Chapter 22: You're Still the One

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The large cargo plane carrying supplies out of Afghanistan also held two passengers that weren't on any manifest. They had no names for the duration of the twelve hour flight, only that they were a part of the cargo being transported back to California, with a quick stop in Okinawa, of course. A handful of people knew about this flight and the contents of the plane, but its top level secrecy was of grave importance. And everything was riding on that secret being kept.

The plane was loud and cold, but Drake did his best to take naps here and there despite the discomfort. After what he'd been through, the uncomfortable environment of the plane was just a reminder that he was still alive to feel the chill on his skin, and cringe at the noise level that surrounded him. He'd never take something like that for granted again.

They were halfway through the flight, somewhere over China, when Bastien sat in the makeshift seat next to Drake. He held a bulging manila envelope that he proceeded to open.

"I've got you a new military ID," Bastien told him. "I was able to use the picture you had before, but I had to create a new Drake Walker since the Marine Corps had already transferred your profile over to 'Deceased'."

Drake shuddered at the notion of being considered dead. His life had been turned upside down in a matter of days. The bogus claim that he was killed in action had created a ripple effect in ways he hadn't even discovered yet, and it was unsettling. Once he got back to Okinawa, he would start to clean up the mess, but none of that mattered until he found Bragnae. The world and the rest of the bullshit he'd have to deal with would have to wait until he could be with the love of his life again.

Just a few more hours, baby. I'm coming home.

"You'll need the new ID to get on base and what not. Once we're able to reveal that you're still alive, we'll get the Marine Corps to straighten everything out for you," Bastien explained. "And don't you worry. I'll be insisting they compensate you largely for this – in whatever way you want."

"All that matters to me is getting back to Bragnae," he said firmly.

"I understand, Drake. But trust me. Bringing someone back to life through paperwork and everything is going to be a huge headache. You're going to appreciate the compensation that the government will give you. It will help you more than you know."

"Thank you, Bastien. I'm sorry if I'm being an impatient asshole. I'm still trying to process everything." Drake lowered his eyes to his lap, sighing.

"You don't have to apologize for anything. I don't blame you at all for how you've reacted so far. I actually think you've been handling it as well as anyone would considering the factors working against you." Bastien shifted in his seat. "You know your old man would be proud of you, Drake."

Drake looked at him incredulously. "You really think so?"

Bastien scoffed. "Are you kidding? Drake, you're the most sought after sniper in the U.S. military, and you defied all odds by surviving a grueling feat. You never gave up. You're still breathing. And probably most important – you still have that fire burning inside you for more." He tapped Drake on the knee. "There's not many people who are as strong as you are, and still have the courage to get back out there to face your enemies."

Drake smiled briefly considering his words.

"Jackson was just like that," Bastien's gaze floated above him as he recalled his memories. "Did I ever tell you about the day your dad died? I mean, going beyond what the Marine Corps told you and your family."

Drake shook his head. "No, but I'd like to hear it now."

"We were in Iraq, as you know, and we caught a surprise attack from a group of insurgents we thought had moved on from that location. One of the bastards shot me in the leg right when the fight was getting intense," Bastien absentmindedly ran a hand over his thigh as he continued his story.

"I went down of course feeling a world of pain. As soon as I caught my breath, and focused on what needed to be done, your dad had already knelt down beside me, and was performing buddy-aid care on me," Bastien paused to chuckle. "He even stopped wrapping my wound for a second to shoot some guy that was charging us. He yelled: 'Fuck off, asshole! I'm working here!'."

A bright smile filled Drake's face as he laughed. "That's sounds like something he would say."

"Yeah. Your dad was fun. He was the best Marine – always eager to learn new skills and funny as hell. I think about him a lot," Bastien admitted. "Shortly after he patched me up, he helped me over to a safe area to rest, and went back out to the fight. He helped two other guys that day before that bullet pierced his neck."

Silence fell between them as they both felt the weight of conversation.

"If it wasn't for your dad, I might not be sitting next to you right now. Your dad was a hero. And so are you."

"I didn't save anybody, though," Drake contested.

