53: kept my wits about me

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   The ball had come to an end and it left me with more worries than I could count on both hands.

   I had fun a majority of the time, because I spent that time with Mabel and Dipper. But as soon as Dipper went off to be 'borrowed' by Scarlett, something in his demeanor had changed. I could tell that he was trying to cover something up.

   Did I suspect that something happened between the two of them? Something more recent? It made me feel guilty, to suspect Dipper of wrongdoing, but there was a pit in my stomach that told me to be wary.

   It wasn't that I didn't trust Dipper. It was Scarlett I didn't trust. She seemed as though she could lie with ease (not unlike Dipper) and get away scot-free. In short, I believed that she could manipulate Dipper into her favor.

   Mabel had sat down on the stairs leading to the balcony next to me sometime after all the 'important' guests had left (save for the few that were busily chatting away with the elder Gleefuls and Dipper). Heels in one hand, she idly scrolled through messages on her phone.

   "That was something else, wasn't it?" Gideon had walked up to the two of us. "Very formal, so ten outta ten if you're into that kinda thing."

   Mabel hardly looked up, unaffected that her ex-boyfriend showed up to chat with us. "Blame the formalities on Dipper. He's always been more into that sorta thing than I have been, or ever will be."

   Gideon rubbed the back of his neck, then he seemed to jolt back. "Paz? Are you okay?"

   "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I tried to keep my voice lighthearted. I didn't want Gideon to assume the worst and start yelling at Dipper in front of everyone that was still here.

   "You sure?" He looked at me carefully.

   "I'm just tired. I had a long night yesterday, and then an even longer night today." I feigned a yawn.

   "But, we have the after party!" Gideon exclaimed trying to hype me up. "It's gonna be epic!"

   "Hmm." Mabel hummed, noncommittally. "After how fun today was, I definitely need something to take the edge off. No doubt we all do."

   "I respectfully agree."

   The three of us looked up to see Dipper standing in front of us, looking the more exhausted that I felt.

   What did he and Scarlett talk about? The nagging voice in my head asked rather loudly.

   "You look tired." Gideon commented.

   "Isn't that impressive? You can suddenly deduce how people look by, believe it or not, looking at them." Dipper scoffed and rolled his eyes.

   Beside me, Mabel snorted. "What did the parents want?"

   "Seeing as I set a majority of the festivities up," Dipper wrenched the tie from his neck like it was choking him (and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hot), "they decided it would be best for me to talk and bid my farewells to the lingering guests."

   "Ah." Mabel murmured. "As per the norm."

   "Well, regardless of them, isn't it about time we head out?" Dipper glanced at his wristwatch. "The party starts at half past ten. And as the hosts of said party, we really should be the first to get there."

   Mabel frowned. "I suppose, but if it's an after party, shouldn't we wear something waaaaaaay less formal?"

   Dipper looked as though he hadn't thought about that. "I suppose you're right. Alright, we're leaving in ten, so carry on."

   I felt a strange sensation in my mind. He was being so direct and formal, not that he wasn't like that all the time, but I just thought he would be able to relax when he was with us.

   Mabel pulled herself to her feet and extended a hand to me. "Let's hurry up, Paz. I've got some fun party dresses for us!"

   I glanced at Dipper, hoping to see some lingering expression of happiness on face, but there wasn't anything there. He seemed, lost in thought. Hopefully by the time the party came around, he wouldn't be feeling that way.

   Once Mabel and I were behind closed doors, she turned to look at me. "Okay, is it just me, or is there something seriously wrong with Dipper?"

   I sighed and began slipping off my dress. "Isn't there always? But, I think it has something to do with Scarlett. Not your parents."

   Mabel had respectfully turned around, and was now rooting through her ginormous closet. "Y'know, pale pinks are really your color."

   "Mabel!" I groaned. "I'm kinda having a crisis!"

   "Right, I know, I know." She sighed. "I guess, I just want this night to be fun."

