Chapter 10: Be My Eternity

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Bragnae stood there in shock as Madeleine brushed past her on the way to the plane. She knew Madeleine probably spent the night with Liam the night they all first met, but she figured it was a 'one and done' for both of them. Hence her surprise when Madeleine announced she was joining them on their excursion to mainland Japan.

Hana and Maxwell made their way over to the plane as well when Bragnae turned to Drake. "Madeleine?"

Drake threw his hands up, rolling his eyes as he shook his head. "Who knows?"

Maxwell had arranged a free military transport that was leaving from Okinawa, and traveling to Yokota Air Base, which was just outside of Tokyo, to take them all on their vacation. The C-5 Galaxy aircraft, that normally transports troops and cargo on official business, had plenty of seats to spare. Since the U.S. military offers extra seats to its service members and their families when available during routine transports, Maxwell took advantage of the deal, and snagged six spots for everyone.

As they boarded the Galaxy, Bragnae noticed several bundles of cargo secured by netting and fasteners in the back of the plane beyond their seats. There were a few other people traveling on the plane in addition to her crew, but the seats were mostly empty. Liam and Madeleine had already found their seats as Hana and Maxwell filled in two rows behind them. Drake grabbed Bragnae's hand, and led her back another few rows behind their friends.

"What? Do we stink?" Maxwell turned around in his seat to ask Drake.

"We're going to be sharing hotel rooms throughout this trip, Maxwell. I think a little space on this plane is going do us all some good," Drake replied, settling his things in the seat next to him.

Bragnae sat back in her seat next to Drake. The rows were set up with five seats across, and they sat in the middle. She looked around her. She'd never been on a military aircraft before despite serving in the military for several years. Usually, military members would only ride them when deploying or during special training exercises, and Bragnae didn't fall into either of those categories. The walls of the aircraft were windowless, and lined with seating that faced all of the other seats in the middle. The Galaxy was huge to say the least.

After a few minutes, the engines roared to life, and the plane began taxiing down to the runway. Compared to commercial flights, riding in a C-5 was extraordinarily loud. The aircraft increased its speed as it prepared for take-off. Bragnae barely heard Maxwell as he shouted with excitement, and raised his hands in the air as the plane lifted towards the sky for their two and half hour flight.

As the aircraft leveled out, Bragnae felt a shiver run throughout her body. "Damn, it's cold on this plane."

Drake reached into the bag next to him. "Here," he said, handing her a rolled up red blanket.

"A blanket! You think of everything!" Bragnae took the blanket from him, and unrolled it.

"I brought it for you," he said as he assisted her in draping it over her bare legs.

Bragnae smiled at him. "You did? But how did you know I'd need it?"

"Well, Princess, you wear dresses a lot, and I know you're only used to flying on commercial flights. Since you've never flown on one of these before," he continued, gesturing to the plane cabin, "I figured you wouldn't know how drafty they can be."

Bragnae considered him for a moment. "I'd be offended by that snarky comment, but you're right. And I've never deployed before so..."

"Yeah, I know. And I'm not sure you'd make it if you ever had to," he told her with a smug side glance.

"Well, thank you for thinking of my spoiled ass when you packed this." Bragnae reached over to grab his chin, pulling him in for a sweet kiss that lingered.

"Mmmm," Drake savored. "I'd do anything for a kiss from you."


"Yes ma'am."

Bragnae pursed her lips together, and her eyes darted toward to the ceiling of the plane. "Would you walk across hot coals for a kiss from me?"

"Yep," he replied confidently.

"Would you eat the world's hottest pepper?"


"Would you kill a man?" She asked jokingly.

"Do terrorists count?"

Bragnae broke into a wide smile. "Yeah!"

"Then yes," he told her with a grin.

She turned to him in her seat, and brushed her hand lovingly against his cheek. "Wow. I feel so honored. You'd do all of that just for a kiss from me?"

"I really missed those luscious lips of yours. I thought about them every day on my deployment, wanting so badly to kiss them." Drake traced her bottom lip with his thumb as he spoke.

Finding his lips irresistible as well, Bragnae leaned in and pressed her full lips against his in a fervent kiss.

"You know, I happen to know of a faster way you could warm up," he stated with a smirk.

"Drake!" She hissed. "We can't have sex right here."

"Relax. Get your mind out of the gutter. I meant that I could hold you." He cocked an eyebrow at her as he looked at her expectantly.

"Oh. You were being sweet," she admitted as she looked down at her lap.

"Yeah, I was. Now, throw those gorgeous legs over my lap and settle in." Drake shook his head at her as she moved to drape herself over him. "So, you think I always just want to fuck you? Is that it?"

"Well, don't you?"

"No," he scoffed, before turning his face away trying to hide a smile.

Bragnae angled her head to see his face more clearly. "Uh-huh. That's what I thought."

Drake chuckled as he turned back to her seizing her lips in another kiss. He finished draping the blanket over her before tucking his arms under it. His hands created heat through friction as he rubbed her arms and legs. Bragnae rested her head on his shoulder, and closed her eyes feeling comfortable as he held and warmed her. After a few minutes, Drake's pace slowed to a light and delicate drag of his fingers up and down her smooth legs.

"You're right. This was faster. I'm so comfortable right now," she said, nuzzling her face into his neck.

"I told you."

On his way back up her leg, Drake's hand didn't stop at her knee to go back down. It slowly crept forward up her thighs sending a delightful shiver down her spine. His hand persisted until it slipped under her dress. Bragnae's heart pounded faster as his hands found her satin panties. He dragged a knuckle agonizingly slow against her making her gasp.

Suddenly feeling paranoid, Bragnae quickly checked around her to see if anyone was watching them. They weren't. The others were all engaged in their own conversations. She turned back to Drake who had a sly smirk, and a look of heat and determination in his eyes that made her wet for him.

"Drake," she whispered, "Somebody's going to see us."

He rolled his eyes. "You are such a Goodie Two-Shoes, Bragnae. Just relax. No one's watching."

Before she could even respond, Drake's fingers suddenly moved the fabric of her underwear to the side, and started caressing her. Feeling his skin touch hers made her tingle. She threw her head back letting out a low moan for a delightful second before quickly checking around her again. Still no one cared or seemed to notice.

