You dont need to lie

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I have this friend who I only hang out with during PE

she's cool and quirky and I like her

Problem is
She doesn't care what others think
Good for her bad for me
So while I'm trying to pretend I don't exist so no one notices me
She's practically being super loud like a girl who wants others to hear her gossip
That wouldn't be a problem except that she talks about YouTubers and I don't like people judging me for what I watch in PE cause all the kids in that class are scary.
That and she recites everything from Sister Location. Everything that the monotone voice says like
"Let's check on Funtime Auditorium."
Really loudly too and I have to try to change the subject to get her to stop 

That and she lies

And it's not a "my mom gets me everything I want" kinda lie that I would normally believe because I'm super gullible
It's like
CRAZY lies that she thinks I believe

Basically she says she's a "famous YouTuber"
*cough* no she isn't *cough*
I've asked about her channel and every time she has some excuse
Her more recent ones are
"My mom deleted my channel cause I'm failing Spanish."
Yet she tells me it's back up and the next day when I say I can't find it she claims her mom deleted it again -_-
"YouTube is making me change my channel name but I can't for another 3 months."
I'm sorry but you expect me to believe that?

And there are other ones like
"I talk to famous YouTubers I just chat with them."
.-. I think she thinks I'm sorta stupid
I asked who she talks to
And she claims to talk to
Markiplier, Aparri, blah blah blah other ones I'm too lazy to name

she also doesn't know who PewDiePie which I mean
If your a freaking YouTuber you should know who he is!

Then she claims her channel is known for being a place where people can comment mean things about other YouTubers and then she tells the YouTubers them in a nicer way
I mean
If your going to say that then why do comments even exist

It gets worse
She said YouTube helped her make a platform on YouTube so she can talk to these other YouTubers (I'm using the words YouTube and YouTubers way to much...)
Yet it's something only for her that YouTube made

She's really grinding my gears
She doesn't need to lie to get me to like her I already like her!
And I'm too polite to call her out on any of this especially since she seems like she's someone who would deny it all and lie more

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