Draupadi's honour attacked

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"So Rukmini amd Krishna got married and you are completely okay with it? Infact you seem happy Radhika!" Draupadi said confused as hell.
How can someone be that damn happy about her husband's second marriage!
"Because he loves Rukmini and he will stay happy with him and my happiness lies in his happiness. Love should always be selfless, right Panchali?" Radha said.
"You are such a saint! I don't know if I will be able to handle so much pain in life! I mean I cant see my husband with anyone else!" Draupadi said.
Radha looked at Draupadi and smiled her melancholic smile.
"You may have to accept what's there in your fate. And be prepared Panchali!" It was Rukmini.
She looked at Radha with similar expressions.
Draupadi was confused . As soon as she left Radha and Rukmini looked at each other.
"Jiji...Draupadi's future is troubling me!" Rukmini said.
"Me too Ruki! I dont know why fate has been so harsh to this poor girl!" Radha said.
"Pain makes one stronger my love and Draupadi is destined to be the strongest woman of this entire Aryavrat! She is afterall the reincarnation of my Shakti." Krishna said while his wives looked at him with love and affection.

Somlata and Yudhisthir tied their knot and were spending a very happy life while the pandavas were leading the happiest life ever with Duryodhan amd Karn. The kauravas were not so hostile as of now but their mamashree was still cold towards them. He was definitely plotting something. Arjun and Subhadra were too engrossed in each other while Somlata complained how Yudhisthir was too much into work and stuff. Nayana and Duryodhan were finally leading a peaceful life along with their darling daughter Sitara .  Draupadi and Karn were never tired of each other's presence. They always stayed together and couldnt stay a second away from one another. But fate is never so kind to anyone.
One night while Panchali was sleeping she heard a sudden noise. She was alone in Anga as Karn was visiting Hastinapur. She hot up to inspect what the matter was. As soon as she came out of her chamber she felt a sharp pain in her head. Someone had hit her in the head portion. She immediately fainted.
As she.opened her eyes she found herself surrounded by a court of men looking at her with lust and hunger. She was shocked to see herself alone in the centre with men behaving like wild animals ready to pounce upon her.
As she got up she slowly realised where she was. She was in the royal court of Hastinapur and there in the throne was seated the king himself! Maharaj Dhristarashtra!
The court was filled with familiar face starting from Dushashan and the other Kaurava brothers, Gandharraj Shakuni and Dronacharya.
"What on earth is happening over here!" Why am I brought over  her without any permission!? Does my husband know about this!" Draupadi shouted angrily.
The blind king seemed a little affected and was regretting his decision. Dronacharya had hung down his head in shame but the kauravas were laughing loudly.
"Your husband is a servant! He is a sutaputra! He was gifted the kingdom by my father and today he takes it back and that makes you a daasi!" Dushashan shouted.
"My husband won Anga against you! You coward! Dont even dare to insult me!" Draupadi shouted.
"How do you know if you are not yet molested! You were very much.asleep at that time! Who knows what had happened! Draupadi!" Dushashan said while the entire court filled with men started hurling abuses at her calling her characterless .
"Stop it! How can you stay quiet Maharaj! This is unjust! " Draupadi shouted tears flowing down her eyes. Dhritarashtra was repentant but preferred to stay quiet.
"Where is my husband?!" Draupadi shouted.

Then realization dawned upon her.
Ofcourse the Pandavas were out of the state for some important works and the women had no idea of this inauspicious event taking place in the court. They were in their respective chambers. Karn was still in Mahismati . The kauravas had very smartly used the right opportinity amd attached her alone.
"Dont you dare !" Draupadi shouted trying to keep her calm.
"Shhh! Draupadi font test mu patience now! Accept me as your lover and spend the night with me and I will release you! I may even keep it a secret!" Dushashan said approaching closer.
Draupadi looked at him in horror.
"Dont you have any shame!? I am your sister in law! I am Karn's wife who you all consider as your eldest brother! How can you even think of such vile thoughts!" Panchali excalimed with horror.
"That sutaputra was never our brother! He was always our servant and so are you!" Dushashan shouted.
"Now Panchal princess let's not beat around the Bush any longer!  Either grant Dushashan what he wants or ne prepared for the alternative! You will he given a choice and you will choose which activity you will perform as our slave" Shakuni said giving Draupadi an evil smile.
"Maharaj! What's going on in this royal court! This is your kingdom Maharaj! Stop this before things go out of control!" Draupadi said her voice breaking.
"A servant...a servant needs to...obey her masterr" the king stammered.
"Servant!? I am not a daasi! I am the Angrani! Today king Dhritarashtra you lost your vision completely. God had not gifted with your eye sight but today ymis when you genuinely became blind! Today!" Draupadi shouted angrily.
"Draupadi! Behave yourself! He is my father! And Your first option is to agree to my proposal and spend a beautiful night with me OR you can always accept your failure and I will punish you accordingly!" Dushashan said.
"You Coward! You disgraceful man! May you never find peace in your life! I don't find this court worthy of my presence this I refuse to stay here!" Draupadi deckaredand turn around to leave.
"Stop her Pitasree!" Dushashan shouted.
"Wait Drupad Kanya! You cant leave without either performing this task or by suffering the co sequences of your refusal! You are the wife if a servant and you have dared to insult me! Th king of Hastinapur! " Dhritarashtra shouted angrily.
Draupadi stopped.
"Maharaj please dont commit this sin! Please dont do this!" Dronacharya begged but the king couldnt let ho of his ego or his son's command and thus Panchali had to return to the court.
"Since all these days I have seen that Katn helping the pandavas to achieve what they  want! He is my true enemy! And those pandavas! They are not powerful without that Katn and today I am going to erase that Karn from their lives! I will crush him in the worst manner possible! Let's see how he handles his wife's humiliation!" Dushashan said.
"What's your decision Draupadi?" Shakuni asked.
"I would rather die than spend a bare second with you! You bastard!" Draupadi shouted angrily.
"Then her prepared for the consequences of your refusal!" Dushashan shouted.
"You will punish me! You coward! Have you even seen yourself in the mirror! You are a child Dushashan! A disgraceful boy!" Draupadi cried her eyes burning with fire.
"Since you don't want to spend an entire night with me let's get it simple. Since I alone am not allowed to have you let the whole world have you! Show yourself to the world! I will strip you today before this entire sabha! I will finish this respect you so proudly carry with yourself! The entire sabha enjoy today and view you beautiful feature!" Dushashan declared laughing loudly.
Draupadi couldnt speak a word more. She felt her entire world was crashing down before her.

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