"You're going to have to do better than that, Bragnae," he told her shaking his head. "Do you think you can be quiet?"

Torn between not wanting the embarrassment of getting caught, and desperately wanting Drake's fingers to continue on their mission, she decided to be brave. "Yes, I can," she panted.

Drake chuckled as he leaned in to kiss her. "I don't think you can do it."

Bragnae straightened her posture and transformed her face into a more serious expression. "Is that a challenge, Sergeant Walker?"

"Hell yeah," he responded.

"Well, be prepared to be—." Bragnae's words were cut off with a sharp gasp as Drake's middle finger slipped inside her. She covered her mouth, and shut her eyes as she focused on his touch.

"That was a freebie. You weren't expecting that. The challenge starts right now."

Drake's fingers worked meticulously against the rough patch that sat just inside her. As Bragnae sat halfway on her seat and the other half on Drake, her pelvis was tilted at the perfect angle for his finger to easily move in and out of her.

Bragnae threw her arm around his shoulder clutching onto him as he continued to try to drag a sound out of her lungs. Her breathing became more ragged as she concentrated on both the pleasure, and not making a sound. With the next stroke, Drake slipped a second finger inside watching her coolly. Bragnae's free hand flew to her mouth again as she slowly exhaled careful not to moan as she did it.

His speed increased as he rubbed that spot with just the right amount of pressure that activated a warm and delicious energy deep inside her. She bit her lip trying to contain a moan that desperately wanted to escape as her hand gripped his thigh for dear life. Bragnae pursed her lips together, and looked at Drake whose eyes had never left her face.

"You're almost there, aren't you?" Drake whispered.

Bragnae nodded her head quickly working hard not to let the whole plane know she was about to come. Their eyes locked as a smile crept over his face.

"Come on, Bragnae. Let me hear your sexy moan," he taunted in a low whisper.

She shook her head breathing heavily through her nose. Her stubbornness would get her through this impossible situation. She was almost there.

"Hey, Bragnae!" Maxwell called.

Bragnae snapped her head in his direction as Maxwell started walking back towards them. Drake's fingers halted, but never abandoned their post. She took a deep breath in, feeling frustrated that her path to utter bliss was broken.

"What's up, Maxwell?" She asked, sounding a little more impatient than she intended. Act natural, idiot.

"Ohayo gozaimasu is 'good morning', and Konbanwa is 'good evening', right?" He asked as he kneeled in one of the seats in front of them facing the back of the plane.

Bragnae could barely remember her name as she felt Drake's fingers start to move tantalizingly slow inside her. He was discreetly aiming to make her fall apart. She knew if she continued to talk to Maxwell, more than just words would eventually come out of her mouth, and she didn't want Drake to win.

"Yep," she responded succinctly.

"See? I told you Liam," Maxwell said, turning away from her. "Thanks Bragnae. I knew you were going to be our bi-lingual savior on this trip."

Drake picked up his speed suddenly causing her eyes to widen, and her body to jump.

"You alright, B?" Maxwell asked.

Damn it. He saw that. What am I going to say? "Yep." Say something else! He's going to know something is up!

"You're not afraid of flying in this thing are you?" Maxwell asked.

Bragnae felt like she was on autopilot. She felt the warmth start to return as his fingers moved without notice to anyone else. She nodded to Maxwell trying to answer him quickly with any response, so he'd leave them alone.

"Well, don't be afraid. But you did pick a good flying buddy to sit next to. Drake will make you feel better."

"I'm counting on it," she breathed.

Drake dropped his head, and laughed quietly. His fingers stopped in their tracks as he waited for Maxwell to return to his seat. She elbowed him from under the blanket hoping he wouldn't blow their cover.

Bragnae's frustration, and the need to release this pent up energy that Drake had teased out of her was growing out of control. "I will die if you don't finish me," she whispered feeling a literal sense to her words.

"My little Drama Queen. Don't you know good things come to those who wait," he responded with a smirk.

Bragnae wanted to cry. She needed it – craved it. She was surrounded by people who had no idea what she and Drake were doing, and she stupidly agreed to not make any audible noises. It was difficult. It was hot. It was intense. But it was everything she wanted in that moment. If only he would just start moving his fingers again. This is how I'm going to die.

Another painstaking moment of staring each other down, and no internal movement had passed. She was at his mercy, and in her fragile state, continued to believe this torture would lead to her demise. Drake finally resumed his movements, and the relief itself almost made her come. The energy was rising to the surface rapidly. She gripped his thigh again squeezing her eyes shut as she braced for the incredible feeling he was about to give her.

As the dam walls opened to release the anticipated orgasm, she buried her face in his neck, and exhaled ragged breaths as pleasure and warmth filled her entire body. Drake moved his fingers inside her until her breathing leveled out to a soft pant.

She pulled back to look at him. "It was so hard to be quiet."

Drake smiled proudly. "You proved me wrong, though. I'm impressed." He kissed her. "That was a big one, huh? You just gave my hand a bath."

"It was all you, Marine. How are you that good at everything?" She asked, holding his face with both hands.

"You give me far too much credit," he told her.

"And you don't give yourself enough," she replied, leaning in to kiss him once more.


After a couple hours, the plane landed at Yokota Air Base. The group immediately caught a 50-minute bus to Tokyo, where they would travel to their first hotel. As they arrived at The Peninsula Tokyo, Maxwell walked up to the concierge to check in. After a few minutes, he returned to the group, and handed them each a key card.

"We have a suite on the eighth floor. Come on, let's go," he said, making his way to the elevator.

Drake swung his duffle bag over his shoulder, and grabbed the handle of Bragnae's suitcase. He smiled as she touched his shoulder, and thanked him with a sweet kiss on his cheek. The group followed their ring leader up to the eighth floor where Maxwell led them to room 8022. He deftly unlocked the door with his key card, and walked in. The others filed inside the suite taking a moment to soak in its luxurious set up. There was a small kitchenette, a living area with two couches, and four large windows overlooking the city in addition to a few rooms they had not ventured into yet.

"So, there's three bedrooms. Hana and I will take the one with two twins, and you guys can decide who gets the other two rooms," Maxwell gestured to the two couples. "There's a King suite and a room with a queen bed. We all have our own bathrooms."

