Chapter 50.

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I arrive at home, and I hear my mom screaming.

I run, but I see out of the corner of my eye something strange. It's like... It's like if my father would be eating... Against a wall. What... 

Anoyher scream. I decide to let go, and I follow my mom and my brother's smell.

I enter in the room, and I see my aunties Freya and Rebekah. When uncle Elijah looks at me, he comes as fast as he can.

"When did you arrived there, Hope?" He seems to be so worried.

"I... I am just arrived. Why?" I ask. 

"Doesn't metter" He is so serious. It has to be fo mom...

I smile, and I put a hand on his shoulder:"Don't worry uncle, everything will be fine" He turns around, and he smiles.

"Thanks Hope... You're very sensitive, and smart. And kind"

"Just like all of us, uncle... Erik won't be different" I say smiling, going to hug him.

"I... I really don't know where to start, with the being a father" He says. "Forgive me, I should not talk with you about that, but I..."

"Ehy, uncle..." I interrupt him, and he looks at me. I keep smiling. "Just because I'm eighteen, it doesn't means I can't understood"

He calms down himself.

"And I'm sure you and mom will grow up a magnificent boy. But remember this: you're not alone. You never been and you never will be" I say, believing in what I'm saying. "Family above all. Always and Forever. Do you remember?"

He smiles in tears.

"Always and Forever, Hope"

He hugs me.

"Promise me a thing" He continues.

"What you want..." I say looking into his eyes.

"You will fight for him, and you will protect him always and forever, no metter what he will do or what he will say"

"He's a part of my family, uncle... " I say. "And family stays together, fight for each other Always and Forever.

You could also not ask me, you know my answer... " I say, but he doesn't stop looking at me, so I explain myself better:"I intend keep fighting for Always and Forever, even if it destroies me"

He kisses me into my hairs, and I smile.

"Everything will be fine uncle, you'll see"

"Where's your father?" Asks Elijah to change topic.

"I saw him before... He was... Uhm... Occuped" I only say. Uncle Elijah looks at me and he understands.

"I'm sorry... You know your father" He says embarassed. I laugh.

"Yes, I know him... But unfortunately I don't know her" I say, and he looks me with a confused face: "But... Isn't Caroline your head teacher, is her?" He asks.

"Yes, she is... But I don't know her, okay? And... In this family we are so sensitive, but it takes very little and we start wars against everyone for something that would be without a really... Thing! Do you understand? " I try to explain myself. "I just... Don't want..."

"...To see him sad" My uncle ends.

"Yes" I say, and the discussion ends there. We only loo each other in the eyes, and we have already understood what the other wants to say.

"Now we have to take care about the baby Mikaelson who's just arrived, we can't think to other!" I ssay smiling, and he laugs funnied and embarassed.

"I know, but you won't ever pass on second plan. You are the first daughter, the miracle baby!" He says, and we smile.

"Also Erik could be named like this, don't you think so, do you?" I ask. "I mean... You could have die!" I say.

"I can't. An Original stays an Original, even if he turns into human" He replies, always confident.

"Really?" I ask surprised, and he makes a "yes" with the head. "Oh my god, I didn't know that!"

"Esther did one thing in the right way!" He jockes, and we laugh.

Marcel comes.

"I wanted to know... How is Hayey" He only says.

Uncle is opening his mouth yet when aunt Rebekah comes with the baby in her arms.

"Baby!" I smile, and uncle Elijah opens his eyes for a while, staying as pietrified, then he moves to teir direction and she gives him the bundle.

He smiles, and for a while he looks at us, then he returns watching the babt.

"Hi Erik!" I smile caressing his little cheeck. He smiles. "What a wonderful baby..." 

I'm lost. He's so cute! He's so precious... A new life, a new start. A new reason to make the world a better place.

Uncle Elijah gives back the baby to aunt Rebekah, then he goes to mom, so we stay with him and we look each other.

"You were... So amazing... Just like him, you know?" She smiles. "I thought I would never came back, I gave someone your necklace as gift, and I pried her to give it to you, saying your aunt Bex loves you..."

"You  came back" I smile.

"I'll always come back, sweetie..." She looks up. "This place is... So many things... You don't even know. You can't even imagine" She smiles into her tears.

"Aunt!" I hug her.

"I'm so happy to be here with you... I am proud of you, swetiee. You're so a brave girl, so a talentful witch, an amazing vampire, and an elegant werewolf, as a Princess"  I smile.

"I have my aunt's grace" I only reply, and she kiss me on the front, keeping me close to her with a tight hold, and I do the same with her.

We spend the evening and the night in family, with adults which tell stories about my childhood, hoping my cousin will never pass those sorts of... Adventures, and will be a little bit more lucky.

"But... You know" Marcel starts. "I don't have a magic ball, but I think if something bad is going to happen again, the baby will always be at safe there. He's with the Mikaelson's family"

"He's a Mikaelson's family member" My aunt Freya says.

"And we fight for each other" I say.

"Always and Forever" We say in choir.


The next day I feel as something goes wrong, but I don't know what it is.

I turn around for the whole house, and finally I understand.


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