Draupadi finds the mystery man

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"He cant participate in this weaponry talent show. It's only for the royalty . For kshathriyas and brahmins!" Dronacharya said standing up from his position pointing towards Karn.
Karn knew it! He had tried to stop Duryodhan amd Arjun from even giving the proposal of him joining the talent hunt. It was for princes and brahmin guys. He was a sutaputra. Moreover he knew Dronacharya too well and open minded was something that Dronacharya was not. He had earlier refuse to train him and now he was stopping him from showcasing his talent. He knew the result. Though he really wanted to participate it was not in his power anymore. Without further pleadings Karn left the sabha. Bheesm tried to persuade Dronacharya one last time for he knew Karn's talent of archery. And he respected Karn's talent more than the fact that he was a sutaputra.

The princes signalled Karn to stand in the sabha while they would find a solution but Karn was already too humiliated. He rode on his horse and started travelling towards the woods tears swelling up his eyes. This was his fate. How come one judge a persons solely based on their birth and not their capability was still a mystery to Karn. Why could educated men act so dumbly and snatch away the opportunity from showcasing one's talent?! He rode faster and faster when he noticed a river bank. He was thirsty. When he descended the horse to drink water he realised that it was the same place where he had rescued Amba . The same place where he had witnessed the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The same woman who was the reason he had rejected all marriage proposals since that day. He couldn't confess that to anyone but she was a big reason behind him rejecting other women.
He looked towards the hut trying to catch one glimpse of the exquisite beauty dwelling inside when he heard footsteps . He quickly hid behind the tree. Some one came out of that hut. The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Karn took off his angavastra and covered his face and head with it . He was unrecognizable with his face completely hidden by the cloth. Only his eyes were visible.
He peeked from behind the tree and found Draupadi fetching water from the river. She was looking so beautiful and heavenly. Karn was feeling a little light after a hectic and horrible day. Her beautiful smile calmed him down. He looked at her as she immersed her hand in the water and played with it. She then suddenly got up all nervous and scared. Karn was a little taken aback as he felt that she had noticed her. She went closer go the river and observed the water carefully.
"Who are you?" Draupadi shouted pointing at her own reflection . Karn was amused. Who could be under water. He was sure she was talking go her own reflection.  Karn couldnt help but smile . She seemed so childish and innocent but he was a little surprised that she didnt know the concept of reflection. She was old enough to know that. Hardly had he known that she was born only a few days ago.
"'Tell me who you are before I chop you into pieces for following me without consent!" Draupadi shouted.

Karn was scared. He could fell her saying it to him. He had touched her without consent and was observing her quietly. She was fiesty though and Karn loved it about her. She seemed like fire and flames .
"I will really kill you. Who are you!" Draupadi interrogated her reflection moving closer to the water she suddenly her feet slipped in the slippery surface and she was going to fall when her hand was pulled by someone and she was pulled away from the river. Draupadi sighed relief. Had she fallen down the girl in the water would have killed her! As she recovered from the incident she could feel the hand that had pulled her. The touch! This touch seemed so familiar. She turned around immediately to see a man standing right in front of her eyes. His face and head was covered. He looked at her intriguingly.  His eyes! There was something about his eyes. They were beautiful but there was something special about his eyes. Some thing charming. His large brown eyes were fixed on her raven like eyes as he pulled her closer. She was too weak to withstand his pull and leaned forward immediately by the force. Karn amd Draupadi were lost in each other. Draupadi couldnt move away her glance from his beautiful and magical brown eyes . Karn's eyes too were fixed on Draupadi. The entire surrounding seemed non existent to them.
Draupadi could feel him breathe heavily while her own  breaths were not under her control. They were gazing at each other when suddenly a bird's chirping broke their trance.
Karn looked away immediately and Drauapdi looked downwards not able to face him. Karn turned around to leave when he felt someone clasping his hand from behind. He turned around. Draupadi looked at him confidently holding his hand in a firm grip. Her hand was so small compared to his and Karn couldnt help but find it adorably cute.
"Who are you?" Drauapdi asked trying her best to act strict and firm.
Karn didnt reply . He kept looking at her. She confided him. For one moment she seemed like the most innocent girl ever and just the next moment she acted like a fiesty girl. Who was she?
"I am Radheye. Now my turn who are you?" Karn asked .
His voice was so sexy and deep. Draupadi felt intoxicated by his deep husky voice.
She tried her best to be  in her character.
"I am not compelled to answer you. Who is Radheye?" Draupadi asked.
"Actually neither am I compelled go answer you. But the more important question at this moment is who is the girl under water?" Karn said tried his best to suppress smiling.
"You were listening to my talk!!! How dare you?! And I know who she is! She is here to kill me but I will kill her before that! Ohhh now I realise!!!! You are involved with her in this plan! Tell me truthfully! Who are you?!!! " Draupadi asked fiercely.
Karn couldn't control his laughter anymore. Though she looked fierce he found it exceedingly cute.  Moreover she was suspecting him to be involved in a plan with her own reflection. That just cracked him up.

Draupadi looked shockingly at the stranger laughing at her furiousness. Wasnt he afraid? The next moment she picked up the branch lying beside her and attacked Karn with it. Karn held her arm stopping her from attacking. The grip send shivers down Draupadi's arms. That's when she realised why this touch seemed so familiar.
"You have touched me earlier...When I was praying..." Drauapdi muttered her eyes expanding with shock as she wished to see the man's face covered by the scarf. Karn withdrew his hand and looked at her strangely.
She knew! Had she seen him?
Karn didn't speak much but looked at her with an expressionless eyes.
Draupadi then flung open the scarf amd looked at his ridiculously handsome face. Draupadi was lost in his face for a moment. His face had a radiating glow like the sun as of sun Ray's were oozing out his perfectly god like face. His eyes had a piercing look amd his nose was sharp. His lips were perfect. He was the sexiest man Draupadi had ever seen. She kept gaping at her with large brown eyes. Karn too was lost in her beauty for a second when Draupadi suddenly regained consciousness and hit him with the stick on his head. Karn blacked out.

"This is an amazing idea!" Duryodhan said .
"Bhrata Duryodhan how can you do that?!!!" Dushashan asked furious at the plan.
"First of all no one has called you here. Secondly Dont you dare oppose your bhrata's plan! " Duryodhan said coldly.
In the past years he had drifted away from Dushashan because of mamaji's influence in his brother. When he had tried to harm Arjun with his sword without any reason Duryodhan had had enough. Blood is thicker than water but love is deeper than blood. He had a loving relationship with the pandavas and loved them more than the kauravas and the only reason was the Kauravas immoral activities. Nayana had been in his life amd he knew what dharma was and how important it was and when he saw his brother performing all adhafmas he had tried to stop them but they had insulted him and ignored him. So he had with time drifted away from his brothers.
"Pitasree would never allow this" Dushashan said with a smirk and left the chamber.
Duryodhan glared as he left the chamber.
"Good for nothing! This Dushashan will never change. He along with that jealous ashwathama are always committing sins. " Duryodhan said.
"But he is right. Tatshree wont allow this Bhrata Duryodhan" arjun said sadly.
"Well he will if pitamah say so . He never refuse him anything." Vikarna gave them the idea and left the chamber.
"I love this boy! Only if he realizes that dharma is bigger than anything...even family!" Duryodhan muttered.
So how they had to convince Potamah Bheesm into doing something he would not like doing. Hey Narayan save the!
"All the best for your mission." Krishna and Radha blessed together on their way to Dwarka. They were finally married and tears of joy rolled down their eyes as they looked at each other's eyes with love.

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