The ghost of a God

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404 woke up immediately, he looked around and noticed he was being restrained by some weird black ink. He then began to look around as he saw that he was also on a chair and outside. The winds went flying through his jacket and on his face as he looked to see trees to his left and a mountain to his right. 404 could sense the code of one individual.

"Now...where is-"

"So, finally awake huh?" said a familiar voice, 404 looked over to see Ink balancing on a tree. 404 watched Ink jump down and land leaning against one of the trees.

"...This Au is dead, no one living in it. Besides you." 404 said 

"Well there is you too, ya'know. I was always curious what glitchy was doing while away. I was like "What better things could that loner possibly have to do?". Then I started learning, learning about you, about more than that too.

Now I see why you asked of me, I can see why your-" However 404 wasn't paying attention at all. Instead, 404 was just looking around for the one who knocked him out before. Yet he didn't see him.

"I know theres something else here?" 404 said interrupting Ink, Ink looked around and smirked.

"Theres no one else here, are you delusional or something old man heheh." Ink chuckled 

"Don't joke with me calamari, otherwise I'll really show you what I've been teaching Error." 404 said to which Ink then stopped and backed up a bit in fear. 404's eyes were cold and focused, unwavering as he stared at Ink in a chilling manner. Ink couldn't match it and instead turned away. 404 looked at him and then stood up and broke out of the ink restraints which surprised Ink himself.

"WHAT THE-" However before he could say anything 404 would slam him to the ground face first keeping him there.

"I know your dumbass didn't think of this, who was it?" 404 shouted

"Let go of him Puppet master." said a voice behind him, 404's head turned around and saw him, Alpha. The Ghost of the multiverse. Rumored to be going around "helping" AUs and leading lost ones to salvation. 404 got up holding Ink by his neck.

"So, I'm guessing you are him yea?" 404 asked

"Yes, and you're the one whose going around running people's lives." Alpha said

"Doesn't sound like my problem." 404 said

"NOT YOUR PROBLEM?! YOU GO AROUND FLAUNTING YOUR SUPRIORITY ALL OVER THE MULTIVERSE AND FOR WHAT?! SO YOU CAN FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF OR JUST CAUSE YOU WANT TO?!" Alpha shouted at him. 404 looked at him and scanned his body and stance, it was strong and firm. Alpha wasn't emitting any fear off his person or aura.

"Strange, he isn't scared of me. Then again a few rare cases aren't either." 404 thought to himself.

"Sorry! I let my guard down." Ink cried

"I'll deal with you later." Alpha said as he then looked at 404 again.

"Last time I'm asking, put him down." Alpha said in a threatening manner.

"To be fair, I believe we might be able to solve this with talking. I'd hate to kill someone who could be such a good partner." 404 said

"I have no need for a partnership with a monster." Alpha said

"I'm not a monster, monsters are the people you protect. Look around you." 404 said as he then dopped Ink and Ink crawled away from the two. 404's eyes moved towards the dead AU, the desolate wasteland which held no life, even beyond the stars.

"The creators of this world and others don't care for their creations. Just the love it'll bring them. They love the attention. The lights, the cameras and the glory. Always wanting to one up the other in an attempt to make themselves feel better. These Aus you protect aren't universes, they're advertisements." 404 said, however as he turned his head he dodged out of the way as Alpha went to strike at his head. Throwing a quick punch that nearly hit. 404 then attempted to use blue mastery on Alpha yet it didn't work. 

"No physical form huh? Alight then." 404 said as he then jumped back. Alpha looked at him angered and clearly in a rage.

"STOP TALKING ABOUT THESE WORLDS LIKE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT ITS LIKE TO LIVE IN A HOME! A PATHETIC PICE OF TRASH LIKE YOU, COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND THE FEELING OF LOSEING EVERYTHING YOU LOVE!" Alpha shouted as he ran towards 404, however 404 would put a row of orange bones which caught Alpha and began to burn at his body. Alpha looked in shock as he took damage.

"Ah ha, so they can still catch you. Good to know." 404 said

"That impossible, even if they're orange they shouldn't have harmed me! Is he-" however just as Alpha looked up he'd see 404 fire his blaster at him which he dodged out of the way of.

"-modifying his weaponry to be able to hit non-physical things?" Alpha thought as he flew into the sky and looked down as 404 fired hundreds more. Alpha activated his double eyes and then guarded against the barrage. Suddenly 404 would get wrapped up in Ink's ink restraints once again. 404 just before he could break them would have Alpha appear behind him.

"SEE YOU IN HELL!" Alpha screamed as he then began to use his banishment ability and send 404 to his own personal hell. 404 would scream as he the ability began to take hold over him. Alpha looked at him as it took place.

"YEA YOU GOT HIM!" Ink shouted in joy at the smart move.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" 404 screamed as his eyes rolled all the way to the back of his head.

 However, the ability would then fizzle out with 404 still standing there. Alpha looked in shock as 404's eyes which had rolled to the back of his head rolled back forward again. A wide grin wide appear on his face as he looked at Alpha.

"Sike." 404 smiled

404 then broke out of the Ink's restraints and balled his fist up tighter than he ever had, and then punched Alpha straight in the chest completely bypassing his non-physical physiology and punching like as if he was actually physical.  The attack sent Alpha flying straight off world and all the way across the universe until Alpha's body stopped after hitting a ringed planet on the complete opposite side.

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