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Amba opened her eyes and felt unbearable pain in her feet. She found herself lying on her bed. She tried to get up but the pain prevented her. She could hear soft voices of people speaking.
"I beg please let me take her to a physician. I know many palace physicians . They will cure her very quickly." She heard a man's voice. She was sure she had heard this voice before. She tried to recall the accident. She couldnt! Her head was whining.
Yagyaseni nodded helplessly. The man standing in front of her was old but his physique suggested he was  a warrior.
"I am no one to stop you. If your physician can cure maata Amba then so be it" Draupadi said.
Bheesm flinched at the word maata. So Amba had a daughter now. It means she is married...probably widowed since she loves alone with her daughter.
Bheesm and Draupadi reached Amba's room.
"You!?" Amba said gasping. She struggled for breath as she witnessed her past standing right in front of her eyes.
"Amba...please let me help you! I beg" Bheesm requested.
"There is no need Mahamahim" Amba said calmly. She was back to being poised again.
"Amba please dont let the past affect your decision in this manner" Bheesm requested.
Draupadi was confused . What past? Who was this man?
"I have liberated myself Bheesm. I am no longer the same girl you had abducted years ago. I am not that headstrong foolish girl. Trust me. I have no offense towards you. But I cannot go out of this forest. This is my life. This is where I left my previous self and liberated myself for good...this where Amba transformed from the princess of kashi to a hermitess...this is where she found God and this is where she is destined to die" Amba said softly smiling to herself.
Bheesm was flabbergasted. This is not the Amba he knew. She is a calm amd  mature woman. This evolution of Amba seemed intriguing. Bheesm wanted to know how she went through such transformation cause the woman he used to know was a childish headstrong princess .
"It is not time for you to die yet. If you act come out of this forest then the physician will come to the forest. I will bring him as soon as possible. Till then Yagyaseni please take care of her wound and dont let it be infected. Clean the wound regularly. I will bring the physician as soon as possible." Bheesm said and looked at Amba for few moments with a strange look. Then he rode on his horse and left .
"Maat is this...your Bheesm?" Draupadi asked suddenly remembering Amba's story.
Amba simply nodded as she recalled her past. Her Bheesm? She smiled at the painful fate.

"I have an amazing news!!!! For Bhrata Arjun actually. And also Bhrata Duryodhan. It seems Bhabhisree Nayana couldn't stay away from Bhrata  Duryodhan and bhabhisree Subhadra took the advantage of that situation!" Nakul said blasting inside Arjun's chamber.
Arjun and Karn were busy with their game of chess and Duryodhan was predicting the winner. The three of  them looked at Nakul confused.
"As usual Nakul is peaking utter nonsense. If he continues to behave in this manner I will abandon him from being my brother!" Arjun said.
Karn laughed.
"Arre Bhrata Karn it's time for us to laugh! And Bhrata Arjun to blush! bhabhisree Nayana and Bhabhisree Subhadra have reached Hastinapur! " Nakul cried excitedly.
Duryodhan looked up , processed the news and left the chamber tower Nayana.
"Bhrata is pretty fast unlike Bhrata Arjun who is still sitting here with this boring game of chess!" Nakul explained.
Arjun and Karn shrugged and left to meet Subhadra and Nayana.
Subhadra and Nayana was accompanied by their childhood friend Jaydev. Jaydev was the same age as Arjun . Subhadra and Jaydev seemed to be pretty close. Their closeness disturbed Arjun a little. He wanted Subhadra to only spend time with him but she was busy talking to Jaydev. Arjun was jealous. Subhadra had noticed Arjun's jealousy. Her plan was working. The sole reason she had brought Jaydev along with her was to make Arjun jealous and to understand his true feeling for Subhadra. Her plan worked brilliantly as Arjun looked at them with a morose face.

Nayana and Duryodhan were lost in each other as usual. Nayan was Duryodhan's soulmate and there was no question to that.
"So Jaydev is your friend?" Arjun asked trying to best to smile.
Subhadra nodded and held Jaydev's arm willingly.
Nakul and Sahadev looked sympathetically at Arjun.
"That's good! I too have made a very amazing friend in the past few days. She is so beautiful and smart. Her name is Draupadi!" Arjun said complelty turning the tables. It was Subhadra's turn to act shocked. She thought Arjun was joking but Nakul amd Sahadev started teasing Arjun about Draupadi.  So there was a Draupadi! Subhadra was extremely jealous and Arjun taking the advantage of the situation went on bragging about his unconditional love for the panchal princess. Karn had heard about Arjun's crush on the Panchal princess bit he didnt know Arjun was in love with her. Karn was so happy for Arjun. However he was not aware of the fact that Arjun's Draupadi was none other than his Yagyaseni.
"There is a very good news for Hastinapur! My Bhrata Vasudev has sent his daughter Nayana's marriage proposal for one of my dear sons! And it has to be my dear Suyodhan! " kunti said and smiled hysterically.

Duryodhan couldnt believe his ears. He looked at Nayana who nodded knowingly. Nakul and Sahadev got a new topic to tease their brother. Arjun was too happy and Karn was finally relieved.  His friend will finally get married and he wouldn't have to listen to his long boring tales of bravery. He cam now tell them to his wife.
The city was extremely thrilled as their oldest Kaurav prince was soon getting hitched. The people loved Duryodhan. He was a kind and generous prince . The pandavas were beyond thrilled. Karn was too busy with all the preparations . Dhritarashtra and Gandhari were super excited for their eldest son's wedding.
The kauravas however were not so excited. They didnt like Duryodhan and considered him as a pandava since childhood. Dushadhan was extremely displeased with this news.
"If Duryodhan gets married before you then he will have an upper hand in the throne." Shakuni explained
"But the one to inherit the throne is Yudhisthir. " Dushashan said.
"Dont worry about those pandavas. I have a special plan for them. You concentrate on breaking your brother's wedding." Shakuni said with a smirk appearing on his face.

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