"You sure about that? How about the countless lives you've saved by helping to remove some evil people in the world? How about the fact that you put your own life at risk to protect those you care about, and even strangers for that matter? Or when you offer words of encouragement to those in need? How about having the courage to stand up against a high ranking officer to bring justice to you and everyone else involved?" Bastien raised an eyebrow at him. "You don't have to patch up bloody wounds to be considered a hero, Drake."

Drake offered him a humble and appreciative smirk. "I never really thought of it that way before."

"You're too modest, just like your dad. There's no doubt in my mind that he was watching over you during all of this. Perhaps that's why I was there at Leatherneck when you showed up. It all happens for a reason. Maybe this is my way of paying Jackson back for saving me that day – by helping his boy get his life back on track, and taking down the mother fuckers that did this to you."

They both sat back in their seats looking forward, appreciating the moment.

"Life is funny that way, sometimes." Bastien said softly.

"I'm really grateful for your help with all of this, Bastien. It means a lot to me."

"I know, kid. Speaking of which, I have a few more things to give you." Bastien reached inside the envelope again, pulling out a stack of cash. "Here. You'll need this until we can get things set up again for you. I've already got an account created, but I'm waiting on some funds to arrive before it's worth anything."

"Jesus Christ. All of this?" Drake asked.

Bastien gave him a knowing look. "I told you that the United States is going to take care of you. This is just the start of it. You need to have some money on you for whatever you need. Take your girl out for a steak dinner, get a hotel room, whatever you want. Use it how you choose."

"Wow." Drake was beside himself. He'd never been handed a wad of cash before, but then again, he'd never been in this situation either. Still, it was new and weird, but he was thankful for it.

Bastien continued to rifle through the envelope. "Here's a wallet to put that cash in, and your debit card for the new account is in there too. Don't use that until I tell you to.'s a cell phone. I assume yours is either lost or back in Okinawa. All the same, you need to have a way I can reach you. I've already programmed my number into it."

"This is great, Bastien. Thanks for setting me up like this." Drake stuffed the cash and his new ID into the wallet.

"That's courtesy of the red, white and blue. Oh, and I also put my card in there too. If anyone gives you trouble, tell them to contact me."

Drake nodded. "Will do."

Bastien double checked the envelope before looking back at Drake. "That looks to be it. I've got a few things to get finished before we land, so I'll let you relax. We'll go over the plan once we arrive at Kadena."

As Bastien walked back to his seat, Drake settled into his. After all this time, he was finally going back home. It was starting to feel real. As excited and hopeful as he was, Drake also felt nervous as he thought about the night ahead. They'd soon land at Kadena Air Base, and then he'd be minutes from Bragnae's front door.


Bragnae left work in high spirits. She had settled back in at her place easier than she anticipated. At first, she was worried being alone again would put her right back to where she was before Liam invited her to stay with him. Fortunately, that wasn't the case.

She was happy to have the time to herself to reflect on everything that's happened and how her life had changed. No longer would she be getting married, or be moving off base any time soon. Things were different now, and she was prepared to accept that. However, she still couldn't bring herself to take off the engagement ring Drake gave her. It hadn't left her finger since he put it on himself.

Before trudging up the stairs to her room, she stopped to get the mail. She grabbed a magazine wrapped around a few smaller pieces, and headed upstairs. Once she got inside her room, she set the mail on her desk, and walked back to her bedroom to undress and take a shower.

A little while later, after Bragnae had dried her hair and changed into comfier clothes, she went to the kitchen to find something to eat. She made herself a salad, put on some music, and sat down to enjoy her dinner. After cleaning the dishes, she walked over to her desk to pull up a movie on her laptop when she saw her mail sitting next to it.

"Oh, yeah. Better look through this," she said aloud.

As she stood there, Bragnae flipped through each piece of mail. A few bills, some junk, the magazine, of course, and another piece that made her look twice. The envelope was plain, and had no return address, but the most curious part was the handwriting. It looked eerily familiar, sending a nervous chill down her spine.

She had read Drake's farewell letter to herself countless times before to know this envelope and his letter had similarities. But why was she receiving something with his handwriting on it? Her hands shook as she stared at the envelope she was holding.