   "It's not your fault." I sighed as she tossed a small pink dress over her shoulder, which I luckily caught.

   "I know." She nodded and continued looking for something to wear. "I dunno what to think of it all. Dipper has been acting strangely. Especially since he last spoke with that Red-Headed-Wonder."

   "I know you told me about their, ehm, past history, but is there anything else that you know?" I couldn't help but ask. "I think he ran into her, at the mall."

   "I heard that too." She murmured, finally slipping into the tightest black dress I'd ever seen in my life. "Last I checked, he hadn't been to the mall in, like, forever! He hates it there."

   "The last time I saw him there, was when I was there." I informed. "I'd run into Scarlett too, and I just tried to be nice to her. She was nice back, of course, but, was it because she had run into Dipper?"

   "Dipper wouldn't cheat." Mabel replied. "He thinks you are the greatest thing to ever happen to him. Even when he was having those flings, he would never cheat. He's too respectful that way."

   That made me feel a little better. But I never suspected that Dipper would be the cheating type. I was more worried about Scarlett.

   "Shall we head out?" Mabel asked after we had finished getting ready.

   "Yeah, I'm ready to have some fun."

* * *

   Not long after the lot of us arrived, more people started pouring in. I didn't even recognize half of them, but I was happy that I was able to pick out a few familiar faces.

   "Wow, you look great."

   I turned to see Cody. That was something I hadn't expected. Then again, he was still Gideon's friend, so it made sense for Gideon to invite him.

   I smiled. "Well, thank you, Cody. How've you been?" I still held the slightest grudge against him, because of the fight with Dipper not too long ago.

   "Uhm, good." He glanced warily over his shoulder, and then he looked over mine. "I think imma go."

   "Why?" I asked, but he had already walked off. It was odd, but not terribly when I felt a familiar presence at my side.

   "Dipper." I breathed out, turning to face him. "I've been looking for you."

   Once again, his persona had switched. Like he was trying to cover something up. "Glad to hear it, sweetheart." He grinned, "I'm sorry that the ball was such a mess."

   "It wasn't all bad. After all, the two of us told your parents off." I tried to play it off as a joke, and was entirely too thankful when Dipper took it that way as well. "And spending time with you, Mabel and Gideon was fun as well."

   Dipper nodded. "Anyways, shall we get something to drink?"

   "Y'know, maybe something light." I agreed. "After how the other night went, I think I'm going to take it slow."

   "Same goes for me." Dipper nodded slowly. "And it would be best if I kept my wits about me this evening."

   I wanted to question that. He'd said this evening. Was he worried something would happen if he drank too much? Like he'd spill something?

   And I don't mean a drink.

   I must've not said something soon enough, because Dipper's eyes narrowed slightly. "Is everything okay, Pacifica? You've been rather quiet."

   "It's nothing." I lied, hoping that I'd spent enough time around Mabel to be able to lie so easily.

   "Pacifica," he took my hand and led me to a more secluded area of the Mystery Shack, away from the bumping music and people.

   Once we were finally away, he took my hands in his, staring at me so sweetly. "You can tell me anything. Even if you think it's something I won't like. You can trust me."

   Maybe it was because the stress of the evening. Or the relief of knowing the hard part, or so I thought, was over. I pulled him into a tight embrace and rested my head on his shoulder.

   Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes and if I remember correctly, they did.

   Dipper wrapped his arms around me, holding me closer. "Paz? What's wrong?"

   "I-I," I stammered, "I just don't want you to leave me."

   Dipper paused. "Pacifica, I would never leave you. Ever. I dunno what to do to convince you otherwise."

   I just clung to him, and I felt him take in a long and slow inhale.

   "This is about Scarlett, isn't it?" He said on the exhale, like he was reading my mind.

   "I thought I told you not to read my mind." I managed to choke off a laugh.

