chapter 53

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This was about the same time as when karn would return, just two days earlier according to what madi had in mind before karn's return and she hadn't mentioned this to anyone. They all had then reached hastinapur according to the invitation and all stayed for an entertainment session after which the game was to be held during the next day , a day to karns return.

What madi didn't know was her support and karn starting early had immensely pleased the dev and karn's meditation ended a day earlier, while this happened his body took a long nap as the powers were absorbed by his body and he finally got the tridev, tridevi darshan. They all told him that the coming time is going to be tough and he needs to be with ira as soon as he is free.

Karn had no idea why the tridev were so concerned with ira but his heart felt like something terrible was going to happen so he immediately rushed to his gurudev where he informed about the success of his guru dakshina and asked to leave for visala. As he left the dyut sabha had begun and bhisma and gurud drona were given vows to keep silent and not do any action during the proceeding and they too took the vow. Since it was told to them that this is between family and there is nothing wrong in a friendly game.

As the game began the queens all went to a different section where gandhari talked to both and shared how she was manipulated into hating madi and asked them to forgive her and also said it isn't safe as her brother is planning something. Madi knew it was truthful so forgave and asked her to stay strong for whatever comes.

Devika who heard this was panicking along With mata gandhari and so madi asked her and mata gandhari to take a sleeping concotion so they can rest for a couple of hours , in her mind she used this and made a plan and that way she could lock them in the inner most chanber where no one can find them. With that in place she left to know what was happening in the game.

The game had all rules in place and they all started it, yudi was playing on one side and shakuni on the other, and soon as the game proceeded yudhi who was initially made to win started loosing big time, and soon had all his monetory valubles lost.

And then came shakuni mama's stroke where he asked to gamble the kingdom, knowing that this was wrong since yudi now remembered all the things madi talked about and realised how her words have change his thinking where as before mamshree's this statement would have made him gamble this time he refused and decided to end the game, but mama shakuni asked bhishma if there was any problem in this as it is just a game and the wordings had been twisted such that bhishma agreed with shakuni and asked yudi to play on.

Yudhi understood the play and could tell all this was a way of revenge he could not do anything since bhishma was elder he decided to follow what was asked and also lost that, madi who saw this knew yudi followed the elders and it was not cause he thought it was right and she knew that he will never gamble his wife or brothers no matter what shakuni says or manipulates by shakuni.

what she didn't counter was the love between all brothers as shakuni was manipulating and insulting yudhishter who completely refused to gamble his brothers as madi expected, the brothers made him swear on them and forced him to bet the as his respect was at stake. Soon all of them including duryodhan, yuytsu and vikarn were lost and he bet on himself as well, and lost.

At this time madi grew extremely impatient and she knew what was coming next and as expected shakuni asked him to gamble devika which yudhi full on refused and the brothers to agreed with this and stood up to revolt. This was a mistake and duhassan got extra strong chains and tied them all up completely making sure it is impossible to get free. Then he asked once more whether yudhi will bet on devika to free them from all the things they lost or not, yudhi knew what was right refused and they also captured him.

And were ordering him to bet on both devika and madi this time round, and yudhi with fury in his eyes stated that he shall burn his hands before he does any of that. Duhassan with that was supper angry and shakuni knew he was difficult to control so said since they are slave their family is also our slave he doesn't even need to bet on them and asked one of the kauravas to go and get the two ladies.

And with this two kauravas went to get madi and devika but only finding madi who was ready to fight them they both together tackled her. With both against her madi was still overpowering them and that's when two more came in to see what was taking long, and they helped their brothers to drag her down. Madi had grown slightly weak and so the easily pushed her down and dragged her across the steps.

As soon as she stabilised her self they asked her where devika was and she proudly stated she was out of their reach. Duhassan mocked and told she was their slave and should behave as such, and she asked why to which they said she is a sister to these slave here and that makes her a slave to them. Madi laughs and that angers duhassan he moves closed to slap her only to be stopped by her.

She still stays strong saying he has no right on her whether slave or not he cannot force her and she will make sure that remains. While she looks at her brothers seeing them srtuggling and also looked around seeing most kauravas and the corrupt ministers laughing while the king too was somewhat happy and smirking. The only people who were sad were bhishma ,guru drona  who both were bound by their vow remained silent watching the crime and vidur who was all ready to fight but he to was bound in chains so was helpless.

They rest all watch which most elders look down and the brothers try free them selves. Gandhari and devika get up and are finding madi around and realise she locked them inside, they try to get free or see if a servant can open the door for them as they are both super stressed. Soon they are able to get free and when asking about ira the get to know how she was dragged to the sabha and how she made sure that no one could enter that room. listening to this they are overwhelmed to see someone protecting them without a thought of their own life.

Madi on the other hand begins fighting and attacking duhassan and the brothers who had joined her, with her against 5 of them. She then questions the sabha  why they all are silent? and that didn't she consider most elders as her parent figure? would they also silently watch their daughter like this ? those guilty bowed down while the evil laughed and said she was characterless and deserves no respect for she doesn't now how to behave in front of men. She doesn't behave like a lady and has no respect as she stayed with 5 unknown men when she was unmarried.

Here's an update and I hope you all like it.
I shall update one more as a Christmas bonus  so see you all soon.
Lots of love,

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