Draupadi, princess of Panchal

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"Why cant we kill that bloody Shakuni! He is the reason my brother's lives were in danger!" Duryodhan growled angrily.
"We have told you the secret does not mean you can exploit it! Bhrata Duryodhan we first need to have proofs against Gandharraj! Moreover the Pandavas are destined to gone on this exile. They will reach new heights. They will achieve new goals. We need to calm down" Krishna explained.
Duryodhan reluctantly nodded.
"Moreover we can meet the pandavas whenever we want. They send me letters in Anga palace informing me about their whereabouts" Karn said.
Duryodhan calmed down.
"I want to meet them. I beg" Duryodhan pleaded.
Krishna and Karn looked at each other helplessly.
This Duryodhan wont listen. They need to fulfill his demands.
"Fine" Krishna and Karn muttered at the same time.
Duryodhan smiled uncontrollably.
"Things are so different this time Mahadev. Duryodhan loves the Pandavas. The pandavas love Karn. Everything seems to be in place. Except Nayana's sudden disappearance." Parvati said .
"Nayana's disappearance is just a beginning of their suffering. Human life is filled with grief and not even the gods can escape the circle of life without experiencing grief." Majadev explained indicating a new problem.

Nayana suddenly heard a voice. Humans! In this part of the forest? What is happening? She sneaked out of her hut. She caught a glimpse of six figures approaching her hut. As they reached closer did she finally recognized them. The pandavas? In these attires? They had not noticed her yet.
If the pandavas were here then surely Duryodhan too must be here. She had to hide somewhere. Or disguise! She can disguise herself . She quickly gathered the accessories she had. She can do this!
The pandavas noticed a hut. There stood a mid aged woman in the entrance. She was pregnant. Her face was hidden behind her veil.
"Pranipaat maata" the pandavas greeted together.
"Kalyan ho" Nayana said transforming her voice. She was good with these stuff. She was the sister of the biggest prankster Krishna afterall.
"Devi we want shelter for a few days. Can you help us?" Kunti asked politely.
Nayana was so confused. What were the pandavas doing here?! That too in these attires. They looked like brahmins. She wanted to decline but that would stir suspicion in their minds. She could let them stay in her hut. She can visit her brother for some days then. Krishna was the only one apart from Karn who knew her truth. She could visit her brother Krishna for some days. She slowly nodded.
A smile flashed in the faces of the pandavas.

"Where are we going?" Duryodhan asked Karn amd Krishna.
We will take you to your brothers. First I have some work in Kampiliya."Karn said.
Krishna smiled knowingly.
"Kampiliya? What work? The princess of Kampiliya is Draupadi. Arjun likes her." Duryodhan said recalling their meet in Amba's house.
"Exactly what I told Vrushali! She thinks the girl I love is the princess of Panchal!" Karn said.
"Hmm...the princess of Panchal is a very close friend of mine!" Krishna said.
"Wait...that's awesome! Then you go and talk to her. I will see her from the distance. I just want to make sure Vrushali is wrong and my love is not the one she was referring." Karn said.
"Wait!!!!! What???? Karnbis in love!" Duryodhan exclaimed with excitement.
Krishna too acted surprised.
Karn just smiled helplessly. They had to know someday.
"Tell us everything!" Duryodhan shouted.
"First I need to prove Vrushali wrong!" Karn said.
Krishna looked a little skeptic.

Karn and Duryodhan were hiding when Krishna entered Draupadi's chamber.
"Sakha???!!!" Draupadi was completely taken aback. She had come to know of the pandavas death news from the dasis. She was deeply saddened. The pandavas were good people.
"Panchali" Krishna smiled .
"I heard about the varnavrat incident." Draupadi said sadly.
"Well some good news for you. The pandavas are alive! But you will have to keep this confidential sakhi!" Krishna said.
"That's amazing news Govind!" Draupadi said happily.
"Arjun is alive! How do you feel?" Krishna asked a trick question.
"What are you talking about sakha? I am very happy that all the pandavas are alive." Draupadi replied.
"So you are telling me that you have no feelings for Arjun " Krishna asked already knowing the answer.
"How can I have feelings for Arjun when I am already in love with someone else?" Draupadi said thinking about her Radheye.
"Who is that person Sakhi?" Krishna asked.
"I want you to meet him. But I myself don't know where he is. I was thinking of visiting the forest. "Draupadi said.
Saying so she came out.
Karn could catch a glimpse of the princess. As she moved closer his heart stopped beating. Her face was clear and visible. She is...she is the princess of Panchal! But she is his Yagyaseni! Vrushali was right? Wait what?! She is the princess of Panchal. Arjun likes her. She had insulted him. What on earth!
"She is the princess of Panchal." Duryodhan said.
Karn couldnt reply. He simply nodded.
"She is not my love" Karn found himself speaking.
"Mitr the guards are approaching us. I will ho and distract them" Duryodhan said.
Karn was left alone. He was listening to Draupadi and Krishna speak.
"Do you know what happened recently? The king of Anga sent me a marriage proposal!" Draupadi said disgusted by the mere thought of marrying an old king of Anga. If she only knew!
"Did you say no sakhi?" Krishna asked .
"Ofcourse! He is a suta!" Draupadi said.
Karn was blown off his feet.
Krishna too was shocked.
"What did you just say Panchali?" Krishna asked horrified.
"Vasudev!" Drupad entered the scenario. Krishna could not say anything before Drupad.
Karn who had been witnessing the scene escaped.
He couldnt bear to hear this. He was heartbroken. The woman he loved considered him a mere suta. He was so sad. But he wouldn't reveal this to Arjun. He deserved happiness. And his happiness was with Draupadi.
He tried his best bit eventually bitterness occupied his heart. How could she play with his emotions in this manner! How could she toy with his feelings and break his heart in this manner! She should have told him she was in love with Arjun! He would've stepped back! What was the need of this humiliation?!
Krishna could not speak to Draupadi privately. Drupad wouldn't leave their side. Krishna smiled as he knew what the destiny was holding. He couldnt change destiny. This misunderstanding is bound to occur.
"Vrushali was wrong Krishna" Duryodhan said amd smiled. He didnt notice his friend's painful expression. Karn hid it very well though.
"She is a very innocent girl" krishna said hinting Karn who miserably failed to understand his hint.

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