11 - Climax.

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Stunned silence spread throughout the room.

The Pandavas were tensed at being so thoroughly questioned, their actions paraded in front of all and a mockery made of them by two females. None of them were happy. All were frustrated and immensely angered. Yet Yuddhisthira's steady gaze on his younger brothers, made them not say a word in response.

Bhishma, Vidura and Drona had become speechless at the questions asked. An uncomfortable feeling griped them as words after words left the lips of the two females. 

"Perhaps we should ask Yuvraja Duryodhana his conditions in stopping the war."

Krishna's voice bought everyone from their blank thoughts, while his own whirled. He was reluctantly impressed at the way the VasusenaJāyā easily turned the tables. He could understand that from another perspective, the exile had never been a punishment. 

Emotions are subjective to a human being. Guilt is an emotion. It depends on a person, what emotions he feel and how intensely he feel them. It cannot be considered as punishment by an objective perspective. The Maharani of Anga had presented her words in an objective manner. After all, he knew that Vasusena was also guilty of his conduct in Dyut. He had admitted as such to him.

If guilt can be considered punishment, for Pandavas, why not for him too?

Duryodhana gave a wry smile as the question was finally asked, for which his Bhabhishri and Priyā (wife) had teared the exile of his cousins apart one by one.

"I will not answer now," said he, wanting to speak with his best friend before anything else, "The war can stay suspended until Vasusena returns. I will inform my conditions after consulting with him."

Bhishma looked startled and desperate too. He wanted to pay off the debt as soon as possible. He was very uncomfortable in the presence of the Queen of Anga and even more frustrated at owning her a life debt. He hadn't even asked to  be healed. He had long since realized that she had manipulated him. How could he say no to healing, when his great grandson was captured and his wife pregnant? An heir of Hastinapura would have lost his father even before being born. That had no doubt struck a cord. 

He said, "Do you know where he is? Perhaps, we could search for him?"

Duryodhana looked indecisive, wanting yet not wanting their help. Their help could speed up the process yet he did not want help from whom he had gained nothing.

"That will not be possible," Ira replied, glancing at Duryodhana, "Suyo, Vrisha had journeyed towards Mahendragiri. He will not arrive until he had met his Gurudeva."

"Oh," Duryodhana replied, while despair griped the Grandsire, "Then I would like to speak with Mata. Can you wait till then, Mahamahim?"

Bhishma nodded relieved. At least Gandhari would sow some seeds of compliance inside this obstinate Duryodhana. He can speak to her about it. The eldest Kuruvadhu of the previous generation would not deny him.

"As this had been settled," said Ira, getting up from her seat, "I need to leave for I wasted enough of my day in this pointless meeting."

Bhanumati and Duryodhana got up along with her, as Ira left the tent. 

As the Pandavas and their sympathizers came out of the tent, noticing that Duryodhana, Ira and Bhanumati were speaking amongst themselves, standing in front of an opposite tent. They watched as the Queen of Anga nodded towards them before going off towards another direction.

"Bhabhishri!!" "Jiji!!"

The sudden yells of Duryodhana and Bhanumati shocked even the onlookers. They all watched with widen eyes as a missile approached from the sky heading towards the standing Ira, whose eyes were calm and posture relaxed. 

"Bhabhishri, move!" said Duryodhana, as he quickly ran towards her, "That's the Brahmāstra." 

What happened next shocked everyone. Out of nowhere the divine energy of the revered Brahmadanda Astra swallowed the Brahmāstra. 

A roaring voice, a ferocious as the lion, yelled, "Who dares to use Brahmāstra against my daughter!?"

Ira turned around quickly with slight wide eyes before a brilliant smile played on her lips. Standing dressed in white warrior clothes befitting a Brahman-Kshatriya with rudraksh ornaments and the famed Vidyudabhi parashu (axe) in his hands, Bhagwan Parshurama looked furious.

"Pitashri!!" She squealed as the regal queen became a little girl in her father's arms for a few seconds. 

Parshurama gave a gentle smile as he hugged his daughter close, before the anger returned with a vengeance, "Tell me, putri. Who dared?"

"I don't know," Ira shrugged, looking around to find a dumbfounded audience. She gave a fierce glare, resembling her father for a few seconds at Duryodhana and Bhanumati. Thankfully her glare worked for they came hurriedly. 

