Chapter 26.

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At the enter, Mr Saltzman and Mrs Forbes are waiting for us.
"Are you all there?" Asks her.
I look around myself.
"I think yes" I smile and she looks at me like she's trying to understand if I'm pretending or something, but I keep calm continuing smile, and so does her.
"We have an announce to make" Restarts Caroline. "The next year, we'll have a new student. A new born student. His name will be Erik Mikaelson" Says her.
Everybody looks at me.
"Excuse me?" I smile. "Let me understand,  Mrs Salvatore" I start. "How is it possible that you know my family then me? Don't you believe that, if there wluld be some news, it would be me who give them?
In add, who are you to tell my private fact to the entire school?
And it's not finished: this baby is between my mother and my uncle...So, why are you so interested to? Do you want to make a better impression to my father? I thought you've understood yet how the thing are..."
"Hope" Doctor Saltzman interveens. "In my office. Now. But first, I want to say you something: she would be nobody to you, in a personally way, but remember that she is the headmistress, who found the school where you study, with your friends. And first of all, she is the mother of your best friends"
"Is she the headmistress? Does she act like this role? Because I thought to be the one who always take the control of the situations to save this school, and its students, my friends, with you, Headmaster. Not her for sure.
But, even if she would be good in her work, it wouldn't be enough to stop me from say the truth"
Everyone is in silent.
I look at my friends, Lizzie and Josie.
"Girls, I'm sorry...I'm not angry with you...But with your mother yes"

"Why?" Asks Josie.

"She's jelous. But we talked yet... I believed..." Says Caroline.

"I'm not jalous at all, for sure not of you. And we have nothing to say each other, even if I've talked with you"

"Hope, I'm your Headmistress. You can't treat me like that. I have to take disciplinary measures in this regard" She tries to make her image worthy of respect.

"I accept it"

"In the office. Now. Follow me" Says Dr Saltzman, and I go, while the others look at me.

I stop.

"I have personal problems with her. I can't treat like I have done, and I know... Infact, I respect her as a person. Not like a Mistress, because she's never there. There, with us, there is only Dr Saltzman.

When I was in a bad time, Dr Saltzman was with me" I explain to my mates.

"Not you. Where were you?" Now I look at her. "I'd think about that, Mrs Forbes, or Salvatore, or... Whatever you want be to called. I'm sorry, I'm a little bit confuse about that. Anyway, have a nice day!" I end before finally follow Alaric.


"We are going to the gym..." I notice.

"We have to talk and to train ourselves" Says him opening the doors. "Come in"


I take a stick, so does him, and we start.

"Hope, what happened?"

 "She was nobody to announce that in this way" I defend myself from the first blow. "She is nobody to my family" I punch.

"She is nobody to you maybe..." Says him.

"She's not my mother, she's not the person who will take me away my father. Okay?" 

Alaric falls down after a propagation of waves which follows my anger.

 "This anger... Free yourself. Hit me"


"Hit me" He continues.


"What are you afraid of? To lose your father again?" He tries to stimolate me.

"Alaric... No" I try instead to make he understand to not do that.

"What? Are you really so insecure?"

"I'm not insecure about anything"

"Then show me! Show us! Show your father how powerful are you, c'mon! I repeat... What are you afraid of? To lose your father again? To lose your whole family?"

"Stop!" I scream pushing him throught the opposite wall.

"Alaric!" I run.

"I'm okay Hope" He stands up again, and someone comes.

Lizzie, Josie, and her.

"Did you see?" I go to her.

"Hope, no..."Alaric tries to stop me.

"You're the same copy of your father..." Sighs her.

"Yes, I am. But, instead of him, I won't show pity to you. Remember it"

"Do you really believe I am afraid of a jelous teen? Or, better, do you really think I ame so stupid to want discuss with a jelous teen?"

"And do you really think it metters to me what you want to?" 

She breathes.

"Damn... " She smiles, then she starts laughing. "I like you"

"I don't like you. Now, excuse me" I go away.

"no, I don't wxcuse you now. You can't do what you want, is that you can't understand!

Hope, you're in a boarding school! You have to respect rules. And you will be better to be polite, specially with the Master or Mistress that is. Because I'm the Mistress, and the mother of your friends, as you know"

"I said I respect you as it. But only as it. You can't expect other from me"

"I can expect this and so much more from you, because I know your father more than you and I'm sure your family has made grow up you with kindness, joy and protecting you from all the bad things , but ' won't. I accept that. I accept all you said, because you don't want to see me, and I'll disappear. I promise you, you'll never see me again"

"For sure?" I look at her.

"For sure"


"Because I care of all you, and I want you to be relaxed and happy"

"You will be somewhere with my dad..." I finally understood. 

"It isn't all about him, do you know?" Smiles her. "I want my students be happy"

"What about your daughters?" I restart.

"I'll find a way"

"Promise me" I assure myself. I don't like her, but Josie and Lizzie have to see her.

"I promise you. But you promise me you'll take care of yourself and of them as well, as you always did"

"I promise" 

"Okay... I'm sorry, I'm very sorry about that, and I hope we'll can talk one day... But til that time, goodbye Hope. It has been good to know you, and I'm glad of it"

"Thanks. Good life, Mrs Forbes"

"Same to you" She smiles, then I take my leave.

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