Chapter 4

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   Kai's POV
   Nya still didn't give any signs. I could hardly see from tears. I put my head into her shoulder and I cried so much. The doctor came in.
   'I saw her finger moving! You should know that her heart MIGHT beat again because of her elemental powers. We should try to wake her up one more time.' he said
   'Yes, please! Hurry!' I said. There was still hope.
    After like 30 minutes, the doctor came off the surgery station
'There's good news and bad news. The good news is that she is alive. The bad news is that she won't resist too much like this.' the doctor said
   'What do you mean 'like this'?' I asked
   'Well her heart beats again, but her lungs had been perforated.'
    'How is this possible?' I was confused
    'If she had been hurt at her back hard, it might be the cause of the lungs problems.' he said
     I was sure I must have knocked her on the floor or wall and that might be the reason. I'm officially the worst brother ever. But I was happy though. Nya was alive.
    'She can't breathe without air-machine and even with it, it's hard for her. Her lungs won't resist.' the doctor said
     'So you are telling me that she might not survive?'
      'Exactly! If she gets new lungs in the next 24 hours, she still has a chance, but if she doesn't get...'
      I looked at Nya. I didn't even blink.
      'What if I give her my lungs? Will she survive?' I asked
'Well, yes, most probably she will. But then you must take her lungs, which are weak.' the doctor said
'I'll take them. I'm stronger than she is. I think I can survive.' I said confidently
      'Are you sure? There are still chances that she won't survive and YOU might not survive.' the doctor said
      'If there's a little chance that she would be fine, I would do it.'
      'Okay. We will start in an hour. You must take some medical checks!' the doctor said

words count: 347

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