Liam grabbed his bag, and made his way to one of the rooms. "It looks like this is the King suite." Liam dropped his bag on the floor and came back to out to the group. "Come on, Madeleine."

"Don't mind if I do," Madeleine agreed, following Liam.

"What makes you think you automatically get the King suite, Liam?" Drake asked, feeling a little slighted.

Liam turned around, and scoffed with a smile on his face. "Duh. Who do you think you're talking to?"

Typical. What an asshole. Drake shook his head in disgust at his friend.

"Be ready in an hour! We're taking a sushi-making class, and eating lunch," Maxwell announced as he and Hana walked into their room, and shut the door.

As Liam and Madeleine did the same, Drake stood there in the living area still dwelling over the thought of Liam and his endless need to always claim the better things. I was going to be nice and try to settle the sleeping arrangements fairly, but he was a dick, and just took the room for himself. I just want Bragnae to have a nice time. To have nice things. If this is the way this trip is going to go, I'm going to end up kicking Liam's ass at some point.

"It's okay, Drake," Bragnae said from behind him. "The view is nicer in our room anyway."

Drake turned around to face her before picking up their bags, and following her into a quaint room with a queen bed and two windows. There was a bathroom and vanity area connected to their sleeping space, and a dresser with a television hanging above it. Drake placed the bags on a chair nearby, and walked over to the windows.

He leaned his hands against the ledge, and peered out at the view for a few moments. Building after building filled the sky, and hundreds of people flooded the streets below. It was a lot more crowded than he was used to in Okinawa, or anywhere really. In Texas, Drake lived on his parents' ranch in the country away from big cities and lots of people. It was always peaceful to him to be able to get away from the noise, and hop on a horse anytime he wanted to find solace in the world. But his years in the Marine Corps proved Drake was always ready for a challenge and change of pace. Maybe the big city will be fun for a few days.

He continued to stare and sigh at the uninspiring view before him. "Bragnae, I know you were trying to help, but this view... it's not that great. And I'm sure it's not better than what Liam and Madeleine have."

"I wasn't talking about that view," she said with a sultry voice.

Drake turned around to see his girlfriend standing there naked with her hands flirtatiously on her hips. He did a double take as he felt his dick jump at the glorious sight of her body. If there was anything that could pull him out of a scowling, bitter mood, it was Bragnae. Naked. An appreciative smile crept over his face as he walked a few paces to embrace her.

"I was wrong. This is definitely a better view," he told her as he slid his hands down her back.

Bragnae ran a teasing finger across his chest. "We don't need a King suite to enjoy a little rest and relaxation."

Drake looked down at her round breasts pressing against his chest. "You're right."

He tightened his grip around her, and moved them closer to the bed. Drake placed light kisses on her neck and chest as he lowered Bragnae to the bed. He crawled on top of her as she let out a delicate moan. His mouth traveled to her chest again. Her skin was soft against his lips, and the smell of her sweet perfume permeated his nose filling him with a sense of comfort and arousal. He loved Bragnae's scent, and the way she tasted. He would never tire of those little things. After being forced apart by his recent deployment, Drake made it a point to savor everything about her.

As his erection continued to press against his jeans, his hands found her breasts followed by his mouth. Bragnae exhaled sweet moans driving him crazy. He was already ready to be inside her after making her come on the airplane, and now, after patiently waiting three more hours, he finally had her naked, on a bed, and in his arms. He stood to take his shirt off as Bragnae sat up on the bed, and worked on his belt and zipper.

Drake watched as she slowly tugged his jeans and briefs down. His steel-hard erection sprung out of its former captivity as Bragnae gripped its base. She looked up at him, and smiled before taking him in her mouth. Drake blew out a short breath as her plump lips enclosed tightly around him. He braced himself on her shoulders as she bobbed her head forward making him shiver.

As she moved her mouth against him, Drake reveled in the sight of her toned body moving back and forth to pleasure him. Her long, black hair cascaded over her bare shoulders, her full, pink lips moved up and down his shaft, her nipples were hard, and her silky thighs were spread apart – all of that, just for him. She was captivating in every sense of the word, and he had to have her. As if sensing his need for her, Bragnae pulled back, and looked up at him with those dark amber eyes.

He tilted her chin up admiring her swollen lips. "I want you, Bragnae."

"I'm yours," she replied.

Drake gently pushed her back on the bed as he finished stepping out of his clothes. He slid a hand underneath her lower back, and tossed her towards the center of the bed. Bragnae let out an excited gasp as he climbed on top of her. Their lips connected in a deepened kiss as she pulled him closer to her. His curious tongue found its way into her mouth as he felt Bragnae drag her nails lightly down his back. Drake's hand slipped between her legs feeling just how wet she was. He felt a surge of anticipation run through tip of his dick making him desperate to be inside her.

He sat up on his knees, and slid his hands underneath her backside and down to her thighs as he pulled both of her legs up, and pushed them against her chest. Drake clambered on top of her once again stationing his hands on the bed on either side of her, holding her legs in place. Not wanting to break their position, he leaned in to her as his eager cock sought out her sodden opening. Drake's body melted as soon as he felt her wet, warm walls envelop him.

With her knees against her chest, and her ankles flanking his neck, Bragnae let out a breathy moan as he cradled her body with his knees and began thrusting his hips. The tilt of her pelvis made her feel even tighter inside, and Drake could barely contain himself. This feels so fucking good. Keep going, man. Don't stop now – it's too soon.

Bragnae gripped his triceps while lifting her head off the bed, so their foreheads touched. They looked into each other's eyes as Drake moved rhythmically against her. She tilted her face up to his begging for a kiss. He lowered himself to catch her lips as he moved above her. Drake could feel his abs burning, but pushed past the strain in his muscles after seeing his girlfriend's mouth fall open as she gasped, losing herself in his movements.

"You're so sexy, Bragnae," he panted.

Drake could see she wanted to respond, but was overwhelmed by the pleasurable assaults on her body as he continued to move in and out of her. He felt her grip on his arms tighten, while Bragnae shut her eyes. As a loud moan escaped her lungs, Drake felt her walls contract around him bringing him close to the edge. Bragnae's moans carried on as Drake tensed his body, and found his sweet release into paradise. After a moment, he fell to the bed exhaling deep breaths as Bragnae slowly lowered her legs back to the mattress.

