Le Loner Life

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I have found my place

When I became a loner at school I had no where to go
I had someone offer me to sit with them but I don't know her friends and I only really know her from art

Although she reminds me of Skittles
Swears but not too much like Citten
Has red hair like Smol
Isn't super outgoing yet she seems like she would be online like Dashie
Is a quitter like me (I quit more things than you realize)
And can draw really well
And is one of those people who acts like a jerk but is completely joking like a person who'd say "shut up!" But would be smiling

So possible new really good friend(?)
I still have to ask her what she's interested in
*thinks* Please be YouTube, please be reading, please be ANY of my Fandoms

Back to the point
I have found my corridor

No one comes down there really and if they do they are always going somewhere else so it's normally pretty quiet
There are 2 couples there but they are quiet so that's good
Although one of the couples snogged before they left to class *gags*

So far being a loners cool I guess

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