Her mind filled with hope and fear. She desperately wanted to know what was inside, but was afraid of what she might see. Was it another letter from him that someone happened to find after he died, or as impossible as it sounded, did it mean something more promising?

Ending the suspense, she turned it over, and delicately opened the envelope – her heartrate increased as the seal tore open. Bragnae took a deep breath before reaching inside, slowly pulling out a picture. Her brow furrowed in confusion as little by little the picture revealed her and Drake after he returned from his deployment the night they got engaged.

Her breathing became ragged as alarms went off in her head. She recognized the picture as the one she put in Drake's letter to find when he first arrived in Afghanistan. But was it the same one? Why was she receiving this, and who actually sent this to her?

She ran her thumbs nervously over the glossy surface willing herself to flip the picture over. If it was the same one she put in Drake's bag, then her handwriting would be on the back telling him: I can't wait for you to come home again.

Blowing out a shaky breath, she finally turned the picture over, gasping at the words she once scribed to Drake. But there was something new just below it. Something she didn't add. As she read the new inscription, she felt her knees grow weak, her legs no longer supporting her.

Bragnae collapsed to the ground still gripping the picture in her hands. Below her original message read: Aishiteru. – D.

"Oh, my God. What the – what the fuck? Oh, my God. Why? How?" Bragnae sputtered. Her breathing grew more frantic as she tried to understand why she was holding something she gave Drake almost a month ago that now possessed a message from him. And not just any message – it was their word. The Japanese translation of 'I love you' signed with a 'D'. No one else would know to write that but him. No one.

She grabbed for the envelope again hoping to find out when it was postmarked. There was a stamped seal that read Camp Leatherneck FPO AE 09372 MAR 17 2019. Thoroughly freaked out, Bragnae dropped the picture and envelope on the floor, staring at it. She couldn't move as the shock still ran rampant through her body.

Is he still alive? If he is, why didn't he write more? Why didn't he call or email? Why isn't he home? Her breaths came short and quick as she combed through the thoughts in her head. Getting her hopes up that he was still alive was frightening, but she couldn't help but wonder if the Marine Corps messed something up.

That would explain why they didn't bring home his body. But how could they be so wrong? And why haven't I heard from him before this? Maybe he's in trouble, and that's why he could only send this short message. Bragnae sifted through the endless possibilities.

She sat there for another twenty minutes stewing over the picture and the date it was sent. If the date on the envelope is any indication, then he wrote this recently. Or perhaps someone found it, and sent it anyway. But why would they do that? Why would Drake send this, and only this?

She carefully rose to her feet, putting the picture back in the envelope. Walking to her bedroom, she found Drake's sweatshirt and threw it on. She took a deep breath to calm her awakened nerves. It was heart wrenching to have her mind played with in this way. Just when she thought she had finally felt like she was starting to heal, this picture showed up disrupting her life once more.

She didn't know what to think, or who to call – although Liam immediately popped into her head. Bragnae stood there for another moment before walking with purpose through her room. Stuffing the envelope in her purse, she grabbed her keys and headed out the door.


The plane had touched down on Kadena's runway filling Drake with excitement. He was also a bit anxious. It was finally time to go see Bragnae after what felt like a lifetime away from her.

After the plane taxied for a few minutes, it rolled to a stop. As the cargo bay door was opened, they stepped out on the tarmac. Drake immediately drew in a breath, smelling the salty, island air of Okinawa. I'm home. There was a slight breeze, and the temperature was perfectly comfortable. The sun had begun to set in the distance creating a beautiful pink and blue sky.

Bastien led him over to where two black sedans were parked. There was a man wearing a suit leaning up against one of the cars.

"Alright, so here's the deal," Bastien began as they walked toward the vehicles. "I need to find out where Constantine and Godfrey are, and I need to notify Camp Foster's military police of the situation. I'm going to need a few hours on the ground to get everything in place."

"Okay, sounds good," Drake replied.

Pointing to one of the vehicles, Bastien continued. "I arranged for you to have a vehicle too. It's a rental, but you can have it as long as you need it. I don't want you wasting time hailing cabs, and potentially revealing yourself before I have everything ready."