As she caught her breath, she sidled over to him running her fingers across his chest. "That was definitely worth the wait. I wanted you so bad on the plane," she told him placing a sweet kiss on his lips. "But we better shower before we're late!"

Bragnae immediately got up, grabbed a bag from her suitcase, and headed to the bathroom. After another minute of resting his body, Drake joined her in the shower.


A little bit later, the group arrived at a restaurant where they would learn how to roll and create their own sushi. After they all checked in, the hostess guided them back to a room in the back where counters stood six deep, and three across.

"Two people to a table. You two together, you two together and you two together," the hostess told them.

Bragnae didn't know why they weren't allowed to choose their own partners, but as it were, she and Liam were paired up together. She looked to Drake who was heading to a table behind her with Hana. They both smiled, and shrugged their shoulders before settling into their stations.

"Hey, partner! Ready to make some sushi?" Bragnae heard Maxwell say to Madeleine.

Madeleine sighed. "Are you always this chipper?"

Bragnae chuckled to herself, but quickly cut it off as the instructor began the class. After they all received a brief introductory lesson, the instructor passed out sushi supplies to each person. Bragnae and Liam created a bed of sticky rice over a flexible bamboo mat, and started to fill in other ingredients as the instructor went on.

After a few minutes, Bragnae heard Drake curse to himself immediately followed by Hana's sweet voice coaxing him back to sanity. Thank God for Hana.

As Bragnae reached for some avocado, she was blocked by Liam's hand. They both pulled back and laughed.

"Go ahead," Liam told her.

"Thanks," she said, grabbing a few pieces of avocado, and placing it on her rice. It was rare that Bragnae ever had time to speak with Liam, so she decided not to waste the moment. "So, Madeleine, huh?"

Liam looked over at her, a bit surprised by the comment. He laughed to ward off any embarrassment. "Yeah, well, the trip was shaping up to be a couple's vacation, and I guess I didn't want to be the fifth wheel."

"Couples?" She questioned. "Hana and Maxwell aren't a couple."

Liam gave her a look that questioned her certainty. "They're together all the time."

"So, what? They're friends."

"Okay... If you say so," he replied. "I actually think they'd be good together. Max is a good guy, and Hana is really nice. From what I heard, it sounds like Hana could use a good guy in her life. At least that's what I hope she'll find."

Bragnae stared at Liam in stunned silence.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

"Sorry. It's just... That was nice of you to say. I guess you can be a sweet guy after all," she admitted.

"Yes, I can. It's a shame you didn't see that until just now, but I understand. I came on too strong in the beginning," he reasoned.

Bragnae finished rolling her sushi before taking a knife to slice it. "Well, better late than never, right?"

"Yeah," he agreed. "Being a Marine shaped me to be the person I am now. And I love who I am, but there's times that I wish I wasn't such an asshole."

"You can stop being an asshole anytime, you know."

Liam laughed. "You're right. It is my decision."

"If it's any consolation, I think you are definitely capable of changing it up. I mean, you put your pride aside, and offered me a sincere apology for your behavior twice. That couldn't have been easy, but you did it. It made me have a new found respect for you," she explained.

"Really?" He asked turning to her.

"Of course. After all the shit your brother put me through, I never once got an apology from him that was sincere. Everything was always my fault because he never did anything wrong."

"Yep, that's my brother," Liam conceded, his demeanor changed to chagrin.

Bragnae noticed his tone, and stopped to look at him. "Liam, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to compare you to Leo," she said, placing a hand on his forearm, which caused him to turn his attention to her. "You're a Marine. You've more than earned the right to be cocky, and look gorgeous doing it. I know you're a good person from what Drake has told me. And if he considers you a friend, his best friend, how can I think that you're anything other than good? I just think sometimes we get wrapped up in certain situations, and we do things out of character that we normally wouldn't do."

They both stopped making their sushi rolls as Bragnae went on. "Leo's actions made me extremely cautious about men being too forward, and receiving unsolicited physical contact. But I've healed from that... with Drake's help. So, after I got to thinking about our interaction at the beach that night... Yes, you were a bit forward and relentless, but in retrospect, it was probably not as bad as I was thinking it was. Plus, your physical features reminded me a lot of Leo, so it made me fall back to that time, and I freaked out."

Liam glanced at her hand that still rested on his arm. "I appreciate you saying that Bragnae, but my behavior towards you wasn't good at all. Your reaction was exactly how it should have been. It was quite disrespectful even to someone who hadn't gone through what you did in the past. I was wrong. And I'm just glad you were kind enough to forgive me. You know, so we could start over and be friends?" He looked at her with a hopeful expression.

"Yeah, we're friends," she answered with a grin.

He smiled. "Cool. So, we're friends now. And... you think I'm hot, so I got that going for me."

Bragnae pulled back. "What? When did I say that?"

"Just now. You said I earned the right to be cocky, and look gorgeous. I take that as you thinking I'm hot. Am I wrong?"

Bragnae paused, realizing her earlier mistake. Never ever tell a cocky Marine that he's good looking. They will cling to that and nothing else. She pursed her lips, and looked over at his smug face that was still waiting for an answer.

"Well?" He asked as he resumed his sushi-making.

Bragnae rolled her eyes. "Look, Liam. You know you are. You don't need me to tell you that you're hot."

"No, I don't, but it's nice to hear. Especially coming from you," he told her with a smirking side glance.

Her brow furrowed as she thought about his last comment. "Doesn't Madeleine tell you how hot she thinks you are?" Bragnae asked, trying to deflect the conversation away from herself.

"Ehhh, sometimes. But she's way more interested in my co—," Liam stopped himself, clearing his throat. "Sorry. I shouldn't speak that way in front of a lady."

Bragnae chuckled. "That's okay. I've heard worse. Hell, I've said worse."

"No way. Miss Air Force USA over here? I bet you don't even know all the cuss words," he teased.

She scoffed at his assumption. "I'll have you know that I may be an Airman, but I cuss like a sailor."

Liam laughed. "I'll believe it when I see it."

Bragnae thought about Madeleine with Liam, and how they seemed to be a perfect fit at first, but after getting to know him a bit better, she felt compelled to suggest otherwise. "Liam, you should be with someone you actually like."

