51: like any reasonable teenager would

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   From my perspective, a majority of the ball went without a hitch. The first dance I had with Dipper felt absolutely magical.

   Was I absolutely terrified that things could go wrong at any time? Especially with Dipper's parents glaring at me every time I was with their son?

   Dipper must've sensed my uneasiness. "Paz," he only seemed to pull me closer. "I do hope you know that my father isn't glaring at you."

   "Who the hell else would he be glaring at?" I shook my head and cradled myself.

   "Me." Dipper hummed nonchalantly. "I may or may not've said something to him that would warrant such intense glaring."

   "What on Earth are you talking about?" It struck me as odd, but I remembered that Mabel had mentioned something in parting. That she suspected that their father had spoken to Dipper alone. "He spoke to you after all?"

   "Ooh, top marks." Dipper grinned a cocky grin. "Like I said, you are perceptive. Yes, he did come to my room to speak to me when he first arrived."

   "What happened?" I demanded. "Come on, you promised there would be no more secrets between us."

   Dipper bit his lip, casting a wary glance over to his father who remained glaring at him with such an intense stare that I felt like I was under a spotlight.

   "He spoke harshly of you." Dipper cautiously admitted. "I had decided that I had enough of my parents's constant down-talk of you. So, like any reasonable teenager would do, I argued back with him. He, well, he didn't like it."

   "Did he threaten your inheritance?" I asked.

   Dipper raised a brow and laughed aloud. "What is it with you and inheritances? I am more than my money, sweetheart. However," he cast another look over to his parents. "Something occu-- actually, never mind." He looked down at the floor, "it's hardly important."

   That freaked me out. "What are you talking about?"

   Dipper didn't seem to hear me. "Ah, look, it's Mabel."

   Sure enough, Mabel had dramatically waltzed over to where we were dancing and smiled at us. "Well, whatever you did, Dipshit, the parents are far from pleased. However, they were entirely reluctant to admit that the ball itself is a success."

   "Of course it is." I smiled at Mabel. "The both of you planned it."

   "Aw, you're so sweet." Mabel grinned and pulled me away from Dipper. "Sorry, brother mine, I'm stealing your date for a minute. Better luck next time!"

   "Wait!" I exclaimed but Mabel had already pulled me away.

   Dipper looked slightly miffed but he immediately froze up, as thought death itself had passed through him.

   I couldn't see what made him react like that, because Mabel had pulled me farther away from Dipper.

   "So, how'd you find him?" Mabel asked as we danced.

   "Well it wasn't easy." I admitted. "He was secluding himself from everyone. Thinking. I think there's something going on with him."

   "When isn't there something going on with him?" Mabel snorted and spun me around.

   I nodded, grateful for the fact that she wasn't prying to hard into what Dipper and I had discussed, and that she was leading the dance because I basically had two left feet.

   "But he's still my brother." Mabel continued, as the dance neared its closing chords. "And I'll always be worried about him."

   "I hear you." I replied. "I think there's something he isn't saying. Y'know?"

   "Well, either way, the truth has a way of spilling out. Whether it's voluntary or involuntary." Mabel muttered darkly.

   "He seems pretty open when he drinks." I found myself saying.

   "True." Mabel murmured. "We'll have to question him later. For now, we should just have fun ton— oh boy."

   I followed Mabel's gaze and found that at the back of the room, Dipper seemed to be arguing. With who? Of course, his parents.

   "We should help him." Mabel stared daggers at her mother. "I have spent too much time on this event to have them mess it up!"

   Mabel made a b-line over to where the other remaining members of the Gleeful family were. I followed closely behind, although I was struggling to keep up.

   How the hell did she move so fast in those stilettos?!

   As soon as we neared, we heard the start of an argument.

   "—the fact that you would take this so far, I dunno whether to laugh or—"

   "Mason, watch your tongue."

   Before I could even say anything, Mabel took another step toward them, put on a pleasing smile (much like the one she donned while performing at the Tent of Telepathy) and cleared her throat.

   "Ah, pardonnez-moi." Mabel stated with such grace and elegance. "Perhaps we can save this, eh, dispute, for a time where we don't have an audience?"

