Ayaan and Mrinalini find love

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"WAIT!!!!" Bheem shouted at the top of his voice as they started walking towards the forest.

Everyone were startled. Duryodhan held Nayana closer in fear. Nakul climbed over Sahadev and Krishna was almost dropping Karn.

"Oh God! Bhrata Bheem!" Arjun cried waking up from his deep sleep. Bheem dropped Arjun from his back.

"Where will we go!? We cant go to Hastinapur. Dushashan and others feel we are dead. We cant return to Angadesh. Dwarka is an option" Bheem said finlly asking the important question. Exactly where were they supposed to go!?

"DWARKA!!! Bhrata Bheem Dwarka is not an option! Don't you know my dau Balaram!? He will kill me and return Karn back to Anga!" Krishna exclaimed with fear.

Bheem and Duryodhan nodded knowingly. They knew their gurudev!

"What about Panchal?" Arjun asked.

"Pitasree had insulted Karn a lot last time. He wont appreciate him." Panchali said sadly.

"Bua Kunti will return to Dwarka with Dao so she wont join us. We all need to stay incognito until Draupadi and Karn's wedding. Then we all can return to Hastinapur" Krishna said.

" But you only said that we should remain incognito for some time. " Arjun said.

"Things may change by then Parth" Krishna said knowingly.

"I know a place! I have an idea! We can stay with maata Amba for few days!" Draupadi said.

"Good idea" Nayana muttered in his sleep. Duryodhan was taken aback. She was awake? Why then did she not tell him?
"But I have to reach Panchal then. " Nayana said. She could not stay away from her baby for so long. Panchali nodded. Duryodhan was nodded. Why did Nayana want to return to Panchal? Nayana was definitely hiding something from the rest of them.

"Yes I too have not visited Amma since long. It will be a good idea" Krishna said.

So all of them started their journey towards Amba's hut.

"Where is Karn?" Radhama asked her husband. She was sure her husband was hiding something from her. 

'Arya...where is Radheye?? His wedding will soon begin and he is nowhere to be found" Radhama said.

"He eloped with his lover" Adhirath cried with a straight face.

Radama couldnt believe what she heard. But her son never disobeyed him. How was this possible?
"Listen to me Radha" Adhirath said and began narrating the entire story to Radhama. By th end of the story Radhama didnt know how to react. She would have never forced her son to get married if she knew he was already in love with someone else. But what to do now? She was happy for her son's happiness. But...

"But Mrinalini?" Radhama asked with despair. Adhirath had no answer to her question.

"Dont worry about me Radhama. Radheye saved me today from a life filled with miseries. I would never have stayed happy with a man who was already in love with someone else. " Mrinalini said stepping inside the chamber. She had heard the entire incident.

Mrinlini bravely announced in the sabha that the marriage was broke. Rumours started travelling really quick. Everyone started making up various stories about Mrinalini. People noted the absence of Karn.

"What are you saying Putri! Adhirath You know what happens when a girl's marriage is annulled! She remains unmariied throughout her life! Who will marry my daughter now?! " Mrinalini's father shouted. Adhirath knew what fate was awaiting Mrinalini. He felt guilty. They should not have fixed the marriage so soon.  Everyone in the sabha started badmouthing Mrinalini. She was the woman afterall.

"Enough! You all have no right to question a woman's character because of a man's fault! Enough is enough! Stop insulting Mrinalini! And sir I understand your concern. I will marry your daughter if she is willing to take me as her husband" Ayaan shouted before the entire court. There was painful silence in the court. Mrinalini looked at Ayaan with tears in her eyes. She had never expected anyone to stand up for her. She felt a deep sense of respect for Ayaan. She slowly nodded her head indicating she was ready to take Ayaan as her husband.

Everyone agreed. Mrinalini nticed how tender and sweet Ayaan was to her. Unlike Karn who was way formal with her. She thanked the gods for Ayaan's entry n=in her life. Ayaan felt his dream was coming true. He was getting married to the girl he liked. Krishna witnessing the scene with his divine third couldnt help but smile. 

"Your transformation has made you eligible for Mrinalini and Mrinalini You will find all your happiness with Ayaan" Krishna blessed the couple. Radha was happy. But also cross. 
"We need to find Radheye!" Radhama said looking at her husband dangerously who tried ti run away from his wife's temper. 

"Finally we have reached maata Amba's hut" Bheem said .

"Everyone is awake except bhrata Karn. My shoulders cant bear him any longer. Sakhi you wanna help?" Krishna asked smiling notoriously.

Draupadi was shocked . She blushed heavily. 

Nakul and Sahadev would not spare even Draupadi. They brutally teased her but they wouldve enjoyed more if Bhrata Karn was awake.

"Lets go inside" Krishna suggested and as they entered the hut they could feel their mouths hanging. The scene before them shocked the pandavas and Duryodhan.

"Pitamah!" Everyone gasped shockingly.

Bhisma too was shocked to see the pandavas alive. He was told that the pandavas were burnt alive in the Varnavrat. He felt the joy in his heart as he witnessed the pandavas.

"Bheem! Arjun! Nakul! Sahadev! You all are alive! Where is Yudhisthir?" Bhism asked. The pandavas were so glad to meet their pitamah after so long.

"Jyesth Bhrata Yudhisthir is in Dwarka with bua Kunti" Krishna said.

Pitamah was so happy to see his grandsons alive. They had a beautiful and happy reunion. Duryodhan too hugged his pitamah. Duryodhan loved his pitamah and Bhism loved Duryodhan. After assuming Yudhisthir to be dead he was still relieved that the throne would pass on to Duryodhan who was a capable ruler. Bhism noticed Nayana who seemed to hide her glances from Bhism but hardly did she know that Bhism was not angry with her. Bhism was the only person who knew about Nayana's baby apart from Karn. When Nayana ran way Karn  was extremely confused and worried. Bhism sensed something going wrong. He offered Karn some help like a grandfather. Recieving so much love Karn gave in and shared the entire incident with pitamah. Bhism was shocked to learn the true story He cursed himslef for blaming Nayana without knowing the truth. He assured Karn that he had taken the right decision. Meanwhile he swore to ultimate secrecy that he would never tell anyone that he was aware of the matter.

"Wait but Piatamah what are you doing here??!!" Bheem asked completely taken aback.

Duryodhan and the pandavas were confused too. Meanwhile Karn had woken up. He examined his surroundings and started panicking. He saw Draupadi looking at him starngely. Everything was a mess when Krishna interrupted.

"Bhrata Karn! Wait! First we want to know what is pitamah doing in Maata Amba's hut?" Krishna said smiling. He knew the entire story/ Karn was told who Amba was . He knew this house because of Yagyaseni. He didnt know the lady was the legendar princess Amba. He too leaving asied the other matters was a little curious to know what mahamahim Bheesm was doing there. About his marriage? Well he was anyway unhappy. He couldnt care less but he had to know what happened and how was he here but for now he too focused his attention on Bhism's tale.

Bhism was going to explain himself when a female voice echoed around the hut.

"Bhism I..." Before Amba could finish speaking she noticed the presence of numerous people.

What was going on? This question was revoving around everyone's head.

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