New Crew

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Leonard was in full blown labor when they got him back to the Enterprise. His leggings were soaked and the contractions had increased in intensity and frequency. Spock ran with him in his arms from the transporter pad to med bay with McCoy clearing the way and the rest of the crew hot on their heels as soon as they materialized. Leonard hollered about not being 'a damsel in distress for overprotective hobgoblins to be cartin' around like some princess' in between contractions and how McCoy was a doctor not a bullhorn.

They burst into medbay and all the doctors and nurses sprang into action. "Tev tor!" Leonard hissed as Spock set him down on the biobed. Christine handed them a gown then rushed off to disinfect her hands and don a gown. Jim arrived as Spock was trying to get Leonard undressed and jumped in to help.

"You do not mean that," Spock replied taking off his shoes.

"I can get dressed by myself! Owwww!" Leonard doubled over holding his stomach.

"Heard him shouting Tev tor all the way in the hall.  What does that mean?" Jim asked trying to get Leonard's shirt off. Leonard slapped his hands and tried to push him away.

"I-I c-can do th-this," Leonard panted.

Spock got Leonard's leggins down and pulled off his socks. Leonard kicked him for his efforts making him huff impatiently. "For me to die."

Jim froze with the gown in his hands and frowned.  "That's a little harsh, Bones."

Leonard clutched the sheet and threw his head back with his eyes screwed shut.  "Ponfo miran!"

Spock's eyes widened. "Leonard!"

"Glad he's not mad at me," Jim chuckled. Just as he did so, Leonard gripped the front of his shirt in his fist.

"Te odeo! Mori in igni!" he snarled shoving him back.

Jim had to admit, for a pregnant guy, Bones was hella strong. He turned to Spock. "Is that old Latin?"

Spock nodded. "It is."

He grabbed Leonard's arm and shoved it into the sleeve. "What did he say?"

Spock wrestled Leonard out of his underwear and lifted his legs on the bed. "He hates you and for you to die in a fire."


Leonard clutched his belly and threw his head back in pain. "Fuck! It hurts!"

"Just breathe, Bones."

"We are here. Stay calm."

Leonard was incensed.  "Fuck your calm! You shoot a vulcan baby the size of a watermelon out of your nether regions, do it a second time, then tell me all about calm!"

Spock brushed his damp hair off his forehead. "Breathe."

"Stupid green blooded, pointy eared computer and stupid golden sunshine man child!"

Jim dabbed his partner's headed flesh with a damp rag.  "If I didn't know better, I'd say we were being insulted."

"Affirmative." M'Benga and McCoy returned with Christine and they injected Leonard with the nerve blocker for pain.

Leonard broke down into tears as his pain ebbed away. "I'm so glad you're here! I was so scared!"

Jim kissed the top of his head and smoothed down his hair. "When you recover we're bonding and I'm never leaving you guys again."

"You promise?"

"I promise." Jim cupped Leonard's flushed cheeks in his hand and kissed him softly.


M'Benga clapped and rubbed his hands in excitement. "Okay. Let's get this show on the road."


Leonard sat up with his hands in his lap watching Spock and Jim with the children. Like the model predicted, both babies had black hair, pointed tips to their ears, and upswept brows typical of vulcans. They had soft skin with golden undertones.  Leonard had been brought to tears when he first stared down into thier little almond shaped blue eyes. But they weren't just blue. Bursts of hazel surrounded their pupils. A true combining of their dna.

He balled the sheet up in his hands and licked his lips. "Um...we didn't discuss names, but I wanted to name them Karil Solkar and Ikar Samuel."

Spock looked up in surprise. "They both mean winter in Vulcan."

Jim was looking at Leonard with such love. "You gave them middle names from our fore-fathers." He took Leonard's hand and kissed the back of it. "The first vulcan to meet a human and the first Kirk in space."

Spock took his other hand and squeezed. "You continue to honor us, ashayam."

Leonard leaned over and kissed both of them on the cheek as Christine came in.  She smiled looking at the little family.   

"Gentlemen, we have a sickbay full of people who want to meet the newest crewmembers."

"Make sure to disinfect every single last one of 'em. Won't be contaminatin' my babies with their space cooties," Leonard fussed.

Chapel huffed. "Of course. Who do you take me for? Have you met my boss?"

Leonard grinned toothily. "I might have once or twice."

Mindful of the sensitive hearing of vulcans, the crews came to visit in pairs. The Uhuras came first. They gave the children their first language lessons by welcoming them in ten different languages. The Chekhovs were next reciting a Russian blessing. The Sulus gave them (Spock and Jim) two small plants to grow with them. The Scottys presented them with a recording of Scottish lullabies. Kirk and younger Spock were absent, having been called to Starfleet to deal with the mysterious disappearance of the Enterprise for nearly two hours.

McCoy walked in and peered into the cribs. "Lookit those little pointy ears. Oh my 'lanta! Who would have thought they'd be so cute," he gushed.

Leonard smiled and gave him a tight hug. "What brings you here? Thought you'd be gettin' yer ass chewed with Jim."

"I wouldn't have missed this for all the Saurian brandy in the galaxy." He glanced over at Jim and Spock hovering in the corner then lowered his voice. "Besides, I had something to tell ya."

Leonard looked over at the two. "Can we get a few minutes?"

Spock gave his half nod and walked out. Jim kissed the top of his head and followed.

"Must be contagious," McCoy mused.

"What's that?"

"Oh, just Kirks pulling their head out of their asses at the last minute."

Leonard started laughing. "Tell me about it!"

"I just wanted to thank you. For what you've done. Your work has given a lot of people hope."

"Glad I could help."

"I also wanted to tell ya," McCoy leaned forward to whisper the last bit. "They asked me on a date."

Spock was returning back to Leonard's room after filing his report in triplicate for the Vulcan council.  He heard soft movement and paused in the doorway with a  raised eyebrow. Jim and Leonard were passed out in each other's arms on the biobed. But that wasn't what made him lean against the doorframe and smile.

Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan was leaning over the cribs and smiling at the children who were wide awake. It wasn't a full smile like a human's. Just the slightest crinkle in the corners of his eyes and lift of the corners of his mouth. He gave the twins the ta'al then whispered,

"Amestri tre."

Vulcan Terms and phrases

Ponfo mirann-go to hell

Amestri tre-your presence honours us

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