38: it's been a long decade

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My limbs were frozen. I couldn't move. Not that I really wanted to. My ribs were aching, a few of them had to be broken.

Keeping my eyes closed, I tried analyzing the situation as best as I could. However, there were two gaping questions that I couldn't answer.

One: where the hell was I? And two: what took me?

I opened my eyes and was quite surprised to find where I was. I was against the wall of a dark cave. The cave, however, seemed to be glowing. Spheres of blue light were around the cave, growing out of little crystals.

I tried to rack my brain and remember why this place seemed so familiar.

"You do know this place, Mason."

I froze and looked around for the source of the voice. How did it know my name? My real name, for that matter?

"Ah, yes, you're quite confused, aren't you? It might interest you to know that this is the farthest any mortal's ever gotten. Consider yourself lucky."

I sat up immediately and let out a gasp. Not because I saw where the voice was coming from, but because my broken rib had pierced my chest through my stomach. I knew it was going to be Traqueur Magique, but I had momentarily forgotten about my broken bones.

"Oh, what a shame," it said, its two heads staring closely at me. "It seems you won't be with us much longer, so my task is complete."

"I. . .I know this will be terribly cliche," I sputtered, trying to keep myself from going into shock, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. I'd never been stabbed before, so, keeping myself from going into shock was a difficult task. "But, but w-what exactly was your task?"

The creature looked down at me, its lips parting in a growl. "My task? Well, seeing since you have a little less than seven minutes to live, I might as well tell you."

Seven minutes, I thought bitterly. I'd better make this count.

"Magic does not belong in the human world," its voice echoed in my head. "I was sent to eradicate it. Take it away from the humans who have been abusing its power, and using it altogether. Some people were hard to take care of,"

"Wait, mo. .more people had magic?" I stammered.

"Were, were people that had magic. I eradicated them, remember?" It grumbled angrily. "However, this little town in Oregon seemed to have a majority of the magic that didn't belong. When I first came here to complete my task, I was surprised to find a demon. But it was more surprising to find that it was under contract with a human."

"Will Cipher." I clarified, my eyes feeling heavy. No, there was no way it was going to end like this! I couldn't give in now!

"Yes. . ." It mused. "You held his contract. I promised him freedom, if he told me where to find you."

I felt an even bigger blow in my chest. Will told this creature where to find me?! "I-"

"I was surprised at how fast he accepted my deal." It stated matter-of-factly. "Typically it takes a little longer to convince them to disobey their master. Must've held quite a grudge against you."

"We. . we just didn't see eye to eye." I muttered, looking down at the cave floor. I was getting absolutely nowhere with this thing, and I was hardly getting any information that would help them find me. Or what's left of me.

"So it would seem." It replied. "Humans aren't supposed to have magic. Their bodies are just not compatible with it. Say, how long have you had possession over this thing?"

"Will or the amulet?" I asked, trying to buy time any way I could. Hard to do that when you are minutes away from bleeding out.

"The amulet!" It hissed harshly, as it turned away from me.

I took that as my chance. I fished my phone out of my pocket. Not surprised to find the screen cracked beyond repair, but entirely surprised to find that it worked.

While the creature continued to look away in dismay, I dialed Pacifica's number and placed the phone out of sight. If anyone could figure this out, it would be my beloved.

From behind my back, I heard Pacifica's frantic voice. "Dipper?! Where are you?!"

Of course, I refrained from answering. But I had to keep the thing talking, that way it could tell her (unintentionally) where I was.

"Well? How long have you had possession over it?"

I chuckled, well, tried to. It came out as a wheeze. "You wouldn't b-believe me if I told you."

"How. Long." It demanded, its faces getting closer to me. It was close enough that I could smell the dried blood clinging to its fur.

"Ten years." I managed to cough out. "Now, y-you said I knew this place?"

"Yes that is correct." it replied. "I'm surprised you don't remember it. After all, it's where you found your magic."

"Forgive me," I flashed it a small grin, "it's been a long decade."

"Such a shame yours has to end so soon." was all it said.

"So, this is where I found magic." I murmured, trying to keep it talking. "I started my life here, and now I'm. . ." I took in a shaky breath, "I'm going to e-end it here."

"Ironic." it growled at me.

"Y-you said your task is complete?" I blinked the dark spots out of my vision as best I could.

"Yes," it paced a few feet closer to me, "after you pass on, the magic in the world will be gone and the world will be restored to its proper order."

I felt the edges of my lips curl into a smirk. "Oh? I sincerely doubt that."

Sorry about that long hiatus! I'll try to finish this book up before the end of February though! Thank you for your understanding!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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