"Wow. Thanks." Drake was stunned.

As they approached the other man, he gave a set of keys to Bastien who then turned to Drake. "These are for your car. I need you to stay out of sight as much as possible tonight – at least until after we have Reese and Karlington in custody," Bastien paused to look at him. "It's time to see Bragnae, Drake."

Drake blew out a shaky breath, nodding at him. He put a hand on Bastien's shoulder, giving him a look of gratitude before walking to the other vehicle.

"Hey, kid," Bastien called, prompting Drake to turn around. "Good luck."

Drake smiled. "Thanks, Bastien." With that Drake climbed in the car, started the engine and pulled away.

He gripped the steering wheel tightly as butterflies fluttered around in his stomach. As he found his way off the airfield, he began to recognize where he was on the base. He headed in the direction of Bragnae's building, seeing her face in his mind as he drove.

He went over different things he'd say to her when he finally got to see Bragnae in person. He was prepared that his sudden presence would take her by surprise, but he was worried about her reaction. He wondered if she'd be upset or happy to see him. The most difficult thought that crossed Drake's mind was wondering if she was still his. Did she still want to be with him or had she moved on already? He hoped not, but it was still something he needed to prepare himself for.

A few painstaking minutes later, he pulled up to her building. He cut off the engine, and stared out the window. By now, his nerves had kicked into high gear making him feel a bit nauseas. It's now or never.

Drake got out of the car, and entered the building. He paused, looking up at the stairs that would lead to his future – in either direction. Come on, Drake. Go get your girl. Taking a deep breath, he climbed up the stairs while holding onto the railing. His body involuntarily shook with each step.

He reached her door, and without another thought, he knocked. Feeling like he could throw up at any second, he took calming breaths to remove the jitters from his body. Drake listened but didn't hear any movement inside her room. He knocked again. A few more seconds passed, and still nothing.

He pulled out his phone to check the time. 18:27. She should be home from work by now. He decided to knock again.

"Bragnae," he called. Still no answer. "Shit," he whispered as he leaned his forehead against her door.

Where could she be? Drake's mind immediately drifted to Liam. He didn't want to think she was with him. Not yet. Not ever.

He stood away from the door and headed down the stairs. There was one place he wanted to check before he'd head over to Liam's house. As he climbed back in his car, he put the car in drive and made his way off base.


As the pink in the sky was nearly gone, the stars began to sparkle above Bragnae as she sat in the white sand watching the waves from the ocean collide with the shore. A small fire she had built crackled and popped next to her.

A cool breeze came in from the water blowing her hair back. Bragnae looked at the picture of her and Drake as she sat in the spot where they shared their first kiss. She hadn't been back there since right after Liam told her that Drake was killed.

She remembered Drake telling her on their first date to come to this spot – his spot – if she ever needed a place to get away and recharge. She never thought she'd use it to grieve his death, or now, to contemplate if he was still alive.

Drake was the love of her life. He meant everything to her, and despite all that happened since he died, she still loved him and wanted him back in her life. The picture represented two possibilities for Bragnae. One could say it invoked hope that he was still out there, somewhere.

Or, in a less optimistic view, it meant that he was truly gone, but somehow, in a spiritual sense, it was his way of saying he loved her one last time with a sign from heaven. Maybe this was just a message she needed to receive to give her the closure she didn't have.

The breeze picked up again with more vigor than before. The wind rustled in her ears, threatening to put out the fire with its force. The sudden blast gave her goosebumps before it died down again.

She smiled. "Was that a sign that you're here with me, Drake?" Tears pooled in her eyes as she finally understood the picture's meaning.

"I'm here, Bragnae."

She straightened her posture, unsure of what just happened. Did she really just hear Drake's voice tell her he was there? No. I'm just imagining it. She shook her head.

"Turn around, sweetheart. I'm here," the voice said again.

She put a hand to her mouth, trembling at the words she just heard. Bragnae gradually rose to her feet, afraid to turn around. If he wasn't standing behind her, she was crazy and was starting to hear voices. And if he was... if he was there, then life would change for her all over again.

