Chapter 44

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They soon all got busy, karn too once in a while visited all of them and helped when they were confused, soon a few months had passed and they all decided to invite their families to show their kingdom, from hastinapur only kunti and vidur were coming, while all dwarka siblings, karn and his parents, bhanumaties family and panchal family were going to visit.

Getting this news karn, and ira both were super happy, and before they left Ira told her family all about her love for karn and asked if they will support her descision and even told all about his life what she knew and nothing was hidden, except the secret of his birth which wasn't hers to reveal.

The family had instantly agreed, her parents saw the passion she had while she spoke of him, separating the lover would be a sin they wouldn't dare to complete, hearing how he had sworn to marry only Ira made them believe how much he loved her and they decided to surprise madi with some decision.

When Ira went out with subadhra as they had to complete packing when leaving for indraspath, the parents told krishna and balram that they want to prepare for her marriage, krishna suggested that they can have it in indraspatha as the pandavas and duryodhan all are close to madi and they would love if the wedding took place there .

So they decided the parents will leave to hastinapur and get karns parents in agreement knowing that radha and adirath already love madi as their child they were super happy. And listening to the surprise plan karn's parent too were extra happy and joined the preparation with out letting karn or Ira know about this.

Soon they all had arrived at kandavaspath, Ira was dragged by Draupadi and Bhanumati who had made sure that Ira was always occupied while others prepared for the marriage. Even after this Ira made sure she had time to spend with karn who told her his day was also completely occupied by everyone. She laughed and said she feels like they are all planning something and said they should start spying to find out what.

But karn said they would not do anything mischievous and also it might be them feeling this and there would not be anything to this, plus yudhishter would not lie about anything and from his words all seems perfectly good. She smiles and says you my dear don't know my brothers well, plus I am not only talking about the elders but also our parent their eyes all have some mischievous looks. But since your saying I will leave spying we will eventually get to know.

Shakuni on the otherside saw this as a opportunity to destroy Madirakshi as she was still a thorn in his revenge path and informed Narkasur that she will be in a different kingdom from dwarka and he can now get her killed.

Mainly because even though Narkasur was powerful and cannot be killed by the tridev, tridevis or their incarnation he still could not place foot on dwarka which was a pure and righteous place. With this their planning had begun and Madi had felt even more restless than before. She felt the wind changing and wondered what storm was coming.

Narkasur on the other hand was planning and being well prepared not to kill her but take her for himself . He had seen her and fallen deeply in lust for her, he felt like she was someone he has faced before and felt even more angry as he heard her love for Karn. He decided he will kidnap her in a weeks time while what krishna had made sure was madi will be married within that time.

Soon the wedding preparation and rituals had began, giving random excuses they completed most of the ritual slyly. Soon the wedding day arrived and madi was super happy and surprised with this gesture, so was karn and they both did get married.

The marriage had presence of all tridev and tridevis in diguise afterall she madi was a special devotee of their not only that all devs and devtas from swarglok to watched from above they didn't know why but this union had felt as pure and blissful like that of krishna and rukmini and the other wives. Vedvyas became the one conducting the marriage and all royals were happy about that. Most wondered why but no one questioned it.

Madi as they went for taking blessings of all elders present at the end saw mahadev, and devi parvati and brahmadev

and devi saraswati in their disguise and felt like they needed to take blessings from them so she pulled karn along and took their blessings. And once done with that they were taken to the room specially decorated for their first night, she there told karn as soon as he came and sat on the bed beside her " I know we have taken blessings from everyone that is present here, but the two other important people from your life are remaining and I want to take their blessings as well before we take our relationship ahead." 

Karn who look confused wondered who was missing, as he thought that only his guru pita and gurumata were remaining but is it them she is talking about. Seeing his face madi knew exactly what he was thinking and said yes arya I am talking about them so can we please head to mahendigiri parvat and take their blessings. Karn was surprised that she read him so well and smiled knowing she definitely was his other part so she knew him so well.

They both decided they will go right away so they can reach there first thing before sunrise if they leave right now. Smiling he takes her hand and they both head out. There the met the brothers and all elders who wondered what was wrong, karn told that they both wanted to take blessing from his gurupita and gurumata so are heading to mahendigiri and will be back after two days.


hey guys here's an update, hope you all enjoy it.

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how is the story so far do you all think it needs changes or that i should focus on some other characters? do let me know.

thank you all for the continuous support and patience i shall try update soon. until then take care and lots of love.

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