chapter 46

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Madi felt very passionate, and shy for this was the first time she was in such a situation, and karn too so they rushed the fresshening up and while he sat down next to the fire he just created madi sat inbetween his legs her back to his chest and he wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer saying this is his best night as the bliss from being close to her is the best feeling ever she too agreed and they let sleep take over still being actively concentrating in the surroundings.

What they didn't know was narkasur was now informed of the wedding and in anger he without any plan went on to kill Ira since if not his she can't belong to anyone else. He was sneeking closer to the place they were sleeping at but madi felt the negative presence and woke up waking karn who saw her worried face and tried to assure her but she was reluctant and so they both remained awake.

He who thought the are sleeping atacked karn from the back so he can kill both of them as they both angered him, biut the armour karn had appeared and karn and Ira stood up taking a fighting stance and soon karn and narkasur got into a fight. Narkasur had the upper hand in a few moments, and he commented how he was the strongest that even tridev and tridevis couldn't fight him. Hearing this she felt overwhelmed with emotion like she was forgeting something and felt immense hate towards narkasur.

Ira was observing narkasur, she was afraid but had faith in her husband and friend but saw him losing and so with out any armour grabbed a sword nearby and went help him out. With all the knowledge she had she was fighting narkasur while he began commenting and talking terrible things and saying he would make her his and torture her until she became pregnant and give birth to his child and Karn who was recovering was super angry at him for thinking such about Ira while she too was boiling and the last point was when he said the reason for his obsession where it wasn't only lust but thirst for power and that she is a pure soul so their child will be most powerful and he will use his child to destroy the tridev and tridevis.

She was super angry and hearing that her tridev and tridevi will be killed she felt a blinding rage and build up of energy giving her enough power that she attacked directly at narkasur's heart. He recognised that his boon was taking effect and that he will die in a few minutes. Knowing this he looked at Ira and knew exactly who she was, the someone who is unknown and has no existence, and also that the power that emerged was unknown to her.

He recognised who she was, how they were related in the past, how his wifes one curse became the reason for his death, his plan had totally backfired in the past and all the sins he committed came right infront of him, he saw the raw power she held, and this time he admired it as he finally got his realisation and gave up strugggling to live. Krishna and all other gods were eagerly waiting for his death rejoiced while tridevs saw that he had attained some realisation and they could not figure that out but knew his soul was free and he had attained eternal peace

Karn who looked and a glowing white Ira wondered what was wrong since she was always calm and strong but this time she was fierce and the rage was powerful that it burnt her surroundings to a small extent. Within a few moments narkasur was dead krishna saw this from indraspath and knew that the danger was removed but was also worried about Ira. Back to where karn could see that the death of narkasur concluded the fight he tried to go to Ira who was getting weaker and paler within second, he hugged her tightly as she passed out and fell into his arms, he was once again surprised that her energy didn't affect him, while the surrounding was still affected.

Ira had fallen into karns arms tried embrace him but the weakness took over and she fell unconsious. Karn now lifted her and took her to his horse climbing up with her once he untied both horses, he handled both horses and rushed to the palace covering a 3 hour distance in one hour. While reaching the gate he immediately saw all family looking shocked cause he had a few wounds and madi was unconsious and was actually burning in fever now that no one could even touch her.

They rushed her to the nurshing room where the royal doctor tried but the heat stopped him from touching her. Kunti mention how when they met her she had the same kind of fever and it had susided in a few days maybe this to will. And after this she asked karn to freshen up all agreed and karn reluctantly left to freshen up. All others had a question each about why their condition was like this and all wondered what happened.

Karn who had freshened up and applied paste on his wound settled next to Ira holding her hand not feeling the heat burn him. The others who were surrounding the room asked him what happened and he narrated all that about narkasur and his death. They all once again admired madi while krishna said she was born for this and this was the reason she was away she had to be unknown and her power too needed to be unknown for her to kill narkasur and this were his death requirements, he then consoled everyone saying that the heat and unconciousness is due to the energy which she has no control over.

The rest agreed and left the couple to heal while outside they talked about all this, knowing the death news of Narkasur will be spread all over like fire and would be shocking to everyone. They all were sad and yudhishtar apologised to bhanumati as they all were to be happy as she has given them all a great news but the situation is not in favour of the same. Bhanumati said it was not needed but with all other elders agreeing to yudhishtar she said they can celebrate once madi is fine but for now they should take care of her and karn who is also worried sick about Ira.


what do you think about this chapter? who is ira in real, her unknown power makes her unique but why does she have it? what was the curse narkasurs' wife gave , how did it kill him?

please share your views in the comment, i would like to have a different perspective as well as see if what i am thinking matched with anyone

thank you for all the support and see you all soon with the next chapter.

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