Bragnae slowly turned around. Drawing in a sharp breath, her eyes widened as she saw Drake standing before her. Her mouth gaped open unable to speak.

Drake took a cautious step towards her. "Bragnae, it's really me."

"Drake," she whispered between shuddering breaths.

Bragnae couldn't believe her eyes. There stood her fiancé back from the dead – so to speak, looking differently than she remembered. His hair was longer, and he had a dark beard covering the lower half of his face. She took shaky steps forward, keeping her eyes locked on his.

Drake met her halfway until they stood a foot apart. She blinked away tears to clear her vision, still believing it was some sort of cruel dream.

"You're alive?" She asked, hoping it was true.

"Yeah," he replied softly.

Bragnae looked into his dark, glistening eyes so full of life and warmth. It was him.

"Oh, Drake," she cried as she threw her arms around his neck. Bragnae felt him wrap his arms around her tightly, providing proof that she was actually holding Drake. The firmness of his body, the strength in his arms, the incredible all-encompassing smell of him that she branded into her brain.

"I missed you so much, Bragnae," he said with an emotionally fraught voice.

Bragnae clutched at his back holding him as close as she could. "I missed you too, Drake. So much."

As Drake stood up straight, he lifted Bragnae off the sand, burying his face in her neck. He held her like that for what seemed like an eternity before gently placing her feet on the ground again.

Bragnae pulled back to hold his face with both hands as tears streamed down her cheeks. "They said you were dead."

"I know. I'm really sorry they did." Tears fell from his eyes as he lightly brushed a lock of hair away from her face. "But I'm alive. And I'll tell you what happened, but right now, I just want to look at you, and hold you... and kiss you."

Bragnae stroked the side of his face running her fingers through his soft, chestnut hair. She pulled him close, nuzzling his nose with hers until, at last, their lips connected. Although his coarse facial hair brushed against her delicate skin, his lips were soft. Drake kissed her with the most intense love she'd ever experienced.

She sobbed against him, breaking their kiss but not their connection. They held their embrace as their mouths locked into a passionate, resuscitating kiss. After a long moment, Bragnae drew back to study his face.

"I've had dreams where I saw you again, and then I'd wake up to the harsh reality that you were still gone. I hope to God this is real," she told him.

"In those dreams, did I ever come to you with a beard?"

Bragnae thought for a moment before shaking her head. "No."

He smiled softly, stroking her hair. "Bragnae, I promise you this is real. It's so real that it hurts... but in the best possible way."

He pulled her in for another tender kiss. "God, I missed you so much. I thought about you every day, and now after the mess I've been through, I finally get to be with you again."

Oh, no. The thought of Liam hit her for the first time since seeing Drake. "I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" His expression grew more serious.

Bragnae looked down at their now joined hands. She hated herself in that moment knowing what she was about to tell Drake would break his heart. She took a deep breath, looking up at him again.

"A couple weeks after I found out you had died," she paused to summon the courage to finish her sentence. "I slept with Liam."

A sob caught in her throat as she watched his face fall. "I'm so sorry, Drake. I'm so ashamed to have done that knowing now that you've been alive this whole time."

Drake's expression grew somber as he stepped back. "I had a feeling that might happen." He spoke softly, regretfully. "Was it just the one time?"

She looked at him with remorse, pursing her lips together. She finally shook her head. "We were grieving, Drake. We both missed you, and it was so hard. Then, he showed me the letter you wrote him, and... it just happened."

"I wanted those letters to be read if I actually fucking died." Drake scoffed, shaking his head. "Fuck."

Cautiously, Bragnae placed a gentle hand on his arm. "To us, you were dead. I am so sorry, Drake. I can't begin to tell you how awful I feel. And it's killing me to have to tell you this after you've been through God knows what."

Drake stood there for a moment, keeping his eyes focused on the sand. "So," he began. "Would you rather be with him, then?" He stared at her, waiting for her response.

"No, Drake." Tears sprang to her eyes once again. "Although I care very much for Liam, you're still the one I love. You're still the one who occupies my heart. You're still the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. Nothing will ever change that."

She watched for his reaction. His expression was unreadable, and it was in that moment she feared she might lose him for good. The thought was unbearable.

