Chapter 7

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?: Alvin? Alvin!

Alvin slowly opened his eyes seeing Dave and his brothers hovering above him.

Dave: Alvin, get up, you and your brothers missed the bus, now I have to drive you guys to school!

Missed the bus? Alvin knew he was a heavy sleeper, but not that heavy. How could he have slept through that?

Alvin: You mean...the bus is gone...?

Simon: What do you think, Alvin?

Dave: No more funny business, get up and get dressed.

Alvin got out of bed letting out a large yawn, even though he managed to sleep through the night, he was still very exhausted.

Alvin: I'll get right on it, Dave...*closes eyes*

Dave: ALVIN!!!!

Alvin: Okay!


Things weren't any better at school. Normally, Alvin daydreams in his classes, but instead of that, he was falling asleep and getting detention. And things got worse at lunch, when Alvin sat with his brothers, Theodore tried to get his cookie.

Theodore: A-Alvin, can I take your cookie...?

Alvin would've just said no nicely, but instead, he slapped Theodore's hand away.

Alvin: Don't touch that!

Theodore gasped and held his hand. Tears were forming in his eyes.

Theodore: But I just wanted your cookie...

Alvin: How about you stop asking me for bits of my lunch and get more money for yours! I'm not sharing with you anymore!

When Theodore heard his big brother's harsh words, he took off sobbing. Simon was shocked, was this Alvin? He's never said anything mean to his brothers, no matter how much he wanted to. Simon gave Alvin a stern look, but there was one problem with his response.

Alvin: S-Simon? What happened?

Simon: What happened is that you owe Theodore an apology!

Alvin: But Simon, what did I do to Theodore? And where is he?

Simon: Alvin, you know exactly what you did.

Alvin: No, Simon, I don't. And why am I so tired? *rubs his eyes*

Simon didn't take Alvin seriously, but the truth was that Alvin had no clue of what he did to Theodore, it was like what he just said was wiped from his memory.


Alvin spent the rest of the day searching for Theodore, but had no luck, where did he go? And what was he apologizing for?

Alvin: Teddy boy? Where are you?

When Alvin finally found Theodore, he was sobbing under a tree. Alvin began to wonder what he did to make his little brother cry.

Alvin: Theo?

A branch suddenly snapped, Alvin gasped.

Alvin: Theodore!

Thinking quickly, he shoved Theodore out of the way, the branch fell just where Theodore was moping. Theodore gasped as soon as Alvin pushed him.

Theodore: A-Alvin?

Alvin: Theodore, Theodore, whatever I did to you, I'm so so so sorry! I would never do anything to hurt you!

Theodore: Really? You just scolded me for just wanting your cookie!

Alvin gasped, was that what the fuss was about? A cookie?

Alvin: Theodore, if you wanted my cookie, I would've given it to you.

Theodore: Really?

Alvin: I bought it for you because I knew you didn't have enough to buy one.

Theodore: Then...then why did you yell at me?

Alvin Theodore, I never yelled at you.

Theodore: Yes you did! You said that you're not sharing with me anymore and that I should buy my own cookies!

Alvin: Theodore, I have no idea what you're talking about, I've never been mean to you on purpose.

Theodore was confused, Alvin had no clue as to what he did to Theodore, he didn't even remember yelling at him. How could he have forgotten that so quickly? That night however was worse, as soon as the moon peaked out from the clouds, something awful happened.

Alvin turned into a werewolf.

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