6 - Rumour Has It.

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While on one side, Ira battled with Bhishma at emotional strategy; her actual ploy of revelation circulated amongst the Pandavas, very cleverly not reaching the Kauravas, with the help of her trusted spy/maid, Maya. 

"Have you heard?" said a maid, whispering with another.

Both were standing outside the Royal tent housing the royal ladies, namely Samragyi Draupadi and Rajkumari Subhadra. The named women were about to come outside to know the outcome of today's battle when they heard the maids gossiping.

Draupadi lifted a finger on her red tinted lips making Subhadra nod in accordance. 

"Heard what?" said the second maid. 

"That Rajkumar Abhimanyu was captured by the Kauravas," said the first maid. 

Subhadra stumbled back at the words, while Draupadi clutched her shoulders tightly.

"Jiji, Abhimanyu!" Subhadra's startled gasp was muffled by Draupadi who said, "Shh! Let's listen first, Bhadre!"

The second maid gasped, "I hope Rajkumari Uttara is alright!"

"We haven't seen her for a while, but hopefully she hasn't known. Her tent has been isolated so she could rest away from the chaos of war discussions," gossiped the first maid, "Looks like it is most benefited now."

"Had someone informed Samragyi Panchali and Rajkumari Subhadra?" said the second maid, sounding worried. 

Both the co-wives of Arjuna looked at each other with despair and anxiousness. 

"No!" The first maid shook her head, "The Samrat had forbidden the knowledge to be spread. I think that he is trying to find a way to get Rajkumar back, if possible."

"Is it possible Jiji?" asked Subhadra, as she glanced at Draupadi, who shook her head, as if trying to dislodge all negative thoughts. 

"I don't know Bhadre!" She whispered anxiously, before glancing at her younger co-wife with a determined look, "We should find out. Come!"

With that both of them left the tent, not taking note of the startled maids who had paled drastically at their presence. 

On the other side of the Pandava camp,  Rajmata Kunti was busy in prayers to the Shivling before her. She had taken to praying from the day the war started. She would stop her prayer only after Priyamvada, her trusted maid and childhood friend would inform her of the battle ending for the day. 

Just like the past days of the war, she uttered the final words of the stotram and got up from her seat as Priyamvada entered. 

She turned around with an anxious smile, facing Priyamvada's neutral face,  "What news is there?"

"I have heard a few things," said Priyamvada carefully, her eyes flickering to meet Kunti's worried and irritated ones, "Speak fast, Priyamvada! Do not make me wait."

"Rajkumar Abhimanyu have been captured by Angaraja Karna," said Priyamvada, watching as Kunti's eyes widened in horror as she stumbled back to sit on the large cushioned chair behind her, "Your eldest son thinks that it is possible for us to get him or his body back, perhaps."

"How can he do this?" mumbled Kunti, gulping as tears burned her eyes as she thought of her grandson, "Abhimanyu is his own nephew! His blood!"

"What do you expect from an illegitimate child?" said Priyamvada dismissively, "He must not have cared about his blood. There is nothing shocking in that, Rajmata."

Kunti clutched the silk beneath her hands in a tight fist, not saying anything to the statement made in regards to her eldest born.

"What more news were you talking about?" asked Kunti, with a blank voice.

"I heard some maids talking," said Priyamvada with a nonchalant voice, "-that Angaraja had been killed by Prince Duryodhana for betraying him. Good riddance, I say!"

After a few seconds of silence, Kunti stood up wiping her stray tears as her face remained blank at the heard sentences. 

Priyamvada glanced at her with a curious look, as Kunti said, "Come with me. I wish to speak with my nephew."

"How cruel can you be, Rajmata?" murmured Maya, as she overheard every single thing that accursed servant spoke with the Queen Mother of Hastinapura and Indraprastha. 

She glanced at her surroundings, her disguise helping her blend amongst the various other servants loitering around. Using the end of her uttariya, she hid her face modestly. 

"Now the main plan," thought Maya, as she thought of her Queen's master stroke. She took the plates of refreshments and went inside the tent holding the mighty demigod sons of Rajmata Kunti.

As she entered with various others, she noticed the Empress and Princess present. A sneer curled her lips. 

How could she not know this men and women who had time and time again had hurled insults and mocked her King every single time? Even when he did not respond back to them, they had called him various names! 

Yet these were the men who bet on their own wife, their own brothers! 

How righteous they were.

She stayed by the side, listening as they made plans to attack the camp or at least send a letter to get back Prince Abhimanyu's corpse. If only they knew their beloved prince was safe, only because of her King. 

As the discussions went on throughout the night, Maya made sure to remember everything so as to inform her queen about it. 

At a prahar (a prahar consists of three hours) before sunrise, a messenger bearing the Hastinapura emblem entered. 

She smirked as she guessed that her Queen had done her part. 

The climax would be taking  place soon. She hoped her other comrade had done her part in the Kaurava camp.

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