"I understand if my actions have hurt you – if it's too much to forgive. But I love you more than words can describe, Drake. And I want to be with you... if you'll still have me."

After a long moment, Drake's expression softened. "Of course, I'll still have you. You're the love of my life. My whole world."

She closed her eyes, blowing out the breath she was holding. No sooner did Drake pull her back into his arms – their faces inches apart.

"I'm so sorry, Drake," she whimpered, holding onto his shoulders.

"It's okay, Bragnae. You didn't know I was still alive," he told her.

"Do you think you could ever forgive me?"

Drake looked down at her. His eyes filled with affection. "There's nothing to forgive. I mean it."

Gratitude filled her heart as Drake sank his lips against hers. She moaned as he tightened his arms around her. After she parted her lips, their tongues collided in a longing embrace.

Drake dipped down to hoist Bragnae up, her feet kicking sand that doused the fire as her legs hung over his arm. He walked them over closer to the surf before slowly lowering her to the velvety sand.

The near full moon cascaded a silvery glow over the beach, creating sparkles over the water.

Holding her close, Drake looked into her eyes. "If this is too overwhelming for you – me suddenly being back – we don't have to go farther."

"Is it... too much for you?" She asked him, wanting nothing more than to reconnect with him on a deeper level.

"Bragnae, I need you. I fucking need you," his voice was unsteady, but his words were certain. "Every day that I was gone, I wished I was with you. I desperately wanted to feel your skin against mine, to see your beautiful face looking back at me, to taste your sweet lips. I missed every part of you, and every day that passed that I couldn't touch you was like torture."

"I didn't think I'd ever have the chance to be with you again. And that thought nearly killed me. I need to be with you. I need to feel you, baby."

Drake immediately pulled her in for a deep kiss. His lips moved ardently against hers – seeking and full of anticipation. Bragnae grasped at the hem of his t-shirt, soon lifting it over his head. He returned the favor, pulling off both her sweatshirt and the top underneath it, revealing her bare chest

He leaned forward capturing her lips once more as he guided her to lay back atop her clothes. His lips kissed down her neck, taking his time before moving on to her chest. Bragnae closed her eyes, concentrating on his mouth worshiping her body as he once did.

Drake left a trail of kisses down her stomach. His fingers delicately gripped the top of her yoga pants, and pulled them and her underwear down over her hips, leaving soft kisses where the fabric laid before. He stood to push off his athletic pants and shoes – the moon creating a silver outline around his body. Her breath hitched as she looked up at him. He looked heavenly.

Bragnae felt the sea breeze hit her bare skin for only a moment as Drake hovered over her again. His eyes appreciatively roamed her body before he found her gaze again.

He swallowed. "You're even more beautiful than I remember."

"So are you." Her hands looped around his neck, pulling him into another loving kiss. Her body awakened as she felt the weight and warmth of his body pressed against hers.

Drake nestled himself between her legs, devouring her mouth with each impatient kiss. Bragnae ran her fingers through his hair, moaning as she felt his desire for her pushing against her inner thigh. She shifted under his touch as she searched for him with her hips.

Drake pulled up, wincing as he moved above her.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

He blew out a breath. "I'll be fine. My wounds are still healing."

"Wounds? My God, Drake." As tears returned to her eyes, she ran a comforting hand across his chest. She looked at his body, unable to distinguish any visible injuries through the shadows covering him.

"Shhhh, it's okay, Bragnae. I have you now. No pain is going to stop me from being with you."

As he sank down to her again, they became one as he gently pushed himself inside her. Bragnae gasped, gripping his arms as they quickly fell into a gradual rhythm.

After a few pumps, Drake rested his forehead against hers. "God, I missed you."

Holding his face, she closed her eyes. "I missed you, too."

He brushed his lips against hers, softly at first, but increasing with intensity as he resumed his movements. Bragnae ached for him as his fullness massaged her inner walls. Her entire body was alive with anticipation as every thrust rekindled the flame of their relationship more and more.

Bragnae lifted her head to kiss him as another moan sounded through her throat. She felt the heat rising at her core, promising an incredible release to come sooner rather than later. They held onto each other as if at any moment, they'd be pulled apart.

