chapter 21

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The pandavas thought how she made them understand and remove the remaining hate they had for duryodhan as they to were equally at fault to not mingle with the kauravas. And they had decided when they return the first thing the do will be try and bond with their cousins.

On the other side, the mischievous trio had grown in number with arjun adding to it and yet loved by all . ghat was a fussy teen who forced ira to come in court sessions. One such time she saw how the rule was unfair to lower cast and decided it was time she actually interfered and with this she aske all of them what was more important to follow dharma or karma .

Half of them replied karma while the rest dharma. And she asked why they chose that. Dharma side replied their ancestors chose that and it is their duty to follow that, while karma side said their good deed take them to heaven so should be followed.

She was shocked at the thinking so she asked what is the biggest dharma, and no one knew the answer, she then asked which is the greatest form of love, many replied ram- and sita, mother and son and many agreed to those.

Madi just smiles and said "aren't we all being selfish here" and all looked at her shocked some wondered what she was implying others why she was interrupting or disapproving them. She then said " what you all mentioned are all forms of love but the greatest is the love towards god which is in form of devotion."

" and the dharma that a god will follow is the greatest dharma." Now ghat asked what she means by that so she says "lets take an example of surya dev he won't give more light to you cause you are royal he will give the same amount to all, and the tridev and tridevis they won't differentiate between devotees, they won't demand chappan bhog a small simple meal made with love will be enough for them. "

she goes on and says "they follow the dharma of humanity where everyone is equal whether king or charioteer, they have the same red blood running in their veins, they need the same water to survive, the need the same love and protection so why do we humans complicate things? , why do we need people to follow a specific way of life? when if they do what they like they can make the place progress to higher levels why are we restricting them?" she was really aggressive.

she once again asks " can you all see how following ancestors is making do adharma little by little? restricting your praja ( subjects) from gaining education and knowledge your are not only restricting your country's progress but also disrespecting devi Saraswati who never said the lower caste don't have the right to learn"

Everyone is quite and thinking about what she said, all pandava's are immersed in their thoughts, they can see that Akshi is right and so can kunti and Hidimbi who had come hearing Madi had interrupted the court proceedings. Most elders there were surprised to see that level of intellect in a young person specifically a girl but they knew she was right.

She could see the changes through their eye they had a sense of realization and with this she ended her speech saying " I apologize if I was harsh or disrespectful but I couldn't let you hurt a person just cause he did something he wasn't supposed to according to your laws, since no one deserves to be stopped when they are doing what the want with love and compassion in their hearts"

"Also I want to ask you all for one promise if you feel that any thing I have said today has even 1 % of truth in your eyes and I hope you give it to me. I don't want any praises but you all promise to never discriminate on the basis of cast or superstitious, cause no one is born with hate it is the circumstances that change a person to either be with dharma or against it. "

With this she was leaving the court but yudi stopped her he says "dear anuja (little sis) I have always followed dharma then why is it that today I feel that I have not followed true dharma? i thought what our older have said is right then why does it feel so wrong now?"

They all come out of their thoughts to hear Madi, she smiles and moves to yudi placing her hand on his left chest the heart region saying what elders have said is not wrong it is right but needs to be modified, its just like how a change in the start feels like a sour fruit which ripens and becomes sweet once it is accepted. But a fruit to starts rotting if left for too long and the same way the rules that our ancestors have kept need to change with time and that's the reason they are feeling wrong since you have started realizing that the time has changed."

" and about following dharma what you do is forget the emotions attached with dharma, and you know why I am saying all this with my hand on your heart?" yudi shakes his head while akshi continues " it is because you should always follow your heart, your guru must have told you about your soul and body being separate right? So our heart connects the two and our soul always guides us in the path to liberation and so lets us follow both karma and dharma in real sense."

She move her hand away and lightens the mood saying " oh narayan, what situation u put this little girl in? I have spoken soo much now i'm soooo hungry XD" and pouts at that yudi then holds her hand saying " you really are a unique piece you have imparted us with so much knowledge and are now acting like a kid, no one can understand you just like krishna. " all others smile at this sentence while ira shakes her head saying she may talk in riddles or deeply about humanity but only cause of her experiences, she cannot be anywhere close to krishna cause her life is a blessing from him. They all are confused with her wording cause they are sure that she had never met krishna.

Yudi instead of dwelling on this says "But before you go I want to promise you that I shall always follow my heart and do my best to spread equality , and from this point onwards my dharma will be in the name of humanity" the other brother join their hands with Madi and yudi's and say "we also promise to follow the perspective we have learnt and gained today along with following our elder brothers footsteps."

She smiles and pulls them all in a hug. Hirav to come and says " akshi you really are special and I too promise that I will always follow my heart and be a just and fair king."

Hey here's a chapter,  hope you like it, do share your view on how it has come up, still visualising  Krishna - ira and karn - ira sequences , till the  I hope your enjoying these bonds. Do share your thoughts.
Thanks once again

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