Chapter 40

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Next morning Ira was up earlier than usual, she felt a different kind of restlessness, like she will be away from those she loves and specially karn. She felt hurt thinking all this and controlled her emotion and went for her prayers at the royal temple this time. Her voice once again echo through walls of the palace and brought everyone closer and gave them peace.

On the other side karn to woke up early thinking madi will come but her not being there he rememer krishna was coming and thought she will be busy in the preparations. Radha and adirath on the other hand were waiting for her and karn telling she won't be coming today got even more worried. They had known what happened in the court and were worried for her so asked karn to bring her with him later.

Back to the palace, the pandava's and Kunti noticed that there was a difference and thought to ask about it. While shakuni hearing all praises about madi, and remembering how she failed his planning and took duryodhan completely away from him he knew he had to kill her and so contacted his aid mantra who suggest one asur – narkasura who is undefeated and will agree to kill Madi .

Shakuni with out any thought did that and soon they had a plan set up for killing her. Krishna on the other side was happy with meeting Ira again mostly cause he wanted to share why she was brought here but seeing shakuni's action he was also worried since narkasur had a boon due to which he cannot be killed by the tridev or tridevis or any of their ansh.

There was a second part to the boon that he will be killed by someone who is unknown and has no existence, most people only new of the first part, they never knew how he could be killed. With the boon narkasur was powerful enough that no human or dev could stand before him, and cause he will be killed by someone not in existence he thought he can't be killed and so continued increasing his misdeeds.

His boons were a result of extreme penance towards the tridev and they all had to give him a boon and he had used the first boon to make sure the tridevs , tridevi's or any of their incarnations cannot kill him, the next one was that he can be killed only by someone who is unknown. The third was that only one person can kill him and they should have some unique powers and he shouldn't be aware of the powers until I die.

Krishna knew it was time to warn madi and karn about the danger ahead as madi had an unwritten destiny and so he couldn't predict what will happen to her if narkasur attacked. While with shakuni's planning the asur was all ready to attack mostly because ever since he saw her portrait he had fallen for her beauty.

Once done with the puja, madi noticed everyone and saw that kunti was coming with a questioning face, as she was not wanting to answer she rushed and made them all get busy with krishna's welcome. The king who believed what Shakuni had said, scoffed and left not to bother with her as he to blamed her for disowning duryodhan.

Madi who saw the chariots coming in she rushed and ran to the entrance and took krishna in a tight hug. All her worries vanish just like that and she smiled with tears in his eyes. Krishna felt good seeing her trully happy and he mention that they will leave for dwarka as it is time for her to meet them. Most understood the who while bheesma who hadn't had the opportunity asked.

Krishna replied madi was his twin his soul aruna and she will now eturn to her home. And once the elder left madi who had not left krishna's side, made him sit and sat below him resting her head on his lap. The pandavas so the opportunity and asked what was bothering her cause she seems gloomy and scared.

She said she doesn't know but it's like a constant nagging feeling in her heart that is telling her she will go away from all her loved ones. Karn who arrived had heard all this and saw the fear in madi's eyes. He to went closer to krishna and put his hand on madis shoulder saying your are not alone and we all will make sure you stay with us.

Madi smiled hearing this, she looked once again at krishna who had a genuine smile and it was almost like his smile told her everything will be fine. Kunti then said so now that you are going to your house when shall we meet again. Madi smiles and says I am sure going from here but not far from any of you I will always remain in your hearts and we shall meet soon in my marriage with karn.

Looking towards krishna, she says " bhrata you will talk to mata and pitashree about it right? Making a puppy face that no one could deny. Krishna says yes and all of them are happy. Madi then tells karn she wants to meet radha ma and give her this good news and also tell about her family. He agrees and they both go to give the news to radha and adirath.


hey guys , hope you all are well and i know i am updating after a long time but have been very busy.

do share you views on the story will try update on wednesday when i have a gap between my midterms and till then hope you enjoy this chapter.

take care XDXD

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