chapter 19

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To this yudi agreed and said they should look for the rest and inform this and continued their search which ended at the kitchen. Kunti laughed at the scene she saw with nakul and sahadev on either side of Madi sleeping peacefully like they did with her and bheem and arjun on the opposite sleeping with eachothers suport. Yudi to was amused seeing the scene and figure all this happened after akshi helped him sleep.

They all woke everyone and madi was the last one who was whining and just rubing her eyes pouting at being woken up so early, in her sleepy trans she also mentions saanvima and complains that no one is letting her sleep. Hidimbi and Hirav are amused at the actions she make as they are really cute and also not acceptable or ladylike.

They ask kunti who saanvima is to which she replies she was Madi's mother and had passed away before they had met so doesn't know much about her. And they haven't asked much about her since she must have had a painful past considering how they had found her. She then tells them how she was injured and was so close to deathe when the found her.

Hidimbi was in tears hearing that the kind hearted person she met was in so much pain once, Madi who now had got wide awake hugged hidimbi and calmed her saying it was nothing she couldn't handle and said "strong people are the ones who got through the toughest choices so you should feel proud of me intead." Everyone laughed at that and kunti hugged and said "I am" and the rest all chorused in with a "we are also proud of you"

Once the heard the new of them staying a while they all were very excited, yudi helped with setting a court , bheem and arjun helped with training the clan and nakul and sahadev helped with medicine and setting up a hospital. The twins (nakul and sahadev) ocassionally helped with training as well.

Kunti, hidimbi and Madi helped with women and madi went ahead and brought in a womens council. She asked her latest brother hirav for permision to do so and as usual she was extra convincing so was able to do that. She also helped with basic medicine and that's how six months passed.

Hidimbis child, ghatotkacha (ghat) was born and due to the rakshas magic he was able to convert to a young teanager instantly. He learnt from all the pandavas. Ghat mostly stayed with Madi and he called her bua, they play a lot of pranks with nakuls help and together created chaos.

Akshi still prayed and continued her devotion to all the tridevs and hirav being her sweet brother created her a temple with all the tridev and tridevi Murtis. She was so overwhelmed and she sang heavenly during the inaugration and it was almost felt like they were in another world, with positivity all around.

During this time period even though duryodhan and karn tried to find the pandava's separate from gandhar raj they were unable to find them and continued with ruling the kingdoms, karn efficiently managed both his kingdoms with Visala flourishing better than ever, he had also had a tridev and tridevi murti built and organised monthly visits to allow other kingdoms to come visit the temple.

Mainly did it in search of Ira hoping her devotion brings her to him, and during this time he became even closer to the dwarka princes ( Balram and Krishna) they too knew about Ira that she didn't belong here but her presence has affected the timeline a lot.

They saw her devotion to the tridevs, tridevis and balram felt like it was the same as he had to lord vishnu while her's was also that deep and in equal amounts for all three couples. He felt like she was more than what everyone knew. she having the power to change the time line made her special but what was the boon that gave her this power, this kept bugging him which he passed on to krishna who always changed the topic.

Krishna on the other hand knew about the boon, and that it was her pure dedication that resulted in her getting the boon. He would always dwell on other things as he knew it wasn't the right time to reveal this as it would result to more questions and he had no answer to that.

Krishna felt he was missing something and found out it was not only him but all the tridevs and tridevis as they held the same love in their heart for madi, and it wasn't that between a devotee and her god but something different.

However balram's pestering did give him an answer that she will be their sister, krishna's soul his twin who will be draupadi's protector and karn's missing piece. Balram had more questions but knowing he wasn't going to get any answers he left it.

Karn on the other hand started feeling more connected to krishna and Balram's sister as each time he heard her name from the dwarka princes his heart skipped a beat. His efforts of finding Madi didn't help as he got disappointed, while duryodhan had married kallinga princess bhanumati.

Duryodhan had truly changed and also shared his descision of being only the temporary king with his wife who understood that he was doing what was right and so she supported him fully. She considered Karn as her brother and could see the longing and loneliness so tried to get him married but he always denied and she understood the love he had for his Ira.

Shakuni on the other side saw that duryodhan was drifting apart from his claws and he knew he can't control him anymore so he went to his next best pawn Duhassan. He had brain washed duhassan completely and made him slightly bitter towards duryodhan and with this he was sure that duhassan is 100% under his control.


hi guys!!!

how are you all doing, hope you are enjoying the story. looking forward to more comments and votes from your share your views and feel free to give ur opinions always open to positive criticism .

i shall take your leave now, take care and see u all in the next update.

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