said. The two looked at each other with Killer standing behind watching. Thats when suddenly something would come through the ceiling behind them. They all shelled they're eyes as debri and smoke. D+ looked and saw Mecha404 standing in the smoke. "Woah, a robot." Alpha said, however they had no time to react as Mecha404 would blitz towards them and attempt to attack D+ only for Alpha to grab him by the leg and swing Mecha404 down the hallway. D+ and Killer watched as Alpha then summoned his blaster and fired it with Mecha404 firing his arm beams at causing a massive collision that nearly levled the entire floor.

The explosion sent D+ and Killer through the ground and to fall aginst the ground several levels below. Alpha looked back at them and then to Mecha404 who reformed his arms back into arms. He then turned one of them into a blade made out of light. Alpha tilted his head at the sudden new weapon.

"Alright then, I can tango with this." Alpha said.

D+ and Killer coughed as they got up, both struggling to stand up. They both dusted themselves off as D+ then turned around to the hallway behind them. "Alright, we need to find Error." Said Killer.

"Woah woah, I think taking care of this scientist guy is more important than wasting time on finding the crybaby." D+ said.

"Thats right! Let's go crack some skulls open shall we!" D- said. D+ shooed D- away as Killer looked around. "I'm just saying, if we stick together, we can handle both problems at the same time. "Since when did you care about taking care of the lab geek?" Killer asked

"...Since I decided not to be tethered to anyone anymore. This constant desire to be something I may not be. I don't know, something is just pulling me to do this." D+ said, Killer walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Look man, we're a team ok? Maybe a bit unconventional at times, but we are one. So long as we stick together, we got this. Let's let nothing separate us." Killer said. D+ smirked a bit before suddenly a massive hand would come crashing between them from the bottom floor. The two jumped back, as they saw a massive giant like creature come out of the ground. He then heard heavy footsteps coming from around the corner behind them down the hall.

D+ watched it and then looked to Killer. "GO! I got this." D+ shouted. "But-"

"GO!" D+ shouted, Killer didn't wait and started running in search of Error. The two giants approaching D+. "Alright fellas. Let's see what you got." D+ said.

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