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Name:Matthew 'Matt' Malcolm



Occupation:Teacher and Assassin Hero

(Assassin Hero:Heroes that have a license to literally kill a villain they deem to dangerous to be left alive or basically, they end the problem before it gets serious)


Personality:Serious, kind, caring, carefree, mature, smart, strategic, supportive, merciful, merciless, angry(when annoyed) and loner

Likes:His girls, Ddraig, Albion, his servants, his peerage, his Dolls, his weapons, his mother (deceased), the academy, helping people, saving people, reading, sleeping, fighting, seeing his students improving, quality time with the girls, his daughter, his pets, killing Grimm and other monsters, putting his students through hellish training, heroes(the real ones), honorable villains, vigilante's, outsmarting his opponent and smiles

Dislikes:Grimm, the toxic fog, fake heroines, villains, psychopaths, bitches, anyone who hurts his students, girls of pets, anyone who interrupts his quality time, terrible planning, seeing his student no giving it their all, seeing the girls cry, having memories of his mothers death and when the girls are annoying

1.Inhuman strength
2.Inhuman speed
3.Strong senses
4.healing factor
7.high stamina
8.mastery of stealth
9.mastery of interrogation
10.Hand to hand combat expert
11.Expert marksman
12.master of all melee weapons
13.Magic efficiency:He can creat force fields, teleport, create illusions, mind link with others, fire energy blast and levitate
14.Creative mind
15.Immunity to Fire
16.Skilled in many areas of healing, surgery and psychology


-This power allows the user to skips time for a tenth of a second, and in that limited time, they are able to move freely and do whatever they want (though if the user wants they could increase the time by getting stronger or through powering up)


-A dome that surrounds the user and anyone else around him but all those who are not the user will freeze entirely allowing the user, himself, to do whatever he wants with whoever is in the Room, he can teleport, manipulate, reshape, shock and even do surgery

Type of Magic:Gravity

-This type of magic allows user to move things with just a move from his hands or his mind, can control the gravity of himself and others, change the gravity of an area and can expand his force to catch multiple opponents at ones to either crush them or to immobilize them, plus as a last resort the user could potentially create a black hole

Other Magical abilities:
- Teleportation
- Force Field
- Mind reading
- Illusion
- Healing
- Shapeshifting
- Cloning
- Astral Projection
- Summoning

Chakra elements:Lightning and Fire with just a dash of wind, water and earth
1.Chidori/ lightning blade
2.Lightning clone
3.Chidori spear
4.Chidori stream
7.Great dragon fire
8.Ash pile
9.Majestic destroyer flames
10.Water dragon
11.Water bullet bomb
12.Vacuum blade
13.Vacuum great sphere Dragon bomb
15.Mud wall

I.S:Black Wing

-Black Wing:This I.S gives the wielder an added boost on speed and strength, gives a long katana named Masamune, can create force fields, conger up dark energy and once given enough time can preform a power slash attack that can take down opponents in one shot

Sacred gears:Boosted gear and Divine Dividing

-Boosted gear(Ddraig):This gear can "boost" its host physical and magical abilities while given the user the ability to summon the great flames of a dragon

-Divine Dividing(Albion):This gear can "divide" or absorb the energy and power of another person and give it to the host, though the host my first touch the opponent to receive the energy, but their are other non contact ways for the ability to work


-He is a biological Teigu or one biological organism that has the appearance of a small dog. He has the ability of growing in to a much larger size, increasing its resistance, and especially its durability, plus releasing an unimaginable amount of strength.

Hero suit


2.High Frequency Sword

3.Trident of Poseidon

4.Zeus lightning bolt

5.Claws of Hades


1.Balance Breaker (Ddraig)

2.Balance Breaker (Albion)

3.Juggernaut drive

Work place:Hakuoh girls United academy

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