Drake buried his face in the crook of her neck as his pace increased.

"Yes, Drake. Oh my God," she gripped his hair between her fingers, vaguely aware that she'd never been able to do that before. Her feet dug into the sand as she tensed her body.

"Bragnae," he panted.

The tide pushed the ocean against the shore as they both felt a wave of incapacitating pleasure consume them, reviving their eternal love from the figurative grave. Tears flooded Bragnae's eyes as she entered the most incredible state of bliss she'd ever been in before.

Drake placed a warm kiss on her neck before pulling up to look at her. He, too, had tears in his eyes, but he did his best not to acknowledge them. "I love you, Bragnae. I love you so goddamn much."

Bragnae stroked his face, wiping a stray tear off his cheek. "I love you more, Drake. So much more."

Drake chuckled. "That's not possible." He dipped down to leave a lingering kiss on her lips before lying on the sand beside her.

Bragnae rolled over to cuddle against his chest. They lay there silently for a few minutes. The moonlight illuminated his body drawing her eyes to his chest, watching it rise and fall. He was breathing. He was alive. It was something she would never take for granted again.

"I saw you got the message I sent – the picture, I mean." Drake remarked as he lazily ran his fingers over her arm.

"It's why I came here – to our spot. I just got it a couple hours ago," she lifted her head to look at him. "Will you tell me what happened? Why did they think you were dead? And how did you get wounded?"

Drake exhaled a deep breath before sitting up, bringing Bragnae with him. "The day I went missing, Chuck and I had finally killed our target, but soon after we did there were bombs dropped from the sky, and a group of insurgents shot mortars off in our direction," Drake swallowed. "One of them plastered the right side of my body, and knocked me to ground."

"Oh my God, Drake." Bragnae placed a delicate hand on his leg.

"Chuck bandaged me up as best as he could, but after he lifted me over his shoulders, he was sniped by a bullet. I passed out from loss of blood or exhaustion, or both. A few days later, I woke up in a small Afghan home being treated by a veterinarian and his daughter. Apparently, they aided a few others before me too. They were so kind. Anis, the father, pulled all the stray shrapnel from my wounds, and Farahnoush provided nourishment and much needed translation."

Bragnae held Drake's hand. "I'm so grateful for them."

"Me too," he said, looking over at her. "They saved my life, Bragnae. They're the reason I'm here right now. I wish you could meet them."

She smiled. "You were close to dying, but you didn't. So, why did the Marine Corps assume you were dead?"

Drake looked out towards the ocean. His expression less reminiscent. "This may be hard to hear. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it."

"What is it, Drake?"

He turned to face her again. "Bragnae, there wasn't supposed to be any aircraft there that day. But there were two planes unleashing hell on the location Chuck and I held. The Air Force was called in to drop bombs and gun down any stragglers."

Bragnae covered her mouth in recognition. "Oh my God. Drake, I was tasked at work to look at imagery of the aftermath. I can't believe that was where you were."

"I'm sorry you had to see that." Drake squeezed her hand.

"Why would the Air Force do that? Didn't they know you guys were on the ground?"

Drake gritted his teeth, stretching the muscles in his neck as he jutted his chin forward in anger. "The Air Force didn't know we were there, but they received orders from Constantine Reese to bomb the shit out of that location, ultimately putting our lives in danger. He did it intentionally."

Bragnae's mouth gaped open. "What? Liam's father did this? But why?"

"Because he wanted me dead," he paused. "So, Liam could be with you instead. I don't know all the facts yet, but it's clear that Liam told his dad about his feelings for you, and that's why the asshole attempted to fucking murder me. Then, he had some crony fudge the papers to make it look like I was killed in action."

Bragnae was stunned. "I don't think Liam would ever do that to you, Drake. He wouldn't ask his father to kill his best friend. I saw how losing you affected him. It was genuine."

"Whatever feelings you have for him, Bragnae, I need you to put them aside right now. It's entirely possible that he's involved, and I need to find out for sure." Drake looked at her with determination.

"Then, let's go talk to him."

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