chapter 59

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With this the princes Karn and Ira headed to the empty space kurukshetra to begin the war the took a handful of trained soldier who would only guard at night and with this they expected the same from hastinapur. While all news had reach across aryavat, Ashwathama, Drishtyadumma and Shikhandi from panchal as well as Balram to joined them from Dwarka saying the fight is for end of the evil, end of injustice and to show everyone what true love and true dharma is so they shall fight in this as well.

Bheeshma who came from hastinapurs side for the rule formation mention they will fight with their whole army as that is what a real battle is one with soldier fighting and proving loyalty to the kingdom. All prince were protesting that this was a challeng to those present at the dyut and not soldier or the army. Ira who knew something ike this happened finally spoke up saying that they will be 15 of them fighting, 8 princes, karn, herself, ashwathama, shikhandi, drishtyadumma, balram and krishna.

Bhishma then said that was not fair since we all know krishna is said to be lord Vishnu's avatar and is unbeatable and you to have powers which make you unbeatable. Ira mock laughed and said okay then I shall ask krishna to pledge on me that he shall not lift a single weapon and just be present for moral support and be a charioteer to arjun while she too would be a charioteer to her husband and would only lift a weapon when her blood touches the ground.

Bhishma though this was fair as krishna would not be undeafeated and a charioteer is normally safe from any injury so he can easily capture all of them and secure hastinapur's position. This shall retain the glory. Little did he know that the glory he is defending was destroy the very day of the dyut when an innocent was hurt, when family turned against each other, when brothers were enslaved.

With the rules set all look at ira wondering why she agreed knowing they were already less and that they needed all the help to win this. She just smiled mysteriously and says the war tomorrow will show you all why I agreed. Trusting her they all retired for the night knowing the war will not let them ever have a peaceful sleep.

Ira was still up and looked at karn for a long time as that is what gave her peace, while karn was peacefull a sleep he felt her gaze close to midnight and got up to know why she has not slept, her reply as " looking at you is all the peace I ever need love and this time it is only so I can make sure when the war ends I come back to the same peaceful and loving face" this confused him for he knowing most of her unanswered questions still hadn't been able to understand her state of mind.

While her mind and heart were in sync with love for him. He had pulled her closer snuggling into her neck and kissed her sensually, distracting her from and war thoughts putting her to sleep for the few hour they have. With this the night ended and all prepared to fight at dawn.

With the war beginning bhishma expected to have the 15 opponents easily captured and according to his plan the war would not last a day, while for Ira she had planned in such a way that the other members who are good in archery would use their weapons and call for the the arrows that would multiply in to thousands of arrows and asked the twins who had pleased their fathers the ashwinekumars (gods of medicine and wisdom ) to summon them and get a strong dose for sleeping medicines with endless supply, with condition that the effect will only wear of when they are summoned again. with this she then taught them all a mantra she had learnt partially and invented partially when training with her gurupita parshurama when karn was away for tapasya. She passed on her knowledge and told them that the first part will cause the arrow to combine with the medicine and the second part will cause the arrows to release medicine at the target and disappear once done with releasing the medicine so no physical harm to any one.

They all were pleased with the thought for the strongest medicine will put all soldiers to sleep and hence give them an upper hand. Her thought processing made them all proud of her for the solution reduces all the blood shed.

This not being anticipated by bhishma cause the Kurus to be defeated during the first day with over half their soldiers sleeping and that to with no chances of waking up. Bhisma and guru drona now both having idea of what the opponents are doing chose to counter all the next day arrows with an even powerful weapon which shall definitely give them victory, gurudrona did not want to fight his son but believed that his oath to remain silent that day is what makes him have the need to fight with hastinapur for he to was part of the happenning and he also believed that it was all a chance to get punished for the dyut game, as he had always promised to never bow infront of any royal after being betrayed by panchal raj. What his misconception was is that all royals are betrayers and him bowing will shame his father's name, not knowing his silence vow is what had broken his father's and guru's teaching and he now needed to face his actions.


Here i am with an update,

hope you like it.

do let me know if it was up to the expectations

it is not proof read so  i might update it again if needed

promise not to make u all wait long for the next chapter

see you all soon

Lots of Love


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