"And who would that be?" He questioned, looking over at her.

"I don't know. You tell me. I get the feeling that Olivia chick really likes you. You know, for more than what you've got in your pants," she said bluntly.

"Olivia... yeah...," Liam repeated, sounding more like he was humoring her than agreeing with her statement.

"But you don't feel the same about her, do you?"

Liam sighed. "Liv and I go back a ways. We were in Officer Training School together, and we get along..."

"But...," Bragnae guided him.

"But, I'm not into her like that. She's not really my type."

"So, what is your type? Maybe I can keep my eye out for you." Bragnae looked to him and smiled.

Liam stopped what he was doing, and turned to her again. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I've never really had... problems in that area. But thank you."

"You're right. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. The right girl will come along when she's ready. And until then, I'll just keep having fun the way I know how," he told her with a playful smile.

"Fair enough," she replied.

A few more sushi rolls later, the group finished their class and sat down to eat their creations. Hana and Maxwell both presented their near flawless rolls on a platter with pride as Drake and Madeleine sighed in disgust at the appearance of their own plates. Bragnae slid next to Drake bumping her hips against his, prompting a smile from him.

"You can have some of mine," she offered her plate to him.

"Thanks," Drake replied, taking a piece of sushi off her plate and eating it.

"Liam, your sushi looks wonderful!" Hana exclaimed, marveling at his plate.

"As if you had any doubt," Liam responded.

Bragnae caught his eye, and gave him a knowing look.

Liam cleared his throat. "I mean, thank you, Hana."

"You're welcome," Hana said in return.

Liam glanced at Bragnae once more, and grinned before helping himself to the sushi he made.

While the rest of the group was still working on clearing their plates, Maxwell had already consumed all of his sushi. "Okay, guys. You ready to hear what we're doing tonight?"

"Please end the suspense, and tell us already," Madeleine said unenthusiastically as she played with the food still on her plate.

"You're going to love it, and you can't come to Tokyo and not do this!" Maxwell was doing his best to pump up his friends.

"What is it already, Maxwell?" Drake asked impatiently.

"No guesses? Alright, fine. We're going to one of the hottest, hippest Karaoke clubs in all of Tokyo," he announced, finally.

Drake hung his head in defeat as the rest of the crew cheered with excitement.

Bragnae comfortingly rubbed Drake's back, and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Come on. Karaoke can't be that bad. We'll have fun." She kissed his cheek before standing up again.

"Let's get back to the hotel, so we can get ready for the night of our lives," Maxwell suggested.

A few hours later, they arrived at a club near their hotel dressed appropriately for the Karaoke scene. The women had on short and sparkly dresses. Madeleine was in green, Hana wore pink, and Bragnae sported purple – her signature color. The guys dressed in solid colored button-ups and dark jeans.

A host led the six of them to a table in the back of the room. The club had blue walls that were lit up with neon lights. The bar itself was see through, and many patrons had a drink that glowed. The atmosphere was vibrant, and people filled the space as if they were expecting a celebrity to appear.

"I guess Karaoke is really big here in Japan?" Hana commented.

"This is where it originated, Hana," Liam told her. "The very word, karaoke, is Japanese."

"Konbanwa," the waiter said. "Anata wa amerikahitodesu ka?"

"Hai," Bragnae replied. "Eigo o hanasemasu ka?"

The waiter nodded. "Yes, I do speak English. Welcome. May I get some drinks for you?"

"Vodka Stinger," Madeleine told him.

"Plum wine, please," Hana added.

"Cosmopolitan," Bragnae said.

"Sake," Liam ordered.

"Whiskey, neat," Drake told the waiter.

"And I'll have whatever it is that makes those drinks glow. Umm, the blue one!" Maxwell said, pointing to a tray another server was carrying.

"Very good. If you'd like to karaoke tonight, this screen will show you all of the available songs," the waiter told them, as he presented a tablet with a stand on their table. "You pick out the song, select which language you'd like to sing in, put your name down, and hit submit. Then, you wait for the screens to show your name before going on stage. I'll be back shortly with your drinks."

The group leaned in towards the tablet on the table, amazed at how fresh and technological Tokyo's karaoke system was compared to those in the United States.

"Wow," Maxwell admired. "There must be a million songs on here." He used his finger to swipe page after page. After a few more swipes, Maxwell's mouth gaped open as he zeroed in on a particular song. "Oh my God! Liam! Drake! They have our song!"

"Oh, yeah?" Liam asked as a smile formed on his face.

"Oh, no," Drake said, dropping his head.

"What's the song? And why is Drake not excited about it?" Bragnae asked.

"Well, back in the day," Maxwell began. "Liam, Drake and I sang this song as a way to impress the ladies."

"Maxwell!" Drake snapped. "They don't need to know this."

"Oh, yes we do," Madeleine said, prompting Maxwell to continue.

Drake's look shot daggers at Maxwell as he proceeded with his story. "This was when Sunset Skatepark was really big. There was three of them, and three of us, so we decided one day to learn all the words to 'Be My Eternity', and sing it whenever we were at a party or wherever it was appropriate."

"I love that song!" Hana chimed in.

"Me too," Bragnae said turning to Drake. "So, will you sing it tonight?"

"Absolutely not," Drake said immediately. "I do not sing."

"Come on, Drake. It will be really fun to relive the old days. Let's impress the ladies one more time," Maxwell coaxed.

"Liam, I'd love to witness this as well. Will you do it?" Madeleine asked as she looped her arm around his.

"Sure. But only if Drake and Maxwell join me," Liam responded, looking at the two men expectantly.

"You already know I'm down for this," Maxwell told him. "Drake?"

Everyone at the table looked to Drake hoping he'd submit to their request. He looked to the ceiling shaking his dead heaving a heavy sigh.

"Fine," Drake surrendered. The table erupted in cheers. "But... I have some conditions before we do this."

"Name 'em!" Maxwell shouted.

Drake took a second to speak, shaking his head again at his decision to agree to singing. "One – I get to consume three whole glasses of whiskey before we go up there. Two – No pictures – I mean it. And Three – The girls have to go up there, and sing something before we do."

"Done. I'll even buy you the drinks," Bragnae gleefully stated.

As if like clockwork, their waiter appeared moments later with their drink orders.

