chapter 16

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The two friends silently prayed that he gets her as they know that he will never be with anyone else. What they didn't know was that pitamah bheesma also heard about Ira and wondered why she had a deep impact on Karn.

The pandavas with Akshi and Kunti continued their journey through which they all became closer it was almost like she was never apart from them, she hadn't opened up completely about where she was from and they to didn't asked since they all saw her teary eyes when they tried asking. Mostly because even though she had an easy life , she had been emotionally drained and alone.

Through the days they notice her tattoo and daily prayer as dedication to the tridevs and tridevi's and also how she sent a silent prayer to surya dev as well remembering karn. Also her night routine to kiss the sun tattoo and pray for karn in her mind, they asked her the reason for that particular tattoos and she just said it was for someone special.

During their journey they had stoped by a temple and during the aarti suddenly there was fire surrounding in the priests hut and his child was inside, Adira had her eyes open and saw him in and rushed in to help him out, she was successful but had got kunti and all her pandava brothers worried, the priest then asked them all to take three rounds of the temple so that all dangers in their way are averted.

They all went while Akshi was behind them she spotted a old man in the corner weeping and in trouble so she left them mid way and went to help him out. When she asked him of his distress he said no one can help him as destiny is always predetermined. She smiled and said "if it was whats the need to do anything "and the man says I am forcefully putting my daughter in danger and a life full of humiliation.

Listening to this she realises that he is not ordinary,observing him she sees the sparks in his eyes (not sure its true) and feels that he is agnidev and is worried about draupadi. She smiles and say a person's body does not remain but the soul does and a boon is never a curse so you should split her soul and send it to the one who is rightfully the wife of each of the pandavas and let draupadi have the part that loves arjun since Draupad will only want arjun as his son-in-law.

Agnidev looks at her in shock and admiration cause her solution is really different and also how she recognised him , he asks her and she says it was a gut feeling that he is special and his spark in his eyes gave him away. She takes his blessing and leaves from there allowing agnidev to proceed and do what he suggest ofcourse after asking the tridev's and tridevi's who all agree that he can do that and save draupadi's respect.

so it was decided that the four part of draupadis' soul will enter the bodies of Devika, Vallandhara, karenumati and vijaya. he had doubts whether this will cause and problem but it will only make the love they will have for each other deeper and agnidev was happier that he will have five girls to call as daughters and also has considered madirakshi as his daughter whom he promises to always protect.

Agnidev is curious why they allowed this and asked them since if they told him to ask Madirakshi they will also know the solution, as nothing is hidden from them. So why didn't they tell it to him. Narayan then answers that the point is that draupadi's destiny was pre-written and they are bounded in the clutches of time . while madirakshi isn't she has the power of destiny itself since she has a boon to help my avatar in dharmastapana.

The other dev's were also present around so they ask the tridev what boon did she get that she is able to meddle with time and change the destiny, brahma dev say now is not the time for the revelation and that her presence has changed a lot of the storyline and will bring justice to many innocent souls.

On the other hand madirakshi had joined the pandavas andcompleted her rounds as well, and they emabarked on their journey finally reachingashwathama's kingdom that he was king to after the panchal war. They  took the route closest to an abandoned forest and reached kamakhaya forest that was illusionary due to rakshasa's. they hid in there for saving themselves from some soldiers that looked like those from Gandhar.


hey guys here is an update on the chapter.

i hope you enjoy it

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