chapter 5

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That day after getting ready she headed back to the cave to get her horse as Radha ma ( Karn's mum ) had asked her to stay with them for the week till she returns since its not safe alone. Another reason for her was the love given to her which was too tempting to refuse and she obliged to stay.

Once she returned with her horse she began tagging with Karn and saw his daily life the first day and had become quite close to him. They had built a connection and both knew it would be unbreakable😊 .

She heard about his rejection because of caste and she was angry she felt like she was missing some thing as she remembered that she has time travelled but could not remember what happens.

As she coundn't grasp what it was, but she had seen anger and resentment towards the royals in Karn and she knew anger will lead one no where, so instead she started channeling his thoughts to the traditions and the real sense of dharma according to her experiences ( humanity and liberation) .

In the next 2-3 days they would have long discussions on different aspects of dharma, taboo topics and Karn was more than amazed at her open mindedness.

In between she had also grown closer to Karn's parents and his brother as well, they started loving her like their own daughter. She also told them as much as she could about her family, like how her parents had died when she was three, and how her foster parents who took her in loved her just as much as her real parents did. And she too loved them dearly

Listening to her, they saw longing for her parents and love for her foster parents. They too decided to tell Karn that he was adopted and Ira helped them make Karn understand that this doesn't change any thing.

After the revelation and the support Ira gave Karn they became closer and had a deeper connection. Ira also understood that Karn was being limited by his family and so convinced Karn's parents who were reluctant to let him learn archery.

She enlightened them through her thoughts and gave examples of lord Surya who doesn't give sunlight to one specific person but all of them, the same as lord Shiva and lord Vishnu who belong to everyone and don't discriminate between devotees.

A week had passed and it was her time leave had come, by now Karn no longer had anger towards royals he only wanted to learn for his self not to put the teachers who rejected him to shame.

Karn's family by now knew she was special they had seen her thoughts through her actions and her devotion to trimurthy, the design on her forearm was shocking to them as they weren't familiar to the permanent skin designs, they never asked just assumed it to be a blessing from god. (go back to chapter one for tattoo picture)

Karn was sad with her leaving but he knew he can't stop her. She needed to go back to her family, and he let her go, promising her to always follow and carry the thoughts and new perspective he gained from her to gain his education. 

As a parting gift he has drawn a small sun on her wrist and said that he doesn't have anything else to give her, she didn't complain but gave him a bright smile and said his memories and their time together is enouch for her to remember him and for the sun she kissed it and promised to cherish it everyday.

She got shy after her act but quickly masked it and said its her turn to give him a gift and took out her Anklets that was a special memory from her dead parents and gave him one of it. they never made any sound and so she thought it was a special gift perfect for him.

He was confused and she made him wear that in his hand and said if my love and friendship is true this will protect you from all evil and remind you of your friend who will be your strength during weak times. with this she wore the other one on her hand.

Karn was now overwhelmed with emotions and saw how deeply their friendship was that Ira was willing to part with the only memory of her late parents. he without a thought promised her to always take care of it and asked her to return back to him soon.

With this she gave him a tight hug ,She was in tears, didn't know what to say, will she be able to come back? will she go back first of all? all this made her want to break down and cry but she couldn't fall weak.

she knew Karn and his family deeply cared for her were also in tears, and they would be sad if she too cried, so silently wiped her tears and gave a bright smile wishing them all a happy life and left without turning back.

He stared at the path until he could no longer see her , he then got back home and started planning his journey towards finding a guru who will teach him and making his parents proud of him.


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