20: you swore you'd never use magic on me

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He continued to stand there, eyes wide with shock and perhaps fear. Fear that he got caught. There we stood, 10 feet apart, staring at each other before I finally broke free of the spell we were both under and began to walk away.

Dipper faltered for a second more, but it was enough time to give me a headstart away from him. I quickly raced down the stairs, slinging my backpack full of my belongings over one of my shoulders. How could he have done that?

"Pacifica wait!" He called.

I ignored him, and the heart pounding in my ears. Turned out that I was wrong about Dipper all along, he truly was a lying snake. And I needed to get away from his as fast as possible or things would get ugly.

Mabel, who was sitting in the sitting room with a magazine (which was obviously a prop while she listened in on our conversation), looked up as I swiftly walked out the door, slamming it as I left.

The door quickly opened, not two seconds after I slammed it shut and Dipper called out to me once more. "Pacifica! Slow down!"

I wrapped my arms around myself, the night air of Reverse Falls got cold in an instant, which was odd enough on its own but this was Reverse Falls. I didn't know where I was going, but I just wanted to get away from him.

"Pacifica, stop!"

I shook my head at the sound of his voice and continued walking. This time he caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "Don't touch me!" I shouted, yanking my arm free.

"Pacifica you have to understand that there is a logical explanation for this." He rushed through his words, trying to get them out so I could hear before I walked away once more.

"What logical explanation?" I demanded and once again we were fighting. All in the same day. "The logical explanation that as soon as you say goodbye to me you call some other girl over to to God knows what!"

"Pacifica it's not what you think." Dipper protested.

"No, Dipper!" I shook my head and continued to walk away from him. "It's exactly what I think."

Dipper quickly caught up with me and this time he was in front of me. "You just know what you thought you heard through a wooden door. I can tell you exactly what happened."

"I'm not giving you the opportunity to lie directly to my face for the hundredth time." I moved to the side and continued walking.

"I never lied to you, Pacifica." He started walking right by my side.

"Bull. Shit." I growled. "You lied to me all the time back when we first met, you lied about how you felt about me, you lied about loving me always!"

Dipper tugged at his hair, growing frustrated. "Pacifica that's where you are wrong, I have always loved you! I never stopped loving you."

"Then why were you with Janessa?" I demanded, pointing a finger at his chest. "Why were you with that girl in your room?"

"Pacifica there is a reason but--"

"You just can't think of it right now?" I finished for him. "Okay, I'll walk away and you can stand here like an idiot until you figure it out." I whirled away from him and continued walking in the forest. How we had gotten there already, I had no idea but it started calming me down. Until Dipper spoke again.

"Pacifica, please, stop." He jogged up to be by my side. "You dunno anything."

"I know enough." I yelled, not looking at him. "Just stop trying, Dipper."

Dipper stopped walking for a second, giving me enough time to walk ahead. Maybe then he'd leave me alone. But then I heard his voice, calling from behind me.

"Pacifica, stop!"

My limbs felt weak, I couldn't budge. I turned my head, my eyes wide with shock.

In his clenched fist, he had his amulet and it was glowing a brilliant blue. "I need you to listen to me." He suddenly said, very quietly.

"Let me go, you psycho maniac." I stated coldly.

"Please, Pacifica." He stood right in front of me and I could see the pleading look in his eyes. I felt myself begin to crumble.

"You swore you'd never use magic on me." I said, my voice feeling numb. "You promised."

"You think I like this?" He whispered, his voice becoming calmer than ever. "I hate doing this, but you left me no choice. I need to talk to you."

"You still have your amulet." I whispered, feeling a strange wave of calm crash over me. "How come I didn't notice it?"

"I only use it for the show." He explained. "It's a long story but right now I want to explain everything to you."

I nodded. "Okay."

The blue aura surrounding me suddenly disappeared and Dipper wrapped an arm around me. "What happened upstairs I--" he quickly cut himself off. "Keep quiet."

I raised a brow but then I heard it. The sound of tree branches snapping in the distance. Other than that, the woods were deathly silent. I glanced over at Dipper, who stared in every direction, trying to get a location. He then looked at me, "you need to get out of here."

"What?" I hissed. "No way, Gleeful."

"Pacifica something dangerous is going to happen and I don't want you to get hurt." Dipper insisted.

"I'm not going anywhere, Dipper." I frowned. "I can take care of myself."

Before Dipper could say anything else, a enormous creature crashed through the trees and into the clearing Dipper and I stood in.

What now stood before us was what appeared to be a giant wolf. I would have regarded it as just one of Reverse Falls' strange creatures, but this one was different. It had two heads, and one half of the creature was stark white while the other half was the darkest shade of night ever seen. And instead of a tail, there was a snake.

This was the creature that stalked Reverse Falls at night. This was the creature that I was worried about, and this was the creature that hurt my cousin. And now I was face to face with it.

Dipper's face held a grim look of determination, and I could barely hear what he said, "Traqueur Magique."

Before my brain could register what was going on, the creature advanced on me, letting out a ear-piercing shriek. I urged my legs to move, but they wouldn't. I was frozen in fear.

"Pacifica, watch out!" Dipper barrelled into me, knocking me onto the floor of the woods. I winced at the sudden contact I made with the earth and tried to figure out where Dipper went.

Dipper was standing before the creature, his hand clutching his amulet. He said something I couldn't catch, and the creature howled louder than ever before. I winced and covered both my eyes and ears. And when I opened them again, there was a brilliant flash of light, nearly blinding me.

Once the light disappeared, the creature was gone, but Dipper was laying on the ground. "Dipper!" I called, running towards him. "Oh my God." I looked down at him and saw blood pouring out of a wound in his chest.

I couldn't take much more of it. I opened my mouth, and screamed.

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