Chapter 5

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Shivaay was speechless. This was not a conversation he anticipated ever having.

Why do you ask?

Out of curiosity replied Anika.

Wow..Okay..I am not sure.

You don't know the no. of women you have been with.

It's not like I have been with many women. I mean there was Malika with whom I was involved in a serious relationship. I dated few other girls but never anything serious.  And then you know there was Tia. And finally I found you and I thank God everyday. Now tell me what really brought this on? ..I talked to Chanda today and she was really upset..apparently her husband his some things about his past and his ex sort of came back in their life and he still lied to her. So she was really mad.

Well she has every right to be. Her husband shouldn't have hid it in the first place .

Yeah but they weren't actually dating.

You just said his ex came back.

I mean they were kids back then..teenagers basically..that doesn't count right.

Yeah it does.

No I am it's stupid to get upset over this. I mean it was years ago and I think Chanda is overreacting which is why I told her to let it go.

I don't think your friend is over reacting. Her husband lied to her about someone from his last- so what if they were teenagers. I mean can you imagine me working we a high school girlfriend and not telling you about it..sure he may not feel anything about his ex but then why hide the truth from his wife unless there are unresolved feelings?

Because his wife I mean Chanda can be really jealous and possessive.

As she should be..she has every right to be.

It sounds a bit ironic coming from you Shivaay.

I am sorry. How?

How many times have you bought other women in this house while we have been married.

That's a different thing . I was backing in a corner and I always let you know my plan. I have never actually lied about them to you . Be it Tanya or Pooja.

Yeah ..I am sorry..I got carried away. I am just worried about Chanda.

I am sure they will sort it out. I mean sure it will take her a long time to trust her husband again and she will wonder for a long time about why he hid the truth but eventually she'll forgive him.

And what if the roles were reversed? I mean what if she had been the one with an ex about whom her husband didn't know.

Why do you ask?

Because she told me that hee husband would never forgive him if roles were reversed then why should she?

I am sure she is exaggerating but it s
Is true that her husband would have had a bigger problem. Us men have  a tendency to let out testosterone overwhelm us. I mean men are generally more terditorial than a woman. I mean I am not saying there should be double standards or anything but men can be a bit more irrational when it comes to these things in my opinion.


Tell me why are we having such an in depth conversation about some other couples when we should be talking about us?

Because you never know if in future we might  face any similar situation..I mean what if a situation rises and we lose out trust on each other.

I highly doubt that. That's the Las kind of situation I expect us to be ever in. As for trust after everything we have been I don't think anything can break it.


You sound unconvinced..Why?

No I am just worried about my friend . That's all. She deserves happiness.

Don't worry she'll figure it out.

The next morning

Anika knew that her day ahead was
going to be really bad. She has the worst nightmare she she woke up. She was in a room with Shivaay full of pictures of Abhay and her . It scared her to her. She had decided that she was going to tell him the entire truth. She could no longer lie. It was getting harder by the moment.

Suddenly her phone started ringing and  Chanda's name flashed across the screen.

Anika and a long talk with Chanda as she was the only one with whom she could share her feelings with regarding the whole disaster that her life had been ever since Abhay had come back . Chanda and suggests that she come to Pune for a day to calm down. He husband was away on a trip and she was all alone. Besides this way Anika could have some time to think.

Anika had readily agreed and she knew just the way to make up an excuse for going. She had stretched her lie about Chanda and her husband's marital problems a little bit further and told Shivaay that a pregnant Chanda wa snow living all alone in Pune.  Shivaay and instantly offered to arrange a car to have her come back to Mumbai but Aniak had insisted on going to Pune. Despite Shivaay's repeated protest Anika wouldn't back down. Shivaay and even offered to accompany her but Anika had flatly refused citing hmshe did not what him to miss office because of her.

Finally Anika set off for Pune but as luck would have it the car broke down in the middle of road.  So there she was along with her driver waiting for a mechanic to come. She was struggling with the idea of calling Shivaay and informing him but then as usual fate played a cruel joke on her. A car stopped on seeing the driver asking for a lift. And emerged from it the very bane of her existence as of now- Abhay.