Bowing before the revered sage, Duryodhana and Bhanumati intoned with a nervous glance at Ira, "Pranam Bhagwan."

"Kalyan ho!" said Parshurama, before his eyes went towards the entire camp. He noticed both his students yet did not acknowledged them. His glanced over the current avatar of Narayana as well, for his daughter's safety was far more important to him. 

He closed his eyes, as his mind eye shinned. Having found out what he wanted to know, he turned towards Ira, "Putri?"

"Yes Pitashri?"

"I wish to ask your Guru Dakshina."

Ira's eyes widened as she glanced up at her father, while Duryodhana and Bhanumati glanced at each other nervously. Bhishma and the co. came over just then.

"Pranam Gurudev," said Bhishma, glancing at Ira who did not glance at them. He was surprised and even shocked at finding the identity of the Queen who had spoken with them just moments back. Drona, who had spoken snidely with her before looked pale. He as well joined his hands in greeting to the Sage.

Parshurama nodded his head at them,  listing his hand in a blessing before glancing at his daughter who gave a small smile, "Order me, Pitashri."

"Use the Brahmāstra on the one who used this weapon," said Parshurama, a hard glint in his eyes, "It should be a message to the world so that none dares to ever use these weapons so carelessly. Remind this world that such weapons should only be used when the world's balance is at an eminent danger from a threat."

Ira tilted her head curiously as she asked calmly, "Who had used this weapon, Pitashri and why?"

Everyone watched with bated breathes as she questioned the angry Sage.

Krishna watched them with cautious eyes, having been shocked at the revelation of Ira's parentage. Parshurama was the sixth avatar of Narayana. No wonder he had felt she was very familiar. The powers of Parshurama had successfully kept her hidden in a manner that it won't catch his eye unless she came in front of him.  

"Yuvraja Dhristadyumna," replied Parshurama, turning his eyes towards Samragyi Draupadi who had muttered a muffled 'no!'. He turned back to his daughter, who looked curious, "He had fired the astra in a fit of rage due to his sister and her husbands absence from their camp. Apparently rumour has it that they have been held hostage in the Kaurava camp."

"I see," said Ira glancing at Draupadi and the Pandavas' pale faces, "Shall you dictate the punishment or may I?"

"You are well aware of what to do," said Parshurama, making Ira blink before she sighed, "As you wish."

She picked up a single blade of grass from the base of a nearby tree and chanted the mantras within her mind. Blowing it off  in the air, she waited for a few moments. A loud scream was heard after a few moments. 

Parshurama nodded decisively, "Well done, putri." He turned towards a crying Draupadi, "Your brother is alive."

Draupadi looked at him surprised at being addressed, "Alive?"

"Yes, punishment can be given without death. Perhaps you and your husbands should leave now. You may need to tend to your brother and inform him why he had been inflicted with the very same weapon he had used."

The Pandavas glanced at each other, before they bowed their heads. Yuddhisthira addressed Bhishma, "Pitamaha, we would be reassured if Gurudeva and you could come with us."

Bhishma looked at Parshurama who gave a sharp nod, " I do not need either of you to be present here. My daughter shall do the needful."

"Ji Gurudeva," responded Bhishma while Krishna asked, "It is shocking to find that you have a child."

"Is it?" said Parshurama lightly, "That's surprising."

"Pitashri," Ira interrupted, "Vrisha had went towards Mahendragiri. Are you aware?"

"Yes," nodded Parshurama, "Even if he reaches while I am here, your mother won't let him leave him for a day or two. She had missed her son and would prefer him to stay. I shall meet him after I have spoken with you."

The Pandavas and their co was escorted out by Duryodhana and Bhanumati. Both of whom left the father-daughter duo to talk.

"Have you heard of Pallavi, putri?"

"I have," said Ira, "Mata sent news."

"Putri?" said Parshurama, keeping a hand on her head, "Why do I feel such vengeance and anger within your heart?"

"It's of no concern, Pitashri," replied Ira, not meeting his eyes.

"If you do not want to tell me, I will not persuade you. But I do urge you to speak to someone. Such anger could cause strife as well as destruction to one self," replied Parshurama with a smile, "Stay safe, putri. I shall take my leave now."

Ira gave him a small smile, "I cannot hide things from you Pitashri.  I will try to follow your words. Have a safe trip."

|| I am sorry for the delay but I have been rather unwell for the past days. Future updates are suspended until I get well again. Have a good day and stay safe. ||

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