Chapter 7

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[Alyssa Hicks]

Seeing Kendall gleam as I gently poise my lips on hers is priceless. I've never felt so satisfied of my actions. For once in my life, I can say I've taken a big leap forward. Still, I want to make yet another move. I want to make sure that she likes staying with me even though we're definitely more than just friends.

Without any hesitation, I kiss her lips once more, wanting to feel the rich taste of her lipgloss. The more, the better, obviously. She closes her eyes, which prompts me to run a hand through her hair and then caresse her face. She shivers of pleasure, making it clear that she likes being touched by me.

Then, I finally pull my lips away from hers, before we both sit on the couch. I roll my tongue, wanting to tease her, but it doesn't seem to work anymore as she's gazing around, lost in her thoughts. Thoughts of me, I hope.

"Do you want to eat something," I ask, hoping to pull her away from her thoughts. She doesn't reply at first, but I still wait patiently for an answer.

When I finally hear her voice again, five minutes have passed. I can't believe that she's so undecided that she has to think a lot about whether she wants to eat or not. But, after all, this is not my business at all.

"Oh, I'd like to eat something. To be honest, I'm a little hungry." This prompts me to ask, "Do you prefer pizza or Chinese take-away?"

This is quite hard to say, honestly, since we often have pizza when we hang out together, but on the other hand last time we had Chinese. Maybe there should be a third option, which I haven't considered at all, to be honest.

"What about Indian take-away instead?" she suggests. "We could have curry and rice, or chicken tikka masala."

"That's definitely a better idea," I state, later kissing her cheek. "I love when you have brilliant ideas."

She blushes, only muttering a 'thank you' that's barely hearable. Still, I catch it. I pick my phone to find a good food delivery app, but I remember I haven't any installed.

"Oh, don't worry. I can open Deliveroo on mine," says Kendall, solving what I thought it'd be a silly problem anyway. It just takes five minutes to download an app, yet I'm too lazy to even think of doing so. What an idiot.

As she orders, I decide to go to the toilet to refresh myself a little bit. I whistle and mumble, thinking of the choices I've made lately and how they'll affect my relationship with Kendall. Should we become a couple? Should we make it official? How would the others react?

I don't think I'm likely to know the answers to these questions soon, but what I hope is that there's a chance for the two of us to still be together, whether as just friends or as something more than that.

I leave the toilet with these questions spinning incessantly in my mind. I need to ask Kendall, or else I may regret keeping all of them inside myself. She needs to give me clear answers. I don't feel like deceiving her or being deceived. I want her to know the truth.

"What do you think of the dance?" I break the ice with this simple question, which shouldn't cause too much trouble and sound excessively overbearing.

She smiles. "Oh, it was magical. Seriously, Alyssa, your touch, your moves... your lips... everything was just perfect."

I laugh softly. "Haha. Thank you. I'm glad you appreciate my lips. They're special." I show off a little bit, boosting my confidence and making her laugh in turn.

"I'm glad you think my lips are perfect. So, does it mean I'll get to kiss you again? I mean, I know you're longing for those." As I say this sentence, she stops laughing, turning serious in a just a blink of an eye. What I'm saying is not something I'm saying just to please her, but because I truly believe in our mutual feelings.

"Do you think we could be a real... a real..." Kendall is stuttering. She seems too afraid to complete the sentence. Probably, she fears that she'll be judged because she accepted to eventually stay with me. Or at least, this is what I think. It couldn't be for any other reason.

"A real couple?" I finish the sentence for her, leaving her open-mouthed and blushing so much that her face looks like a bottle of ketchup. "You don't have to be afraid to voice your feelings," I continue.

Now, she's speechless. I always thought she'd have a reaction like this; this is why I'm not unprepared. Especially because the doorbell is ringing. "Oh, it must be the delivery boy. I'm opening the door."

I pay our meals and close the door behind me without even taking a look at the delivery boy. It's not even my type, to be honest. I hand a portion of chicken curry and rice to Kendall, leaving the other for myself.

We eat in silence, looking at each other every once in a while and even going as far as exchanging smiles. Then, I hold her hand without her noticing. As she does, she blushes and places her other hand on my lap. I'm glad that she's approaching me slowly and without too many fears.

We finish eating, then I clean everything. Meanwhile, Kendall checks her phone and is about to rush to the exit door, but I stop her. "Where are you going? Don't you want to stay with me a little bit more?" I ask expectantly, hoping to receive a positive response.

Nonetheless, I'm left dejected as she states in a cold tone, "I have an appointment at the gym at 5pm. Sorry." I can't believe she's turned cold and distant all of a sudden. I mean, she was enjoying my company - and my touch - until a couple of minutes ago.

However, my doubt is wiped away as she smiles and bids me goodbye, before leaving. I close the door and sigh. This has already been a hell of a day, but what a day! I can't even think of what could've happened had she rejected my invitation, and I'm not even keen on thinking of it.

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