The four musketeers

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"I only share my education with kshatriya and brahmins. You are a sutaputra and for you learning archery is a sin!" Dronacharya declared.
Karn tried to stop his tears but they wouldn't stop. He had come here with so much hope and here the best guru of the Aryavrat was rejecting him and the sole reason was his caste!
Karn didnt speak a word. He took a glance at Dronacharya and his students.

"I promise you acharya! I will be the best archer in the entire Aryavrat! No one will stop me from being that!" Karn challenged and left.
"Guru Dron has again repeated his mistake Kanha! He has again limited his education based on caste!" Radha said as she witnessed the sad scene.
Tears rolled down Krishna's face.
"Why are you crying Kanha?!" Radha asked worriedly.
"These are not my tears Radhe. They are Karn's! He has been insulted and been left out from every happiness. His capability is not enough to make him a warrior! How can people be so blind Radhe! Guru Dron has committed a huge sin by refusing to teach someone based on their caste!" Krishna said.
"But things  are supposed to change Kanha! You have promised Karn a fair life!" Radha said.
"But that is only possible when his soulmate will take her first step on earth. His destiny will change forever with the birth of his soulmate. And some time is still left for the birth of Yagyaseni. Yagyaseni! The soulmate of Suryaputra Karn!" Krishna explained.

"Duryo!" Nayana hushed.
"Give us your hand bhabhisree!" Arjun shouted.
"Wait what did you call me ? Bhabhisree?" Nayana asked giving him a scary look.
Arjun instantly regretted his word. He looked at his elder brother Duryodhan who was giving him an even scarier look.
This was the fifth time they were sneaking in Nayana. It's been six months and Duryodhan has found his happiness with the pandavas. It seems the pandavas are more similar to him than the kauravas. He finally considered the pandavas as his own brother.  Yudhisthir was his strict but sweet eldest brother. Bheem was still not very happy with his joining their group but with time both of them acted politely with each other. Duryodhan found a blessing of goodness and happiness in his three younger brothers: Arjun,Nakul and Sahadev!
They were his life and they loved him with all his heart.
"Leave the word Nayana jiji! First you come up!" Arjun tried to distract them.
He was somewhat successful as Nayana grabbed on to Arjun's hand and tried to get up the wall. But suddenly her hand slipped and Arjun left her hand. She was going to fall down the wall when she found herself hanging on the air. Duryodhan who was too scared of her security couldn't understand what had happened. She then realised her reason for hanging. An arrow had attached her clothing with the wall and she was left hanging. Within a second another arrow was shot and it released flowers below her making a bed for her to land carefully and safely. She jumped and landed safely on the flower bed.
"Bhabhisree! Are you okay?" Arjun asked extremely scared. He had mistakenly left her hand and was going  to fall. Arjun and Duryodhan too jumped across the wall. They landed safely before hurting themselves.
That was when they noticed the archer who had saved Nayana's life. It was the same archer whom Guru Dron had ousted from his ashram and who had challenged Guru Dron.
"Wait...aren't you the sutaputra?" Arjun asked.
Karn looked at him sadly. It was disappointing that even after showing his talent before them they only recognized him as a sutaputra.
"Dont insult his dear brother. He is an extraordinary warrior. Dont you remember his skill and talent?" Duryodhan supported Karn. Ever since his childhood he had loathed the caste system. He felt it was unfair to judge someone and ignore their capabilities solely based on their birth. This was a big reason Nayantara respected Duryodhan.  He was very progressive in this matter.
"But Bhrata he is a sutaputra. He is born to be a charioteer. Then why should he be skilled in weaponry?" Arjun asked innocently.
Karn could understand from his tone of speaking that Arjun was not a bad person. He was saying whatever was taught to him. He was still very young to understand everything.
"No  Arjun! A person should never be insulted based on his caste. Moreover his caste cant determine his profession. Of he is good at weaponry then no one in the entire universe...not even god can stop him from being a warrior! He is a talented archer!" Furyodhan defended Karn.
Nayana nodded amd supported Duryodhan trying to explain Arjun kindly.
Karn was taken aback. No one had ever spoken to him in this manner. He was always mistreated and here a prince was treating him with so much respect. He found a massive level of respect for Duryodhan.
"Pranipaat! Karn,Right?" Duryodhan asked smiling.
Karn nodded with a friendly smile.
Very soon Karn and Duryodhan began chatting with each other. Karn seemed like a funny guy. Nayana was so happy seeing Duryodhan find another good friend. The pandavas were more of a brother than friends.  And Nayana was his only friend.  Now with Karn he hasd two great friends. Arjun too soon realised his mistake and apologised to Karn with folded hands. Karn stopped him from doing so and hugged the little boy.
"Dont be sad dear Arjun! I know you had no intention of hurting me. I was never angry with you." Karn embraced Arjun. 
Days passed. The four bonded immensely. Nayana was staying in Hastinapur for sometime close to Guru Dron's asharam as her brother had gone to Dwarka for some important business. Karn was trying to learn archery by himself. He was progressing really well but he still needed some guidance. Arjun had found a brother as well as friend in Karn. He was like his elder brother at the time of giving him advice and was more of a friend when they were practicing archery.
One day they were conversing with each other.
"Today my brother is coming back! I am extremely happy!" Nayan chirped laughing. Duryodhan smiled at his cheerfulness. Arjun too seemed excited to meet Nayana's brother about whom she had chatted since so long.
"You seem lost mitra Karn! What's the matter?" Nayan asked as she noted the blank expression in Karn's face.
Karn shrugged it off convincing her that he was fine . But the four were too close to see through him.
"You are really worried mitra. Tell us your problem.  Share it with us!" Duryodhan demanded a little offended by his friend hiding something from him.
"Bhrata we will support you. Tell us. You are like my eldest Bhrata! And since these past days we have become so close yet you are hiding something from us. We never hide anything from you! " arjun said.
Arjuns speech melted Karn's heart. He opened up.
"Actually you three know how much I love archery. I have the skill amd the will power but I need some guidance. It is important but there is no one who wants to teach archery to a sutaputra. " karn expressed his grief.
"There is someone Radheye!" An unknown voice was heard. Nayana and Furyodhan recognized the voice but Karn amd Arjun had heard the voice for the first time. Yet the voice had a strange familiarity in it.
A very handsome man stood there with peacock feather on his head and a flute on his hand.

