chapter 31

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With this she headed to the karn's house trying to remember the short cut he had shown her when they were younger. Soon she managed to reach and saw the idols were well kept , she was immensely happy and started her prayers. Her sound had brought all the neighbours out once again reminding them of the older time, and if she was the same person.

Radhama and shon( who had returned from his studies by then) both recognised her as their Ira. Radhama sent shon to call adirath who had gone to his job as bhishma's charioteer. Shon loved ira as a sister and also knew how much karn liked her, he also remember how she had inspired him to study and what he has become also is because of her. Knowing his father loved her just like a daughter and missed her a lot he rushed to call him. Radha saw madi praying to suryadev this time and knew instantly it was because of karn.

Adirath who had brought bhishma to the riverside just like other times felt happier almost like he was going to get some good news, mostly thought it might be because karn was returning. Bhishma noticed the happiness and wanted to ask the reason out of curiosity, and just then shon arrived there he greeted the two and hugged adirath saying iradidi is back, ma and I saw her at the ganga ghat praying. Adirath was now in tears of happiness, and asked Bhishma if he could go meet his daughter.

Now this was shocking cause bhishma knew they didn't have a daughter and so ask who she was, adirath then said she was not his real daughter but considered them her parents when she stayed with them for a week. She had met us unexpectedly about fifteen years back , and this will be the next meeting they will have.

Even with just a week of staying with her she had managed a great impact in our lives and made her place in out hearts, which can never be forgotten. Hearing this bhishma allowed adirath to go and asked him to come after half a prahar. Giving permission bhishma left to meet his mother.

Adirath and shon rushed back home and that's when madi also finished her prayers, turning back she saw all three of them and crashed into radhama's embrace. After a long lasting hug she went to adirath and shom/som who to hugged her tearing up cause she was dearly missed. She consoled all of them and said that wasn't the time to meet and now is. Soon after radhama pulled her inside and fed her kheer that she had prepared for karn.

Adirath asked her, her wellbeing and soon said he has to leave for his work and take bhishma to the palace. Ira remembered she had to go to the palace soon or mata kunti will scold her she asked for their leave saying another family is waiting for her and would be worried, she promised to come soon and asked them to hide the meeting from karn as she wanted to surprise him. She said she was also going to the palace and adirath asked her to come with him.

On the way adirath told how bhishma was curious to know about his daughter. She chuckled and said he will be even shocked meeting her. Adirath didn't know why but her mischievious eyes told him there was more to the story. Soon the reached ganga ghat where bhisma was talking to his mother.

They had stopped far but seeing mata ganga, Ira saw a strange resemblance almost like she was meeting some one dear , unable to control her emotions, she ran towards them, on the other side ganga could see madirakshi, she was the one who brought her back in time this time round. She knew madi had a pure soul, and was a great devotee toward the tridev and tridevis and also all other gods and godesses including herself.

Seeing her conscious and staring directly into her eyes she felt a special kind of love more for a daughter than a devotee. And when madi ran and hugged her she to reciprocated. Bhishma saw madi and was about to shout for interrupting his talks, but stopped seeing the emotion the hugging pair felt. Soon they broke apart madi apologise and took ganga's blessing and bhishmas too. She didn't know how to explain but she said she felt like she had known mata ganga for a long time and seeing her once again she couldn't control.

Bhishma wanted to ask more but seeing adirath there also he knew it was time to head back. So they were going while adirath went to the two and told bhishma she was the one he was talking about. So they all headed back together, madi asked if she could ride the horse cause she wasn't comfortable in chariots, bhishma was again surprised at her actions while adirath shook his head at the request.

Bhishma allowed her but asked her to be careful. But madi ran and hugged one of the horses who to accepted her. Laughing at that adirath commented she hasn't yet changed.

Bhishma then asked adirath to tell more about how they met and so adirath told all about exploring the forest and meeting them to the tridev, tridevi prayers and also about her horse who had tagged along during that week. Listening to that bhishma decided he will ask his mother who madirakshi really is cause she definitely wasn't ordinary.

hey guys 

here another chapter do tell me how it is, the next chapter will definitely be karn and ira meeting and i shall upload it in a few hours till then hope you enjoy this chapter.

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