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So I've finally gotten started on my Avatar: The Last Airbender genderswap AU. This is just a fun idea I thought to try. Not everyone will be genderbent, just maybe the main teenagers, not the adults except Katara and Sokka's parents. Mainly my idea for their appearances came from a few art pieces I've seen online from Pinterest, tumblr, and Deviantart. Anyway, here goes nothing.

None of the art here is mine, and most of the ideas I got for the names were on a blog I once read, although one or two of will stay the same because I think they'll sound alright, because some names I see in fanfics were amusing to see at first but now just sound lazy and unoriginal at this point. Seriously, Kataro? Zuka? There was one fanfic I read where the author made the genderbent Suki's name Suko. Now that last one is actually a name and is where the show writers of ATLA got the name "Zuko", but that's veering off the topic that most names literally are just where an A or an O is slapped on the end to make it sound more feminine or masculine. I understand it may not exactly be easy to find suitable replacement names, but it tends to get annoying.

So I hope you don't find these annoying.

First up are our favorite Water Tribe siblings!

Boy Katara

Katasi: Doesn't differ too much from Katara, and originates from the Inuit name Ka-Ha-Si, meaning "Lazy Boy" which Sokka sometimes calls him anyway. Though Sokka's baby brother, he is the foil to our favorite sarcastic female warrior, and is the most reliable out of the original season one trio since he happens to be the most serious.

Girl Sokka

Sokka: Sokka gets to keep his/her name. An alternative, however, would be Sukka, from the Inuit name Suka, meaning "Fast".

Girl Aang

Aang: Aang also keeps her/his name for nostalgia's sake. True, the name is a bit boyish, but I like the idea since her personality in a female character (one of my my favorite parts of this AU is that if she were written as a girl, there'd be very little change to her personality) would make her seem a little tomboyish.

Girl Zuko

Zuleika: A bit wiser than male Zuko, but no less impulsive and hotheaded. She's still two years older than her brother Azulon (Azula)

Boy Toph

Toph: One of few that keep their original name because I think Toph was already a bit of a boyish or gender-neutral name. Like with Aang, there honestly wouldn't be much of an impact on his personality or story if his character had been written as a boy. In fact, I think it was said his original design was male.

Man Yue (Wait for it, I swear there's a reason for that one change here with the introduction)

Manyue: All obvious jokes...*sideglares audience member*...and puns...aside, it also means "full moon," not to mention it also refers to a baby reaching their first month of life in Chinese, something no one expected him to do. His friends call him Yue for short. Something else moon-related would work but I don't want to stray too far from canon.

Boy Azula (Seriously, the person who made this gif on Deviantart is brilliant!)

Azulon II: Since Azula is close to Azulon, I assume Ozai named her after his father, so here her male counterpart actually shares her grandfather's name.

Boys Mai and Ty Lee

I haven't figured out their names just yet. Thankfully I don't have to worry about that for a while considering they don't show until Book 2: Earth. The most I've thought up is Ty Lee maybe being Ty Lo or something along those lines, although I'd love to hear suggestions on a name for Male! Mai.

Fair Warning for shippers: There will be eventual genderbent Taang (Toph x Aang) (inspired by Deviantart author Jinjinbun's TAU fanfic which is amazing and cute and sweet!). I mean, I'm alright with Kataang, but I just think these two suit each other better.

Eventual! Genderbent Zutara (Just a teeny weeny bit upset it never happened in canon)

A bit of Genderbent Maiko while Zuko's in the Fire Nation (Mai x Zuko)

I'm not sure whether to go for genderbent Sokka x Suki

Or genderbent Sokka and Yue...?

Ah, well, I'll figure it out along the way. 😅 So, any questions? *several hands raise* That aren't sarcastic? *a few hands go down* Or aren't a joke nor a pun? *rest of hands raised go down* Okay, then, let's get this show on the road!

Dedicated to Kodbro for giving me the support to make this idea! I hope you like this! 😊💙

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