Chapter 10

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The brothers and youngest sister were excited and felt like they could all stop the fake fights and peacefully leave with each other,while they waited for Shreesha to give her this news they were all wanting to know why the family doesn't care enough for the kauravas and always neglects them. While Shreesha got time to talk to them all she was happy with the news but also aware that dronacharya had revenge in mind when agreeing to teach the princes but also that it was not in her hand to change this. She doesn't fully answer their question on the elders' behaviour as no matter what she knows they all respect the elders too much to believe they all are doing adharma and as they are small they cannot also go against the elders.

So she just makes sure they all understand that the elders have their reasons and that should not affect them and they should be more free in their gurukul cause they will win if united and if they are opposite each other they will be hurting the mothers more than anyone else. So she also asked all of them to make sure they remember their mother anytime someone says something against the other set of cousins. She also told them their actions reflect the mothers upbringing according to society and they need to make sure they never make the mothers head bend.

All kauravas and pandavas look at shreesha in new light it's almost like she has take over the role of all the elders for them except their mothers, she gives the the vibes of their pithama's seriousness, Vidur Kakashree's knowledge, a fathers warmth an elder sisters warmth and firmness and also a mother love. They all promise her to always be together and she knows they will never break it. Happy with this she looks forward to the next day where the princes and princess will start preparing for their gurukul.

The royals all prepared to send of the children for their studies and shreesha was to leave in a day for gandhar as her gurukul had about 3 months left and Shakuni decided she will do it from the palace and after her studies she will be married within the same year.Shreesha although confused and not sure she wants to be married so early agreed as her main aim was to be a queen and be able to make strong decisions bringing social changes. She also knew her father would not like her opposing him and she too didn't want to disappoint him.

Before the children leave, they all attend the court session in Hastinapur, Shreesha and Dushala sitting with Mata Gandhari and Mata Kunti. This is her last court session in hastinapur during this visit she was hoping her cousins all will be able to attend her wedding when it takes place. She was zoned out for most of the proceedings and came into consciousness during the last case where they were to punish a young boy who looked younger than dushala for speaking vedas. She was shocked with the punishments of pouring molten metal in his mouth, and knew it was basically killing him.

She could here cries from the side and knew the sound was a mother and father's pain, she looked around her Bua and Kaki had tears but didn't stop the proceeding and no other courtier seemed affected, she was aghast, knowing she had to act quick she jumped off the balcony and landed on the ground few steps away from the boy and quickly pushed the soldiers who was bringing the molten metal away hugging the boy , hiding him from the world as if saying she will not let harm in his way. 

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