Looking for a ride.

Yes sir. Madam  wants to go to Pune. It's barely an hour from here and it will take quite a few hours for mechanic to reach. Do you mind taking her along with you asked the Oberoi's driver.

Shankar ji.  there is no need to ask for help. We will wait for the mechanic said Anika avoiding eye contact with Abhay.

But madam it is getting darker and Shivaay Sir gave strict orders to make sure you reached pune before it gets dark. He'll be very angry with me.

Well I think you should come along with me..I mean your driver is rich.. let him wait for the mechanic and I'll drop you. If you feel unsafe travelling with me then

It's not that I...fine. Fine I'll go along with you. Shankar ji don't tell Shivaay Sir about this. I'll call him myself and explain.

Okay madam.

As soon as they got in the car and were out her the driver's view Abhay couldn't help But  burst out laughing.

Why are you laughing?

As if you don't know ?

No I don't.

Shankar ji don't tell Shivaay sir said Abhay mimicing her . Wow Anika you really lie slot to your husband.

Stop the damn car. I knew this was a mistake.

And what you are really going to walk all alone to Pune?

I don't care just stop it Abhay.

Not a chance in hell.  The last thing I want is for your husband to file a case on me if something ever happens to you.

Wipe that smirk off your face and drop me right here right now.

Okay you know what. Let me ask your husband first said Abhay takingvout his phone.

What are you doing?

Isn't it obvious ? Calling and asking him if it's alright.

Are you out of your mind said Anika snatching the phone from his hand and in her fury throwing it out the window.

Are you freaking crazy woman? Said Abhay stopping the car  . I have to attend an important business call on my phone.

Anika in response just got out and started walking towards the forest.

Anika don't you dare go in's unsafe.

As if you care.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means what it means.

You are so confusing.

No Abhay I am not. Before you came back I had never lied to my husband about my past but now that you are here do you know how hard it is. I love him and I can't let our past break my marriage.

Then stop lying to him Anika..If you want I can tell him.

No don't I will I just haven't mustered up the courage to do so yet said Anika sitting down in the middle of the forest. Abhay came and sat beside her.

You know I came here with an intention to teach you a lesson. When I left for London I had asked you to get engaged but you were only 18 and Sahil's parents had passed away. You told me that marriage is something you'd never consider but then years later I found out that you married Shivaay and the truth is I am glad you did now. You know why because for the time in your life we are sitting in a dark place and you are not scared..the broken orphan little girl scared of the dark has been rescued by the scion of Oberoi dynasty and I am happy for her. I will source out the working of deal to some of my trustworthy friends and try to leave soon but I still think you should tell him and if you don't we'll then I'll respect your decision and make sure that he never find out because of me at least. Pinky promise said Abhay extending his little finger .

Anika couldn't help but giggle. You know it feels nice to spend time with the person with whom I spent better part of my childhood. Do you remember how Chanda, you and I

Used to climb the mangoes trees outside that pathetic school we attended ..of course I remember completed Abhay.  Speaking of which we should go I am guessing you were on your way to Chanda's house.

Yeah I was on and Abhay thank you.

For that speech I just made?

No for what you did back then when we Shivaay and I were separated.

What are you talking about said Abhay feigning ignorance.

I know that you sent money to Chanda when I was staying with her. I know how much Chanda earns and she was not only feeding both me and Satin but was also the one who bought those expensive medicines for Sahil.

You knew it was me?

Who else could it have been?

I did it because I know how much Satin means to you and I wanted to MAKE sure that he wa alright.

Which is why I am thanking you?

Meanwhile at Oberoi mansion:

Khanna walked  into Shivaay's room after he had knocked the door and Shivaay had allowed him to come in.

Shivaay Sir there is a parcel for you. It says on it that it's urgent for you to see .

Who is it from? Asked Shivaay while trying to call Anika .

It's from a Peehu Dobriyal.

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