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Six weeks after Leonard left, the two bridge crews met up for lunch at Starbase Yorktown to touch base and socialize. Jim had recently finished several courses related to diplomacy, starship command, and starship mechanics to be up to par with this reality's requirements to retain his rank and starship command. Spock had been assisting on New Vulcan and taking courses online. While neither were completely finished training, but they had enough training under belt to return to their posts.

When in each other's company, they reverted back to their names or a nickname so as not to be confused. The crew from 2274 were Jim, Spock, Uhura, Scotty, Chekhov, Sulu, and Leonard. The technologically advanced crew from 2267 were Kirk, Younger Spock - a name he detested despite his protests vulcans didn't have emotions. Uhura's counterpart was known by her first name Nyota since that's what everyone called her. Pavel Chekhov and Hikaru Sulu were known by their first names in deference to their older counterparts. The two Scottys refused to give up their Scotty nickname so there was Scotty - older and Scotty Scot - younger.

In the short time they were seperated, Uhura managed to learn Romulan, Cardassian, Bajoran, and how to communicate with Keenser, a Roylan who was Scotty Scot's assistant in engineering. She was currently teaching a course at one of the academies near her hometown. Chekhov and Sulu didn't have much to learn other than new star charts and a few navigational panels. Scotty was so immersed in learning the new technology so he could use it when he got Enterprise back, that he sometimes neglected sleep. Scotty Scot and Keenser had taken the engineer into their fold and made sure he took proper care of himself

McCoy quietly watched them all socializing and having a good time. He couldn't help notice Leonard's absence and the lack of notice or concern on behalf of the other crew. He had hoped to hear some news about the pregnancy or what Leonard was doing on Earth. No one had mentioned Leonard's name, how he was doing, or where he was. It was like he'd been forgotten. McCoy couldn't understand how Jim and Spock could just sit there and act so carefree when their pregnant partner was missing out. Didn't they care?

"You're awfully quiet, McCoy," Nyota said elbowing his side.

He shrugged and picked at his salad. "My momma always said 'if you can't say nothin' nice, don't say nothin' at all.'"

Kirk smiled and looked around the table. "Bones, what is there to be upset about? We're here, alive, with new old friends -"

"Gee, thanks," Uhura huffed fluffing her hair.

"Old but beautiful," Kirk amended with a wink. That earned him a few chuckles. "Everyone is well and everything is going smoothly."

McCoy sat back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest as he rest his eyes on Jim and Spock. "You sure 'bout that?"

Young Spock turned to look at him. "You imply it is not, doctor. Care to elaborate?"

McCoy looked at the older crew instead of responding. "If ya'll can't see it, you're dumber than a brick."

"Doctor, you're out of line," Sulu protested.

"Am I?" McCoy quirked a brow and met Jim's hazels with his own. "Some captain."

Kirk gripped his fork in his hand and grit his teeth. "Knock it off, Bones. He's still a commanding officer."

McCoy kept Jim's gaze. "Not mine and I have no respect for people not loyal to their crew."

Pavel and Hikaru looked at each other then at Nyota who just shrugged her shoulders as she shook her head. Young Spock and Kirk frowned. Jim and Spock exchanged confused glances.

Spock turned back to McCoy with a look of confusion. "What are you referring to, Doctor McCoy?"

McCoy crossed his arm over his chest and looked around the room. "When was the last time any of you spoke to former Doctor Leonard McCoy?"

Spock's brows drew down in a not frown. "Leonard is training. It is normal not to have contact for some time."

"How long?" McCoy repeated.

Chekov rubbed his hands together. "I spoke to ze doctor two months ago. Iz not uncommon for a lapse in communication or delay in transmissions."

"Yet, not one of you mentioned him or asked about him." McCoy snickered and shook his head. "Boy, am I glad I'm not with you. Any of you.

Jim sat up straight and set his jaw as his eyes hardened. Friend and comrade were replaced with battle hardened captain not taking shit from anyone. "Okay, doctor. Seems you have something to get off your chest. Let's have at it."

McCoy sat up and squared his shoulders. "Permission to speak candidly."

Jim opened his hands wide with the palms up. "By all means."

"I think you all are the shittiest, most selfish, ignorant crew and boyfriends that ever existed."

There were gasps and looks of horror and shock from both crews. Both Spocks eyebrows disappeared under their bangs. Keenser kept eating his food. It was none of his business. Jim's eyes narrowed.

Young Kirk wasn't sure what to do. Chastise his subordinate or stay out of it since Jim gave him permission to speak his mind. Instead he went the friend route. "Bones!"

Jim held up his hand, the smirk on his lips was the same one he got when he was about to go in on someone but wanted them to get out whatever they had to say. "No, no. Let him speak. Explain yourself, lieutenant commander."

McCoy glared at him. "Well I'll be. Using my rank now. I'm a doctor ," he sneered. "First and foremost."

Jim narrowed his eyes, lips pressed into a thin line. "Make your point," he demanded.

"My point is this - you're his boyfriend yet you think two months of no contact is okay." McCoy leaned back in his chair and laughed ruefully. None of then understood how Leonard felt. That's why it was easy for them to go on the way they did. "But of course. Why wouldn't it be? You all came to this reality and transitioned seamlessly. You found jobs right in line with what you were doing no problemo."

He looked around the room, seeing them absorb his words but still looking confused. "But what about Leonard? He's a doctor that was thrown into a technologically advanced, alternate reality and found out his skills are obsolete. He is obsolete. It'll take him years to get the knowledge of today's medicine and technology to do what he was doing. Not only has he lost his daughter, but his profession - his identity as well."

Both Enterprise crews looked horrified. Doctoring was everything to Leonard. He ate, slept, and breathed it. To imagine it stripped from him was unfathomable. Spock looked distraught.

McCoy shook his head with a long sigh and looked up at the ceiling. "He truly only has his bones left."

The room was quiet. The Enterprise crew looked embarrassed, ashamed, and saddened all at once. Spock rose from his seat, said he needed to meditate, and left the room in a faster pace than was normal for him. Jim was looking down at the table.

Kirk and Young Spock looked at each other in silent communication. Then Kirk cleared his throat and addressed the room.

"I think we should call it a day." He looked at Jim, a look of pity on his face. "Perhaps, captain, you should take some time to ensure all of your crew is settled."

Jim gave him a half nod. The younger crew left, leaving them to their thoughts. Jim began to beat himself up. How could he have been so blind? Of course Bones would be having a hard time. Why hadn't he seen it? Why hadn't he thought to check in with Bones more often to be sure? He should have seen it. He took Bones' lack of communication for being busy or delays in communication. But it wasn't. Bones had left and not said anything.

"We've got a lot o' makin' up ta do," Scotty said after a while.

Chekhov nodded his head. "Da. We totally ignored ze doctor."

"He never mentioned anything. I assumed he was okay," Uhura said sadly. Sulu rubbed her back and sighed.

Jim twisted his hands together. "Bones would have never let any of us off that easily. He would have poked, prodded, and harassed us until he was certain we were alright."

"McCoy was right." Sulu looked around the table. "We truly are the worst."

Jim stood and yanked down the front of his shirt. "We can sit here beating ourselves up over it or do something about it." He strode purposefully towards the door.

"Where are you going, keptin?"

Jim turned and gave a small smile. "To try and locate our wayward doctor and be sure he's alright."

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