Chapter 17.

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"Guys, I'm fine. Really, I..."

I heard a noise.

"What..." I start walking in the room. "Is it someone there, mum? Eccept us, obiously"

"Hope, what are you talking about?" Asks my uncle.

"Don't you heard?"

"What?" Continues him without understand.

"What happens there?" Aunt Freya come at the door, followed by aunt Rebekah.

"Aunt!" I run.

"Sister!" Smiles Elijah going to hug her. Mum tries do the same, but she falls.

"Mum!" I scream.

"Wolf woman!" Aunt Rebekah runs, followed by us.

"What happens?" Comes my father. "Sister!"

"Nikalus!" She smiles seeing him. "Now there's no time for hugs, Hayley needs help"

"I'm okay... I'm okay, thanks" She smiles. "So, blondie bitch barbie, where have you been? Tell us!" She smiles.

"Wolf woman, repect!" Also aunt Rebekah smiles. "I'm back some days ago. I had to... Put together some pieces. What happened to you? I don't see you like this from... Years"

My mum looks at her in a bad way.

"Mum, what's going on?" I smile trying to understand.

"Nothing, I'm okay"

"Your mum... Had a... You know, enemies, and some of them tried to poisoned her" Says my aunt.

"Are you poison?!"

"No, I'm not poison!" Screams her. "I'm fine. I swear"

"Would you might leave us alone, please?" Smiles uncle Elijah refering to us.

"Of course! You have... A lot of things to discuss, I imagine!" Also my aunt smiles, then she takes my hand:"Let's go"

"What happens to mum?" I ask once exit.

"I don't know. But I guess we'll find out soon... Now I want to know all of your life! How is it my niece?"

"I'm fine, thanks. And... Tomorrow I'll going to school, so... After dinner, I'm sorry, but I can't stay a lot"

"Don't you worry dear, we'll see anyway. We'll find a way"

"Of course" I smile.

"Hope... Can I... Talk to you?" Asks my father.

"Of course" I smile. "See you later, aunt"

"See you later" She fakes a smile.

"Dad, I think that aunt Rebekah's strange... What do you think about?"

"She has travelled a lot darling, se will be... Tired!"

"You're right... Yes, maybe it's as you say" I think. "So... What do you wanna talking about?" I smile.

"How are you, littlest wolf?"

"I'm fine dad, thanks" I smile.

We look each other in the eyes, then I hug him.

"I missed you. I missed you so much..."

"I missed you too, Hope"

"Want you know the most ironic fact? That... My name's Hope... And... That's what I was losting, trying and seeing that nothing happened.

Dad, I tried so much to make you all came back! I think to have red... About 150 books, or even more! And I didn't find anything.

I had to do it in silence, with calm and nobody had to know that, otherwise I don't know what could happens" I whisper. "When I saw you... You can't imagine what I felt"

"I didn't understand why I was here, I can't believe that was you, who bring back me in life another time. I have to thank you"

"No, you haven't. I've done what I had to. I'm a Mikaelson, my family is all I have"

"Always and Forever"

"Always and Forever"


At dinner I notice that mum's not present.

"Is mum okay? Why does she is not with us?"

"She's sleeping" Smiles my aunt Rebekah, then she looks at uncle Elijah.

"Dear, would you might pass me that pitcher, please?"

I let my earring falls and I prick myself in silence, then I let blood flow in it, and I pass it.

"I'm sorry... I didn't undesrtand"

"It doesn't metter, thanks dear" Smiles him. He pours the wine before to all, then to himself and then he drinks.

All looks each others, he makes a strange face.

"Is it everything just fine?" I smile.

"The wine... It has... A strange aftertaste!"

Marcel looks at him.

"How you can control yourself?"

"Marcel..." Says my aunt Rebekah. "He is Elijah... He has his ways!" She smiles.

"Or he has nothing!" I hazard.

"Hope, what are you talking about?" Asks him, trying to hide his nervousness.

"Brother, I haven't seen you like that from centuries... What did it happen to you?" Asks my father.

"Elijah... Are you kidding with all of us?" Asks Marcel.

"Oh, please... Someone can tell me what are you talking about?" Says my father.

"Someone on the other side tried to make the cure... And someone had to test it" Explains him. "I thought... To have nothing to lose, I couldn't know that someone so much powerful could bring me back, and so..."

"You took it" Ends my father, then he looks at me, and I start tremble. "Wait..."

"When did it happen?" Asks again.

"I don't know... Time passes really fast on the other side"

"Elijah... You're going to death" Whispers my aunt Rebekah. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I'm not going to death, I'll still alive"

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"I know that, that's all"

He does not trust of Marcel and he doesn't want let him to know.

"I got it. And... I..." I try to apologise myself.

"Everything's fine" He smiles: "I would have done the same!"

My father bite himself and poured his blood in my uncle's chalice.

"Niklaus, don't... " Uncle Elijah prays him.

"Brother, you're going to die soon!"

"Brother, drink! Please!" Ask Rebekah.

"What about Always and Forever, Elijah?" Smiles my mum.

He looks at us, and I smile taking my necklace.

"Always and Forever" He says.

"Always and Forever" I repeat, with all. "Family above all" I add, getting closer to my mum, who looks at me.

"How did...?"

"I did. I think that's all" I smile hugging her.

"Little wolf, are you okay?" Asks my father. Mum looks at Elijah and he looks down for a while, then he stands up and invites her to sit.

"Dear, please..."

She smiles and aunt Reekah starts crying.

"Brother... Won't you tell me that..."

"I'm pregnant" Smiles mum.

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