"Krishna!" Duryodhan exclaimed.
Nayana had already embraced her brother in a tight and lovely hug.
Karn and Afjun seemed extremely glad to finally meet the magical boy Krishna. Nayan had recited so many of Krishna's lela in his childhood that it seemed that they knew Krishna since his childhood.
They introduced themselves and greeted one another with smiles.
All five of them sat down for some talking.
"There is someone Radheye who can provide you proper guidance and help you with your archery! He is even better than Guru Dronacharya!" Krishna said with a smile.
"But Krishna I am a sutaputra. Will he teach me archery? Moreover who is better than the great guru Dronacharya?" Karn asked a little confused.
Krishna was happy with Karn. Karn didnt hate Dronacharya or disrespected him for rejecting Karn. He still felt Dronacharya was the best guru. He still respected the old man.
"The man doesnt care about your birth Radheye! All he cares about is your willingness! Your attitude! And your capability! He is indeed a better guru as he is the guru of your best guru Dronacharya." krishna said.
Everyone were taken aback.
"Lord Parshuram!" The four best friends uttered at the same time.
"Very close friendship huh? Even your words are interconnected " krishna said with a wide grin.
"But he only teaches the brahmins" nayana said. The others nodded.
"He will surely train you Karn. Just be honest to yourself. I will give you his location. You can track ho easily. I think he will be the best guidance for you Karn" Krishna said.
Karn thanked him gratefully. The others were extremely happy for Karn when they recieved another good news.
"What do you mean I am the princess of Dwarka?" Nayantara asked as her brother finished his story of Kansa's death.
The three guys were lost in the story of the great fight between Krishna and Karn.
"It means we are actually the heirs of Dwarka. Our birth parents Vasudev pita and Devaki mata are waiting for us." Krishna said.
"But what about maya Yashoda?" Nayana asked fearing the dreadful future.
"We will have to leave Gokul anuja. We will have to stay in Dwarka with dao and Subhadra our sister." Krishna said looking sad as he had go leave his life In  gokul.
Everyone were taken aback.
"So you are the prince of Dwarka?" Karn asked .
"Yes we are from Dwarka's royal family." Krishna said.
All five of them talked for some more time discussing about this new revelation.
Duryodhan and Arjun were already planning to spend their holidays in Dwarka.
"So it seems everyone is a prince here except me" karn said jokingly.
The others seemed a little offended as they felt Karm was degrading himself. They were so angry that Duryodhan made him promise to never speak like tha again. Nayana was going to hit him with his bow and Arjun was almost going to cry and that was anyhow more dangerous than the previous two attacks. Arjun was a cry baby. And only Karn could stop him from crying and that too after numerous efforts. Karn anyhow controlled Arjun  from crying and promised to never speak like that again. They were the four musketeers(Karn, arjun, duryodhan, nayantara) and nothing could change their friendship ever. He felt blessed to have such friends amd now it was time to leave for his training under lord Parshuram.

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