Chapter 14. I have a plan

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"Hope! Hope, stop! You can't do this at Klaus's manner! You can't fight against the ancestors!"

"Why not?"

"I did it once and I won. I can easily done it again" Comes my father. "Don't worry, littlest wolf" He smiles.

"You did it and then you died.
No way, we have just... To restablish the order" Try to keep calm my aunt.

"Okay...Who are we going to kill?" I ask, but my father looks bad at me, as...If he is sorry.

"Hope, don't... Oh, bloody hell, it isn't lime this that we have to take bad news. Before we have to think a way!"

"Nik!" Screams Freya.

"What? We have to kill three people! We can easily find them...Or...There are characteristics to respect?"

"We are gling to kill none. Okay? We'll understand how to restablish the order in the better way, listening the ancestors!"

"The same ancestores who wanted my daughter dead?" Screams my father.

"The same ancestors who brought back you in life to stay with your daughter again!"

"Niklaus, please... Show a little of respect!" Says my uncle Elijah entering in the room. "And, please, would you might lower your voices? Hayley is not well"

"What?" My father turns around.

"What does she have?" I ask worried.

"Apparently she's got food poisoning from ... Expired grains. Someone forgot to look at the expiration date"

"But...Everything will be alright, right?" I ask.

"Of course, don't worry Hope" He smiles.

I run.

"Mum! Mum!"

When I finally arrive at her room, I see her lying in the bed.
She seems okay.

"Hope!" She smiles. "Everything is okay, don't you worry. I only have... Ate a expireted grains" She smiles. "And I could run, and continue live, but your uncle... Confined me there!" She smiles.

"When did you started listen to someone?" I ask laughing.

"I don't listen to anyone...Eccept your uncle, now. Just to know" She makes a place for me. "Sit here if you want"

"Thanks" I say.

"You know, when I was in the other side... I looked at you. In every moment.
And one day your uncle arrived, from we didn't know. He sayied that he was forgiven, and that he hoped that this would happen also to Kalus.
Day after day, I started lose hopes seeing your father never come. But he never.
And I saw him, I asked him how is it possible that you never lose hope with your brother?
He smiled, and he looked at me. I can't do that. I am the big brother, it's me who has to bring back to right road the others.
We started to live again together. It's been passed years, and we finally were happy together.
Now, I know he has not forget what we have been throught, but... You know your uncle, he..."

"You have fear that something could change" I end and she smiles.
"You're so smart..."
I smile.
"I know the feeling" I say thinking at Landon. "But... If you really want something to happens, you try. And try until you reach it.
Don't you worry mum, we always knew that you were meant to be together" We laugh.
"Hope!" She excalims, embarassed.
"Now I go... I leave you to relax. See you later" I get back on my feet.
"See you later honey"

After a few hours, the doorbell rings, and my uncle Kol goes.
"Hi! Can I help you?"
"Oh my god" It's Alarich.
"I remember of you! You were in Mystic Falls!"
I run, and I see Alarich with his daughters.
"Hi! Uncle Kol, he's my headmaster, and they are his daughters, Elisabeth and Josette Salzman.
What a beautiful surprise! Please, come in! Can them, right uncle?"
"Of course...Come in!"
My friends enter, but Alarich don't.
"You can talk also with me" Smiles my uncle.
"No, I was talking with your niece. I know her well"
"Not well as her family" my father comes, and Lizzie and Josie turn near their father slowly.
"Don't worry dears, if you are not here to put in danger me or my family, you're always welcome here!" He smiles. "I only pray you to not do any type of bad noise. Thanks. Please, come in!" He smiles and they enter again, come close to me.
"Hope... Tell me that he's the only" Says Josie.
"No, he isn't" I smile.
"Your daughter is in danger, like everyone there and in Mystic Falls. That's why I am here" Starts Alarich.
"What did it happen?" Asls my father closing the door after even the headmaster has enter.
"Some of people I personally killed are come back to life. And I need to stop them"
"Count above us. What do you need to take them back?"
"Is it a jocke to you?" Asks Alarich.
"Do you think my daughter's life is a jocke to me?"
"Dad!" I smile. "I wanted to make you all know that I am studying a way, with my aunt, to restablish the order.
I have just... Found a way, I think, but I don't know if it can be usefull. Now I show you, follow me!"
"Be quiet... Or at least try, please" Asks my father.
"What happened?" Asks Josie.
"Hayley is sleeping" He smiles.
"The werewolf? Tyler's friend?" Asks Alarich.
"Yes" Smiles my father. "But, please, don't do his name again. She has a name, why don't use it?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, it's a honour to me show to all of you, my and my aunt Freya's studies about how we can try to bring back our reality without any sacrifice!" I present them and my father claps his hands smiling. I laugh.
"Do you might...Explain also in what does it consist?" Asks Alarich.
"Okay Hope Andrea Mikaelson, if I thought you were insane, just know that it has confirmed my think" Says Lizzie.
"I know... But we have to try. And with my aunt we are try to find other ways, but it seems they don't exixt!"
"What is the idea?"
"I'm going to ask again to the ancestors to help me, but if they won't listen to me, I'll fight.
So, my uncle Elijah will set a trap to Celeste, that I've localised - she is in New Orleans, but I don't know yet in which body - and he will put her those" I take the handcuffs that block the magic and I continue:"So she will not be able to defend herself and we'll can be able to end.
And we are going to repeat that with different people by who we want to take back"
"This is the most crazy plan I've ever heard" Says Alarich.
"So...Let's do that!" I smile. "Oh, and none can come here. I'm going to do a cover spell to not make this place not able to find with my aunt. Would you do it with me?" I ask to my friends.
"They can?" I ask to their father.
We go.

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