Chapter 8

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So the next few months till they meet shreesha they were to pretend that they didn't like each other and slowly the pandavas could see how elders all frowned upon what duryodhana and kauravas did even when it's was something small that even the pandavas did. They could see the partiality now and felt like Shreesha was right. They all were excited to meet her and ask her why they are like this.

The same time when she was heading back to Kanyakul for a year from Hastinapur after Shakuni asked her to, she had to pass the dark forest with a small group of soldiers so as to not draw much attention from the dacoits around. Her group of soldiers were the best in Gandhar and hence trusted to keep the princess safe. She had seen a snake approach a brahman and knew the snake's intention was not good. She knew it was a sin to harm anyone and that to an innocent and so she stepped in and tried to stop the snake, her soldiers were going to stop her but before they could do anything the snake had hypnotised them to sleep. Shreesha was the only one awake and to her surprise the snake was willing to talk to her and asked her to leave and not interrupt.

She stood strong and said she wouldn't leave and he needs to leave before he gets any sin of killing a brahmin,and the snake then said that if you substitute yourself with the brahman I will give up attacking him, and that's what she did, she held out her hand and the snake dug in. He put all his poison in her and with this she felt the pain of a thousand needles within her but took it with a smile , she knew her mother will be proud of her. All of a sudden before she lost consciousness the snake turned human. The snake turned human blessed Shreesha and helped her gain consciousness and said he was cursed to be a snake and kill anyone who he encounters until someone willingly lets him bite them. And now that he is human again the curse has been lifted off him.

the brahman who had been meditating witnessed the whole scene and was proud to see a young girl willing to sacrifice herself to protect an innocent. he wakes up and the snake Human bows and seeks forgiveness from the brahman, once forgiven he disappear while the brahman say's "i want to thank you for saving my life " to Shreesha and says ask for any boon that you want and i shall give it to you, she was not expecting that and so just said she wanted his blessings and that whatever she plans with dharma in her mind is successful, now curious with the type of boon asked and seeing no personal vices in it he grants it and asked her why she chose this boon.

She said she really didn't expect any boon but since he was willing to give it she agreed as refusing a boon is equal to disrespect to the giver, and her mum always says keep dharma in your mind anything else will follow. She also tells how the society doesn't consider women to have power or say and as a princess she sees lots of injustice starting with her family and she is trying to bring her cousins ( both sets) together and reduce their differences that she thinks the elders are causing and wants that to also be successful. Along with this she can see a lot of unfairness around, she wants to bring change for all the subjects of a kingdom who are treated unfairly and so she wants to be successful once she is married and a queen of some kingdom. She knows change always begins at home and thus what her family needs to improve before the rest of the kingdom.

The brahman praises her for her thought and asks her why not before marriage, Shreesha replies i have asked multiple time to learn warfare but i am always refused and even ordering to learn as a princess doesn't work as king and queen my parents are more powerful and they forbid the teachers, I also cannot rule a kingdom myself without the proper knowledge, but once queen i can make decisions and will order to be taught politics and warfare and help make decisions which will benefit my kingdom.

Heyyyyy all, 

hope you all are well and enjoying the festive season.

i am back with an update and aim to finish by the new year. 

hope you enjoy this chapter. do share your thoughts

Lots of Love <3

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