Chapter 12.

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"So, what's the plan?" I ask several minutes after.
"Elijah is gone to find Celeste. He already knows her,and they are going to have a long conversation. He is not alone clearly, but she doesn't know that.
I've sent Marcel with him"

"Okay... What about the others?"

"For Thatia... It will be not difficult, she doesn't know anything about this new world... Also to me is difficult sometimes, and I guess it's the same to you, who lived there without any stop. So... I'm going to find her and take her at safe"

"Killing her..." I imagine, and he makes up a face ahat seems like to say what do you think i had to do instead?
"Fine!" I exclaim in the end.

"Sweatheart, the intent is to make them leave this world. Remember that"

"Yes, I remember that dad. And... What about me? What I have to do?"

He get serious.

"Nothing. You are going to he at home"

"No!" I exclaim. "Dad, until now it's me who fought against any type of monster! I've won against Malivore, a Necromance, a dragon, and others like this. I can do that. I'm strong enough! Why don't you believe in me?"

"I believe in you more than I believe in myself, love. But I am you father and I have to protect you"

"But I'm not a baby anymore..."

"It doesn't metter. You are my daughter. One day you'll understand"

"How you want! But you can't control me. If I say I can do that, it means I can. And I'll show you" I smile and I exit, while he continue call me.

I take all the necessary and I turn back to school.

I watch at my back, and strangerly I don't meet nothing and nobody.

"Goodmorning! Can I kindly ask you if you can remember me?" A voice behind me makes me freeze.

I slowly turn myself and all I see is a man with blood at the mouth. He has blond hair, light blue eyes and he has dirty and worn clothes.

"Prohibere tempus"

I turn him around, but I can't remember him.

"No...I don't know you. Who the hell are you?"

"Oh, it's a pity... Set me free, I can show you who I am"

"Who the hell are you?" I repeat out loud.

"You are Niklaus Mikaelson's daughter. The tribrid. Tell me, what he is using you for? Keep the hybrids at his service? Pretend to be the better?"

I don't ask you who is me, I know wery well who I am. I ask you to make me know who the hell are you. Would you might me answer me?" I continue.

"You are my niece, sweetie" Michael. "And it's hard see that you have the same character of your father"

"I am glad to be his copy, instead. And you can't do nothing to make this stop"

Something goes wrong. Time continues go.


I heard Lizzie and Josie come.



"Here I am!" I scream, an they arrives.

"Who is him?" Asks.

"Friends, Doctor Saltzman, can I introduce you my grand father?"

"I will never be father of a beast. He is not my son" He growls.

"Better. I will be allowed to not have any type of pity with you, beast" I say continuing with spell.

"Hope, stop"

I start making Michael fold on himself.

"Hope!" Screams Alarich. "Stop it now! This is not you! This is your father! You are not him!"

"No, in fact I'm his daughter. And now I can defend him"

"Hope, stop...He's going to die!" Screams Lizzie.

"Hope!" Screams Josie.


I stop.

"Okay... I am strong enough to permit you to go home on your legs, but I want you to know that if you can do this it's because I allows it. It's me, Klaus's daughter. Have you understood, beast?"

"You're weak... As you father"

"I could put you to death, ignorant old man!"

"Then do it! C'mon!" He challenges me.

"I'm not going to" I try to control myself.



"Enouhg!" Dr Saltzman put end to that. "I will fix it. Hope, go home. Take with you my daughters" Says.

"Dad, but I..." Try to say Lizzie.

"With Hope" Says irremovible the headmaster, and they look at me.

"I'm going home just for let my dad and my family to know that this usefull animal has come back, and I could have kill him, but you didn't allow me to do that"

"Go. And don't look back" End him.

I start walking with my friends.

"Hope, do you really want to do that? Are you sure to want tell your father his is back?"

"Yes, he has to know it"

"Hope, think!"

"I did!" I exclaim. "And I know that he would like to know that. Because together we'll destroy Mikael. And I know we can. We are a family, we fought for each other and we stay together as one. This is what they thaught me. And this is how I'm going to live until my last day, like them. Now, if you want to excuse me, I have something to say at my family" I say going back home.

I pay attention to all the time I come back, and when I finally arrive, I find my uncle Elijah attending.
"Uncle Elijah!"
"Hope!" He comes near. "Why don't you are at school?"
"We have a problem. Mikael has come back"
"What? How do you know that?"
"Hope!" I heard, then my father comes.
"Dad! It's all okay. I'm fine. I'm fine"
"Where do you have meet Mikael?"
"While I was returning at school, but I was not alone! There was Doctor Saltzman with me, with his daughters. I escaped, to come here and tell you what happened.
I made a mistake... When I called you guys, I forgot to close the door of the afterlife, and now people is turning back"
"It's okay sweetheart, come here" Whispers my dad opening his arms.
I go and I hug him. "I'm sorry dad, I just wanted to see you again..."
"You have done it right, don't you worry child. Now, together we'll fix it. Do you agree?" Asks my aunt Freya.
"Aunt!" I smile going to her. "Yes, I absolutely agree with you"
"Well... Come with me"

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