"Can we get two more glasses of whiskey, please?" Bragnae asked the waiter.

"Coming right up," he replied.

Liam picked up his sake, and held it in front of him, leading everyone in a toast. "To singing our hearts out, and reliving the good old days."

"Hear, hear!" Maxwell chimed in.

They all took a sip of their drinks before Madeleine reached for the tablet.

"What are we going to sing?" Hana asked.

"I have an idea," Madeleine told her.

As the two of them looked through the song database, Bragnae leaned in close to Drake. "So, do you sing Raleigh Carrera's part?"

Drake took a swig of his whiskey before answering. "I guess you'll just have to wait to find out."

"I can't believe you sing, and you never told me. I love to sing, Drake! We could do duets together," Bragnae said excitedly.

"Oh, God. Don't get ahead of yourself. There's a reason why I put up so much of a fight. I shoot guns for a living, Bragnae. I'm not a singer. Hell, I'm not even that good at it."

"He's just being modest, Bragnae!" Maxwell added. "He always killed it when we performed. The ladies swooned hard over him and his man-bun."

Bragnae's mouth dropped open in surprise. "Man-bun? Drake Walker, you had a man-bun?"

Drake sighed heavily before narrowing his eyes at Maxwell. "Do you have to tell everyone all of my secrets tonight?"

Maxwell threw his hands up in a playful shrug. Madeleine and Liam laughed at the thought of Drake having long enough hair to warrant a man-bun, as Hana stifled a giggle.

Bragnae put a hand on his thigh, and leaned in to whisper to him. "I think you probably looked very sexy with a man-bun."

Drake looked at her from the side, and a small smile appeared on his face. "Thanks." He kissed her cheek before taking another drink of his whiskey.

The waiter dropped off the other glasses of Drake's favorite caramel colored libation.

"Bottom's up!" Bragnae told him playfully.

"I'm going to take my time with these to sooth my voice," Drake said, sitting back in his seat. "It's you who should be warming up those vocal chords."

"Oh, right," Bragnae remembered as she turned to the other women. "What are we singing?"

"Since the boys are going with a boy-band song, I figured we should go with a girl-band. How about 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls?" Madeleine sat there proudly awaiting her response.

"Oh my God, yes! I love the Spice Girls, and I used to sing that song all the time," Bragnae revealed as she clapped her hands in excitement.

"Me too! I always considered myself 'Ginger Spice', or 'Sexy Spice' as she referred to herself in the beginning before the industry made her change it," Madeleine said confidently.

"But you have blonde hair. You'd be better as 'Baby Spice'," Hana said.

"I'm not a baby. I'm sexy," Madeleine retorted.

"I think Hana would make a great 'Posh Spice'. She's classy, and wears the best clothes," Bragnae added.

"Aww, thanks Bragnae. Who would you be?" Hana asked.

"Hmmm. Probably 'Sporty Spice'," Bragnae said.

"Really? I was thinking you'd be more like 'Scary Spice'," Madeleine offered with a snarky tone.

Bragnae smiled to herself as she carefully chose her words. "Well, if we're going there... maybe you'd be better off as the sixth, but unknown Spice Girl, 'Slutty Spice'."

Madeleine narrowed her eyes at Bragnae. The two stared each other down for a moment before Liam broke the silence.

"Okay, ladies. That's enough. Drink up, and be merry. We're here to sing, and have a good time."

"You're right, sorry Madeleine," Bragnae apologized.

Madeleine replied with the nod of her head, and her eyebrows raised. Wow. Can't even apologize for being catty? What a bitch.

Drake put his hand on Bragnae's leg, and squeezed it gently before kissing her on the cheek. "Good job for being the bigger person," he whispered.

Bragnae smiled. She didn't much care for Madeleine. Ever since the day she met her, Bragnae knew she wasn't going to get along with her because they were two very different people. And even though it felt good to defend herself with a jab at her many sexual partners, it felt even better that she took the high road afterwards, and Drake appreciated that.

Just then, the screens on the wall flashed the girls' names to call them up to the stage.

"Oh, that's us!" Hana said, leaping up from her seat. Madeleine and Bragnae did the same.

Before Bragnae could walk away from her chair, Drake grabbed her hand, and pulled her in for a kiss. "Break a leg."

"Thank you," she smiled.

Once they were up on stage, Hana pulled the other two in for a huddle. "Okay, ladies. Let's just have fun with this. Dance, smile, and get into your roles. Remember the song starts off immediately with words after the footsteps and laughter on the track. Let's alternate the verses, and come together for the chorus. We've got this!"

Madeleine and Bragnae smiled at Hana and nodded to each other. The three of them each grabbed a microphone, and moved to stand with their backs to the audience. Bragnae offered a nod to the DJ, and resumed her position.

As soon as the footsteps sounded, and one of the Spice Girls laughed over the track, Madeleine turned around to face the audience. ♫ Yo! I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want ♫

Hana, who was standing in the middle of the other two, spun around next. ♫ So, tell me what you want, what you really, really want ♫

Bragnae took a breath, and on her cue she also turned around to face the audience to deliver her line. ♫ I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want ♫

And as if they'd been performing together their whole lives, the girls sang perfectly in unison and on cue as they finished the introduction to the song.

♫ So tell me what you want, what you really, really want – I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) – I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah ♫

The crowd roared at the 90's American song, as Bragnae stepped forward for the first verse. Like a natural, she walked to the edge of the stage, and sang to the audience before catching Drake's eye in the back.

♫ If you want my future, forget my past – If you wanna get with me, better make it fast – Now don't go wasting my precious time – Get your act together, we could be just fine ♫

Drake beamed at her as she made her way back to her spot in line on stage in time for another chorus to begin. The girls repeated the chorus, and stepped closer to each other with their free arms linking around each other's shoulders.

♫ If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends – Make it last forever, friendship never ends ♫

As they completed the next two lines, Madeleine stepped forward for her solo – also playing to the audience.

♫ Oh, what do you think about that – Now you know how I feel – Say, you can handle my love, are you for real – I won't be hasty, I'll give you a try – If you really bug me then I'll say goodbye ♫

Madeleine shimmied back to her position as the girls fell into the chorus once again. Finally, it was time for Hana to shine with the rapping portion of the song, which she executed perfectly. After she returned to her original position, the girls finished the song, posing with each other singing the last line.