   "I can just figure these things out, Pazzie. Without being a psychic, I can read people pretty well." He continued. "Besides, your poker face isn't all that strong."

   "So what if it's about her?" I figured there was no use lying to him if it was really concerning me.

   Dipper sighed, releasing me from his embrace. "Nothing has happened that has made me consider leaving you, Pacifica. Yes, somethings were said by the other party, and I suppose I am also to blame."

   "So you did see her?" I asked, staring up at him, looking for the tiniest slip in his facade.

   "Yes." Dipper nodded, and it made me feel better that he wasn't going to lie to me. "The first time I ran into her, after our getting back together, was when Cody and I got into that fight."

   It wasn't long after we got together that he saw her again. That made me nervous. "Why did you see her?"

   "I was taking a walk to cool down." Dipper admitted. "I figured you didn't want to see me, after what happened, so I kept my distance. I was just taking a nice and calming walk through the woods when I ran into her there."

   So it wasn't like Dipper had intentionally invited her to hang out with him. That made me feel loads better.

   "I explained to her what happened, and then we just got talking. One thing led to another and. . ." he trailed off and I felt my blood freeze. "And she asked me if changing myself was worth it. I told her that it was. She started acting all strange, avoiding looking me in the eye, and that was when I knew something was wrong."

   I didn't know Scarlett very well, but she seemed to be the kind of person who would be the last one staring in a stare-down, that or a staring contest.

   "She tried to dismiss things, after I asked why she had asked me that." Dipper continued. "But then she told me that she liked me. Which, well, I responded poorly to. It didn't even register in my mind that she meant it in the most romantic way. I turned her down, by saying that I wished I could've returned those feelings. . .and she knew that. She walked off but not before saying that she only told me this because she wanted me to know."

   I nodded, taking in all this new information. It happened a little over two weeks ago, maybe even three if my memory was correct.

   "Then came the minutes before we left to handle that creature that wanted me dead." He looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was coming down the hall. Luckily, no one was there. "I just, I called her. I'd called her several times after the confession, but she never returned them. I just wanted her to know that I cared for her deeply, and that, she will always have a place in my heart. I told her that I loved her. Which was true,"

   "You told her that you loved her?" I couldn't help but exclaim.

   "That was only the first part." Dipper held up his hands, "I told her that I loved her, but that I was in love with you. And nothing would change that."

   "Oh," I felt embarrassed for even freaking out.

   "She never brought it up when I ran into her at the mall." Dipper went on. "before I came into the store to find you, I ran into her. We chatted for a minute or two, and I foolishly invited her to the ball, thinking that she wasn't going to be interested."

   "Which she was." I shook my head.

   "And that sums up everything up until the ball." Dipper rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "When the two of us were dancing, she brought up the voicemail I'd left her awhile ago."

   "I see."

   "I felt as though our discussion should've been private, so we left the ballroom and went onto the balcony's first level." Dipper sighed. "We discussed the voicemail, and I told her, very vaguely, that I believed my life was in danger. She then asked me why I had even told her if nothing was going to happen. I told her that I just wanted her to know that I cared for her."

   "Like she said to you." I nodded, feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information pouring out of Dipper's mouth. Not to mention that he was telling me this willingly.

   "Exactly. She laughed and told me that she should've told me sooner, and maybe we could've been something." Dipper explained. "I agreed that we could've maybe been something, had she said something to me sooner, or had you never come back. She snapped at me, then, and I saw that she was getting defensive, which meant I was losing her."

   I waited for more, I expected there to be more. But I was shocked when Dipper stopped talking. "Dipper," I pulled him into another hug. "I'm sorry. I really am. I've lost friends that I thought were always there for me. I'm sorry."

   He hugged me back, and just let out a rough exhale. "I just wish I didn't have to lose one of you to have the other."

   "I know." I whispered. "I know."


I know these have been some pretty hefty chapters, but it's necessary for the story, I promise! We'll get back to the fun times soon enough, scout's honor!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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