Chapter 29.

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"Niklaus! Come out, or I swear on my life I'll go to make a way to do the cure again to put into Caroline's mouth and then burn her alive in front of your and your daughter's eyes, after have made it clear who is the girl most important there!" She screams walking the house.

My father comes fast, with the rest of the family. 

"What the hell are you screaming about, sister?" Asks him put her through the wall.

"Dad!" I exclaim.

"Brother, let her go. Now" Says uncle Elijah, and he does.

"You have one minute to tell me what the hell were you talking about. You better do it quickly and clear" He growls.

"Why don't let your daughter talk? Why don't let Hope explain what that bitch did?"

"Rebekah! I don't dare you to..." 

"To do what Nikalus? C'mon! Listen to your daughter!" She screams with all the voice she has.

"What happened?" Asks uncle Elijah.

"She... She did the announce today, of a new student at the school. His name is Erik Mikaelson, and she saied he's my cousin"

Everyone rest in silence, eccept for Rebekah, who continues.

"And do you know why she did it?"

"Caroline can't have done that..." Sighs my father.

"She did, and I've the proofs..." I say checking in my phone, looking for the video that the cameras made. "Found" I say giving it to my dad.

Everyone look at the phone, my aunt leaves and my father stops her.

"Stay there. I'm going to fix that"

While my father is going to prepare himself, my aunt says:

"Tell her that if I only smell a drop of her blood, I will make her suffer in more ways than even you know. I promise you, Niklaus" 

"You won't even exit from there, my dear. Just like everybody that now is there, eccept me obiously" Says him before exit.

My uncle tries to follow him, but a restrict spell block him.

"Hope... Can you..."

"She can't... She doesn't know the correct way to make the spell" Says aunt Freya.

"Aunt..." I whisper.

"Take off whatever you did. Immediately" Growls Rebekah.

"Guys, calm yourselves. We are not in danger anymore. Okay, she has wrong, But to us this means nothing!
We don'thave enemies, people who wants us dead, so we have nothing to be scare about!" Says aunt Freya. "Okay, she had bad intentions, but she gave us a favour..." She continues.

"We have everyone's attention" I say. "We could do whatever we want..."

"What about a party?" Asks my dad, who's come back. And with him there's also Mrs Forbes!

"Hope... Calm down" Come aunt Freya and uncle Elijah.

"What is she doing there? I don't want her in my home, she's not the allow  to enter!"

Everything begins to tremble.

"Hope... You misunderstood..." She tries to explain something, but I don't want to listen her.

"You gave a my family's news, you..."

"She is your family" Says my father, letting me and the others without words.

"What the hell are you saying?!" I exclaim, and Mrs Forbes looks at him with an embarassed smile.

"Thanks to you we got closer... " Thet take eaxh other by hand.

"Brother... What are you trying to tell us?" Asks uncle Elijah.

My father takes her by hand, and finally I realise why the ring she wears seemed me so different from the other she had before.

That's a jocke... It has to. Please...
"Hope, you're going to live in the same house with Lizzie and Josie also after school!" Tries to make me smile Caroline.

"Yes, this is the only good thing"  I say.

God... I have to think to my father. Courage, Hope, you can do that... To him!

I smile.

"I was jocking! I'm very happy... For real guys, but... The fact it's thst... There are so many news!
But okay, I'm ready. And I want people I love to be happy. If my father is, I am too" I say the truth.

He comes and hugs me, I do the same.

"I'm happy sweetheart, but first come you" He sighs.

"I'm happy dad" I lie, with tears in my eyes. "I love you"

"I love you too, Hope"

We hugh each other thight.

After, I go near to Caroline.

"Hi... Congratulations" I only say, and she smiles.

"You are a very bad liar..." She laughs. "But thanks"

"I'm sorry... Seriously, I just... I really wish we could talk soom or later" I say.

"Sure! Even now if you want. About what?" She comes closer.

"About all" I smile. "I don't hate you, for now I just... Wanted to say that"

"I know. Thanks, sweetie" She smiles, then she get closer embarassed and she saked: "Is it... Too much asking for a hug?" 

"I think it's never" I smile hugging her.

"I'm not your mom, neither I want to replace her. Never! Okay? Please, remember this. And I know you're the only love your father had never known, or at least the truest, and I'm so happy... You don't know how! I swear, Hope. I'm so happy about that" 

"Thanks" I smile.

The parties end with a dinner together.

My mum never stops look at me, like my father and my aunt Rebekah, which seems stubborn to not understand the choice of the lovers.

While we are eating, Marcel comes.

"Good evening, am I allow to enter?" Smiles.

"Hi!" I go hugging him.

"Hello Hope, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks. What about you?" I ask smiling.

"I'm quite fine, thanks. I'm only passed to...Try understending one or two things..." He looks at my father keep smiling, then he looks at Caroline and he introduces himself and so do her.

Then my father go away with him, and she comes near to me.

"Are you really happy?" She asks.

"Yes!" I smile.

"Hope, please... Yesterday you want me dead!" She remembers me.

"I know... But then I've reflected.

You know, I've never seen my father like he's now. Neither when it was only me and him, he was never so... Relaxed, or happy! His mile is changed, he is changed when you are around him. And something tells me you are different too.

I don't know you, okay... But you seems to be...Uhm... A professionist planner!" I smile. "I mean, I look at you and I see perfection.

Every single thing that you wear has been perfectly studied, in details, maybe also weeks ago! And also my father is like you. He... Projects his control on what he paints, I don't know if you do the same..." She smiles.

"God, no! I would be the worst peintress the world had seen!" She exclaims.

"No! Why?" I laugh. "Have you ever tried?" I ask, for curiosity.

"No, but..." She starts.

"So how can you say you're terrible?!" I ask. "C'mon!" She smiles.

"You're right..."

"Do you want to try?" I proprose.

"What...?" She starts, but my uncle calls us to make a toast (brindisi...🥂🥂) .

"Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to thank all of you for the most honourable life you permit me to live, and permit me also to thanks our niece, Niklaus ans Hayley's daughter Hope, for what she did.
Always and Foeever would be lasted also without us, because she would have continued to live, but she wanted to share it with us, thanks to the values we have been capable of trasmit her. Thanks Hope, Always and Forever"

"Thanks to you! Always and Forever
And... Despite all, I think I could be happy if Caroline would be with us. I mean, living with us" I add, and my father looks at me as if I had saied the most beautiful thing. "Family above all, Always and Forever. Wasn't it like that?" I smile.

"It was" He smiles, and I go huggind him.

So this day concludes itself again with our love as subject of all, as always and forefer will be.

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