♫ If you wanna be my lover ♫

The audience cheered and clapped for their performance. Madeleine, Hana and Bragnae wore bright smiles as they waved and bowed. In her excitement, Hana grabbed both of the girls, and pulled them in for a tight hug while they were still on stage.

"This was the best thing ever! I had so much fun!" Hana screamed over the crowd to her friends.

They left the stage, and rejoined the guys at the table. Drake stood, and pulled Bragnae into an embrace.

"You were fucking amazing out there," he told her with a grin spreading from ear to ear.

"Thanks! It was a lot of fun!"

As they all sat down again, Maxwell passed out glasses of water he ordered for the girls. "That is going to be one tough act to follow! Wow. It's like you all had that choreographed and planned out for months. I'm still freaking out over here."

"We know how to get shit done. Right ladies?" Madeleine hyped.

"That's right. Speaking of which...," Bragnae said looking at two empty glasses sitting in front of Drake. "You about ready there, champ?"

Drake held up the remaining glass of whiskey to reveal another gulp's worth of liquid. He slowly brought the glass to his lips keeping his eyes on Bragnae the whole time. She watched as he gradually drained the whiskey out of the glass, and winked at her before putting it back on the table.

Bragnae smiled at him before turning to the rest of the table. "It is time."

"Just hit submit on our song. Any minute now," Maxwell told them as he returned the tablet to the center of the table.

Ten minutes later, the screens illuminated to show Liam, Drake and Maxwell's names. Drake exhaled a deep breath as he stood. He hesitated before heading for the stage, and instead bent down to pick up Bragnae's hand. He placed a sweet kiss on the back of it.

"This song is for you, Bennett," Drake said in an endearing tone. "You're the only one I'd ever want to impress – here or anywhere else in the world."

Bragnae blushed. She could only offer him a smile as no words would surface at the moment. He returned her smile, and turned around to head for the stage. Bragnae giggled when she saw Drake walk in not such a straight line. He must have drank that whiskey fast. I hope he can sing that song well enough.

The guys climbed on the stage and set themselves up for the beginning of the song. Liam and Maxwell stood next to each other in the front, and Drake disappeared behind them, which was odd because he was taller than the other two.

"Oh my God! I'm so excited to watch this happen," Hana said, bouncing in her seat.

"We have to stand up for this," Bragnae told them as she grabbed Hana and Madeleine's hand.

Liam raised the microphone to his lips. "This song goes out to the three lovely ladies in the back."

The familiar pop beat sounded over the speakers, and goosebumps shot throughout Bragnae's body. She remembered loving that song when it first came out, and even had the biggest crush on Raleigh Carrera. And now, her boyfriend was about to sing it with his friends live in Tokyo, and he was singing the song just for her. She was so giddy, she could barely stand still.

Liam started the song off, lifting his head to face the crowd. ♫ You're a shooting star – Every time I gaze at you ♫

A group of Japanese ladies near the front of the stage screamed, and swooned at the sight of the men on stage.

Next, Maxwell lifted his head, and delivered his lines. ♫ I make the same wish – Every time you make it true ♫

During a small musical interlude, Maxwell and Liam slowly stepped apart revealing Drake on his knee spinning around to face the audience. ♫ I'm here now on one knee – Asking you to be my eternity, yeah! ♫

Bragnae, Hana and Madeleine squealed as if they were teenage girls all over again. Bragnae's hands flew to the sides of her face in awe of the guys' coordination and synchronized voices as they led into the chorus.

♫ Baby you're a diamond – let me give you a ring – Talkin' bout forever – I'm not here for a fling – I don't wanna live a life without your touch – kneelin' down before you all I feel is this rush – I give my all to you – so say I do! ♫

Drake walked to the front, center of the stage as he belted out the words. Maxwell and Liam covered the two corners beside him. Each of them did their own version of pointing to the crowd, and hand gestures used for summoning the passion in their words like classic boy-bands did. They walked backwards slowly to stand side by side again, swaying to the beat as they continued the song.

Bragnae was shocked at Drake's unbelievable talent, and how natural he seemed on stage. Sure, he's had some liquid courage, but oh my God! Look at him! And he's actually a great singer too!

"Can you believe this? Oh my God!" Hana screamed.

"If you didn't know any better, you'd think Sunset Skatepark themselves rolled up in here, and was singing right now. Listen to this crowd!" Madeleine shouted.

Bragnae cupped her mouth and let out a loud cheer. "You guys are amazing!"

During the next verse, all three of the guys walked slowly off the stage, still singing perfectly into their microphones. The crowd turned their heads to follow them as Drake, Maxwell and Liam made their way back to the girls in the back. The men offered their respective hands to the women they came with, and led them back to the stage.

Bragnae looked at Hana and Madeleine with a gaping mouth as Drake guided her back to the stage. He stood at the base of the steps, and allowed Bragnae to go on the stage before him. All the while, the men stayed in sync with the music and lyrics. They deftly positioned the women a few feet away from each other before turning back to the crowd to sing.

♫ You're a shooting star – Every time I gaze at you – I make the same wish – Every time you make it true ♫

The guys dropped to one knee, and turned around to face the women standing behind them. Drake delicately picked up Bragnae's hand, and the others followed suit.

♫ I'm here now on one knee – Asking you to be my eternity, yeah! – Baby you're a diamond – let me give you a ring – Talkin' bout forever – I'm not here for a fling ♫

Drake smiled through his words, and his eyes sparkled. Bragnae covered her mouth with her free hand to express her amazement. Even though this was a previously created routine from years ago, Bragnae felt the sincerity in Drake's words. I know he's nowhere near proposing to get married, but I can feel the love regardless.

The men rose to their feet as they sang the rest of the chorus walking around the girls wrapping their arms around them from behind, swaying in time to the bouncy pop beat.

♫ I don't wanna live a life without your touch – kneelin' down before you all I feel is this rush – I give my all to you – so say I do! ♫

Bragnae leaned back into Drake, and laid her hand over his entwining their fingers together. They stayed this way while the song began to fade out. As the audience erupted in thunderous applause and cheers, the guys dropped their microphones, and dipped their women back with a sultry kiss.

