Chapter 37

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Guru drona thought about ira as well as karns' move, you wondered what the motive was behind him leaving the Kingdom before he could come to a conclusion ira and Karn had come and everyone got busy with the prayers. During the prayers, Mata kunti asked Ira to sing a melodious song for them.

Ira agree to the request, and sang her favorite, shiv sutra leaving everyone mesmerized with her voice. With the function over ira was called to greet guru drona who press your voice , she thanked him while Karn walked towards their side to talk to one of the courtiers. Guru drona seeing Karn taunted " some people think they can be king through charity, I am happy their misunderstanding is now clear that one should follow societal norms and not try break them." Everyone who heard the comment frowned upon it.

Ira knew the dislike but thought how can he disrespect his gurudev (bhagwan parshuram) teaching , so asked guru drona respectfuly , " guru drona I understand you had rejected radheya as your student and he left somewhere else for his studies and there a few kingdoms like magadh and now dwarka and Visala that allow all castes to learn so why are you disrespecting karn and indirectly his gurudev who accepted and thought him worthy of being taught? And do you know who his teacher is?"

Guru drona in his arrogance replied " who cares, the truth is he is a sut and getting knowledge he has done a crime and so has his guru who taught him." Madi chucks at that she then asks him ok so just like with education, you also believe a sut or lower caste should not enter a royal temple?" Guru drona replies " yes cause they are not supposed to cause they are impure with the work they do."

Madi looks around and sees, shakuni smirking at the word play thinking madi will be humiliated while most kauravas, some of the courtiers and the king nodding, duryodhan, Vikarn, Yuytsu seem to be wanting to retaliate, while pandavas are about to interrupt but madi silences them, karn to with one look into madi's eye knows he doesn't need to say anything so is just watching the word play. Bheesma and other courtiers are contemplating where the conversation is heading so watch quietly.

With one glance arround madi continues " then that means that all tridevs, tridevis are wrong all devtas are wrong and also your Guru bhagwan parshuram is wrong according to what your saying?" karn and the pandavas feel a dejavu and recognise wher the conversation was going and smile at that, bheesma seeing the change of emotions in the eyes of the pandavs see that they know what she will see and them not worried makes him relax.

Guru Drona take a moment to think and replies " I never said that and you can't put words in my mouth.", madi smils and says " oh respected gurudev you never spoke of this verbally but your actions say it loud and clear, you take pride in being a bhraman and so you rejected radheya. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to learn and saying he has done a sin is disrespecting all the gods up there."

With out giving drona further opportunity she continues, " mata saraswati never partial towards who should gain knowledge and nor is any devta, and a guru to never differentiated between students. Not only this but all the devtas are impartial with their devotees, cause a pure heart and love towards them is enough for their blessing while puja and yagnas for a 1000 years even may not be sufficient to please them when the intention or motives behind it is selfish and this is true, you can even ask gangaputra bhisma who would have seen this during his time with his teachers guru sukracharya and guru bhrihaspati."

All look toward Bhishma who slightly nods and Ira takes back the focus to her, " I am not trying to insult you guru dev, just making you see a different perspective, the one which the gods who are above both you and me use, the one where everyone is equal and their karma and dharma define them. Just how suryadev will give me and you the same sunlight, and warmth the same way we as humans should treat each other equally."

"even shastra say the caste system was based on the work people did and not the birth of a person, and the sooner we realise this the better since with changing times we to must change or else the time consumes us within. I know you wanted arjun as your best student seeing his interest in archery so he could defeat draupad and avenge your insult, and yes with that fulfilled and arjun being the one to capture draupad, he has proven he is your best student.

What i'm trying to say here is your promise is fulfilled and with more experience there is scope for improvement but that didn't stop other guru's from taking students and teaching them archery, and those may be as good as arjun but you can't announce any of them as the best cause only mahakal has that position and so far no human has gone against him.

you may not completely agree with what I said and I will respect your decision, I was only trying to show you the truth behind what your actions showcased, just like how parents show children the right path, sometime parents forget what they preached and the child remind the parents, I believe teachers are like our second parents and because you are the princes teacher, and they consider me as a sister I too consider you my father figure and hence fulfilling my duty as your daughter, please forgive me if you found any of my words disrespectful " All courtiers who were earlier agreeing to guru drona can see sense in what Madi was saying.


hey guys, here is another chapter. hope you all enjoy it :)

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