   The elder Gleefuls seemed to freeze up at the mention of an audience, but it only lasted for a moment.

   "This discussion hardly concerns you, Mabel." Mr. Gleeful deadpanned. "I was only talking to your brother."

   "Right, talking." Mabel mused. "Is that why I could hear this alleged 'talking' from across the room."

   "Mabel." Her mother warned.

   "Can you give it a rest for one moment?" Mabel asked. "I don't care what this is about, but clearly it can wait."

   Dipper hadn't spoken a word, in fact, he seemed to be completely out of it. Like he was disassociating with the entire situation.

"This doesn't concern you." Mr. Gleeful continued. "It only concerns Mason."

   "What is it even about?" Mabel demanded. "I don't understand. Everything is going according to plan. The event is a success."

   I figured it out quickly. "It's about me, isn't it?"

   One by one, all Gleefuls stared at me in bewilderment.

   "I'm not an idiot." I felt my confidence dwindling, but I kept my cool. "You'd have to be blind and deaf to not know how you feel about me. The way you look at me with scorn, the awful things you say about me whether I'm there or not. I understand that you don't like me, even though you don't even know me, believe or not, I can live with that, but nothing is going to change just because you say it should. It isn't up to you, and really, it isn't up to me. It's up to your son, and you should trust his judgement."

   Mabel stared at me, mouth agape like a fish, but her eyes told a different story. Her eyes shone with approval and pride.

   The elder Gleefuls seemed to be at a loss for words at the moment.

   Dipper turned to face his parents, a triumphant grin split across his face. His smug persona returned, "I do believe that settles things, wouldn't you say?"

   "You're not an adult yet, Mason." His father warned. "We still control everything."

   "Please." Dipper waved a hand, pulling all the stops for theatrics once more. "You've perfected me into a grown-up since I was eight. What do you mean you control everything?"

   "I can take you out of my will." Mr. Gleeful stated, calmly, trying to keep his voice even.

   "Oh? And then what? Give everything to Mabel?" Dipper looked at his sister. "There's not a single doubt in my mind that she would run the family business wonderfully. But, I believe she agrees with me, wouldn't you say so, Mabel?"

   I watched as Mabel stared evenly at her parents, "as much as I hate to inflate his ego, he's right."

   "Of course, you could write the two of us out of your will, but then where will the Gleeful assets go? You're too prideful to give them to anyone but your own blood." Dipper kept his voice quiet, but threatening as well. It was a wonder no other guests had come to interrupt at that time.

   Mr. Gleeful clenched his fists.

   "Now, I can't believe this is the second time I've had to mention this, but I have guests to entertain, if you would be so kind as to excuse me." Dipper turned on his heel, and held his arm out to me.

   I took it willingly and had him led me away from his ridiculous parents. Mabel came up beside me and took my other arm. "Sorry, Paz, you're stuck with us."

   "I wouldn't have it any other way." And I meant it. There was no other place I'd rather be. Reverse Falls showed me who my real friends were.

   I was so focused on the sense of euphoria I was feeling that I didn't notice someone come up to Dipper.

   "Well, that was certainly a show." The chilling voice declared, linking her arm with Dipper's free arm.

   I looked at who the heck it could possibly be and felt my blood run cold. It was Scarlett Valentino.


Hello my lovelies! Sorry it took so long to get this one out, but I started school recently and spent the last week focusing on school and writing just a little bit in between. I did promise that this book would be finished by the end of this year, and depending on my schedule, it may be done sooner than that.

On another note, I started a new story that I think y'all should check out. It will probably be updated more frequently than Always because it's a texting story, so not much effort is needed to write it.

Personally I think it's rather funny and definitely worth checking out. However, that story isn't the new story I mentioned on my message board a few weeks ago. That one is specifically for after I finish writing this one.

The texting story does have a lot of twists and turns, crushes and whatnot. I'd definitely call it a more "Reverse Falls" story but will there be RevDipcifica? You'll just have to read it and find out ;).

Anyways, stay safe out there, and keep smiling my lovelies!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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