Bragnae gasped at the sudden display of affection, but melted into his kiss. Drake tasted of whiskey and happiness. In addition to feeling completed elated, the moment felt surreal as the crowd's noise level rose even higher as the men planted their kisses. Bragnae wrapped her hand around the back of Drake's head pulling him closer as their kiss deepened.

"Drake! Bragnae!" She heard Liam shout, followed by laughter from him and the crowd.

Drake finally broke his lock on Bragnae's lips, but placed a few more soft, but brief kisses on her lips before moving to speak in her ear. "We'll stop when we're good and ready."

Bragnae giggled as Drake brought her back up to the standing position. The crowd cheered for them again as they made their way off the stage.

They all found their seats, still smiling and hearts pounding. With no words being exchanged, the six of them looked at each other, and burst into laughter. Drake threw his arm around Bragnae's shoulders and brought her closer to him.

"Oh my. That was so much fun. You guys have that song and routine down to an art!" Hana marveled.

"Uh, yeah. It was so good, that I'm ready to fuck Liam right now," Madeleine announced shamelessly.

Liam's eyebrows shot up as he chuckled. "I guess we still got it, gentlemen."

As the others laughed, Madeleine grabbed Liam's chin and brought him towards her for a passionate kiss. Hana and Maxwell gave each other a look that made them both blush. But Bragnae knew it wasn't because of Madeleine and Liam. She averted her eyes to give them privacy, and instead peered up at the handsome man that wooed a crowd with his illustrious voice and boy-band moves from the early 2000's.

"So, did you like the show?" Drake asked with a bright smile. His eyes still sparkled, and Bragnae knew it was all for her.

"I fucking loved it. To say that you were amazing would be understating what that was. And, God, are you hot. I was swooning real hard over you the whole time," she told him.

"I take it you were impressed then?" He asked.

"So impressed."

"Good. Then my work here is done." He leaned in to capture her lips in a fiery kiss.

Maxwell cleared his throat. "I think it's probably time to head back to the hotel."

Madeleine broke away from Liam's lips gasping for air. "Agreed! Let's get the hell outta here." She stood and grabbed Liam's hand, practically running out of the club.

"Wait, my phone," Liam said turning back to the table, but was still being pulled away.

"I'll grab it, Liam," Maxwell called to him.

Maxwell and Hana stood from the table, and made their way to the door. As Drake began to rise, Bragnae halted him, prompting him to sit down again.

"What's up?" He asked.

"You said earlier that I couldn't take pictures of your performance, but can we take a selfie now? I need to remember this moment," she pleaded.

"Of course. I'll even smile," Drake told her as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

Bragnae pulled out her phone, and extended her arm as far out as she could as she leaned her cheek against his. "Okay, on the count of three. One... two... three—."

Just as she snapped the photo, Drake moved to kiss her cheek instead of facing the camera. She laughed at his gesture, and brought the phone closer to look at the picture. It was the cutest moment she'd ever captured. Drake's eyes were squeezed shut as he playfully touched his lips to her cheek, and Bragnae's face possessed a surprised look, and genuine happiness.

"It's perfect," she said, showing him the image.

"You're perfect," he replied, kissing her again.

"You're freaking precious. Come on," she said, grabbing his hand. "Let's get outta here."

After a twenty minute walk back to their hotel, Bragnae and Drake walked into their suite. It was quiet. Both doors to the other bedrooms were closed. They gave each other a brief look before continuing on to their bedroom.

Bragnae slipped out of her high heels, and Drake plopped on the bed letting out a contented sigh. She crawled on the bed next to him. Kneeling, she hoisted her tight dress up a few inches, so she could straddle his lap. Drake smiled as he watched her mount him. She bent down to place a lingering kiss on his lips as a low groan rumbled in his throat.

Bragnae ran her finger across his lips, letting it trail down his strong jaw, and then to his neck. "Serenade me with more Raleigh Carrera."

Drake let out a heavy sigh turning his head to the side. "This is why I didn't want you to know I could sing."

"But why? Do you think it takes away from your macho persona?" She asked playfully.

He scrunched his face. "Macho persona? I'm not like that."

"Oh, you so are. The way you walk, the way you talk... you're a total badass, Drake. You like to keep people at a safe distance, too. And I think you want people to see your gruff exterior. But I know you're really a marshmallow inside."

"Ugh, marshmallow? Really? I am not a marshmallow," he refuted. "What makes you say that?"

"You're definitely a marshmallow," she told him matter-of-factly. "The blanket on the plane from earlier today is evidence of your gooey, fluffy interior."

"No way," he said, brushing her comment off. "I was just being nice to you because you're my girlfriend. That's different."

"Ummm, I don't think so. You thought that out ahead of time, and made sure to bring a blanket in case I would be cold," she continued. "And if that's not enough, your marshmallow-y side shows when you hold my hand... when you whisper sweet words to me... when you tell me you love me, and how much we're meant to be... I could go on and on, Drake. It's more than kindness; it's more than friendship. You have such a good heart, and you love with every fiber of your being. And I adore that about you."

Drake looked down, averting his eyes from hers. After a moment, a tight smile formed on his lips, and his eyes flicked back to hers. Bragnae's breath hitched from the look he gave her. Those eyes make me melt every time.

"You don't miss a thing, do you?" His gaze was steady, and his voice was sincere.

"Not when it comes to you, I don't."

Drake pulled her down to meet his lips in a deep kiss.

"And for the record," she began. "I also love your gruff exterior. Even when you make your snarky comments. My hunky, gruff Drake protects me from crazy ex-boyfriends, saves the world from terrorists, and can hold me up against a wall while he fucks me. Your hard exterior is very desirable as well."

"I've got something hard for you," he smirked, pushing her waist down against his.

She gasped reveling in his firm hold on her. "You know," Bragnae said, running a finger down his chest. "You were so sexy up there tonight, and you have a beautiful voice. I'm glad I discovered you can sing like that."

"I was hoping to take that to the grave with me," he told her.

Bragnae laughed. "Well, you can't do that when you have a friend like Maxwell who will undoubtedly always call you out, and reveal things about your past, Man-bun."

He grimaced. "Yeah, remind me to punch him later." Drake smirked, before pulling her down for another kiss that would certainly lead to more.

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