00: never saw him again

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After months of promises, keeping my grades up, and even working, my parents finally gave me their promise and told me that I could go on a road trip with my friends.

"Guys guys guys!" I shouted excitedly over the phone. "My parents finally agreed that we can go!"

"Whoohoo!" My friend Janessa cheered. "Did ya hear that, Rach?"

"Mhm," Rachel murmured over the three-way call. "I honestly cannot wait until summer starts."

"We have to get through the SAT first." Janessa groaned. "I mean, we won't die, will we?"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." I laughed aloud. "But I can't wait to drive up wherever we want!"

"As long as I get to drive." Janessa pointed out. "I'm a better driver."

"Sure you are." Rachel scoffed. "Anyways, the Prom's coming up. Does anyone have a date?"

"Nope." I shook my head, despite the fact that they couldn't see me.

"Definitely not." Janessa echoed. "Besides, we don't need dates. We've got each other."

"You make it seem so easy, Nessa." Rachel snorted. "But I've never had a boyfriend so, I need to get a date."

"You're not the only one who hasn't had a boyfriend." Janessa shifted over the phone. "Paz hasn't either."

I stiffened.

"Is that true, Pacifica?" Rachel asked me.

"I've actually had a boyfriend before." I stammered. "Two of them actually."

"Oh really?" Janessa laughed. "Then how come I've never heard about it?"

"It was a couple years ago." I explained. "A summer romance."

"Aw, a summer romance?" Janessa squealed. "I've heard about those."

"The worst thing about a summer romance is when it has to end." I stated glumly. "He must've forgotten all about me by now."

"Well why would he have forgotten you?" Janessa suddenly asked. "You're a total knockout."

"Well, he has a different social status." I muttered. "It's complicated."

"Different social status?"

"It means he's rich, Janessa." Rachel explained slowly. "Do you understand?"

"A rich boy?" She exclaimed. "What was he like?"

"Well, we spent the whole summer resenting each other." I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "Suddenly, he just came around flirting with me constantly. But I'd seen the way he flirted with other girls so I didn't think too much of it. But, I went to this gala of his to help with something. Because I was friends with his sister."

I knew that was a lie, but it wasn't like I could say 'I went there to help please a ghost that would've destroyed the entire manor', could I?

"And then?" Janessa sighed. "C'mon Paz! Spill!"

"And then we danced and he disappeared for a month. And then," I sighed, thinking about what happened that one night at the bridge. "He came back and we kissed on the bridge. It was romantic."

"Sounds super cute!" Janessa exclaimed. "And then what happened?"

"We hung out for awhile and kept our relationship kind of a secret. And then before I knew it, I was leaving." I felt something wet fall down my cheek. "And I never saw him again."

Hello! Welcome to the rewritten version of Always! I must say that I like this one much better than what I originally had planned.

It'll be a much better story plot with a ton of feels for all of y'all! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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