Chapter 5: She Saved My Life

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Legolas POV

"Because-- because I care about you." She says before losing consciousness.

She...cares about me? Why? I can't think about that right now, I need to get her help.

"Aragorn!" I shout to him.

He comes rushing over. "What happened?"

"She saved my life. We need to get her help quickly." I tell him, whistling for my horse. Aragorn does the same.

Aragorn helps me put Alastegiel on !my horse and I get up with her. Aragorn puts Gimli on his horse. We take off for Rivendell.


"Have you heard anything yet?" Aragorn asks me as he walks up to me.

We arrived at Rivendell a few hours ago. I have been waiting to hear word if she is alright.

"Nothing yet." I tell him.

"Are you all right?" Aragorn asks me.

"No. Before she lost consciousness, I asked her why she saved me. She told me it was because she cares about me. I have been so mean to her, but she cares about me? I do not understand it." I admit to my friend.

"Legolas, I can see it in the way she looks at you. She doesn't just care about you...she loves you." He tells me and my eyed go wide.

"She does?" I question, confused. "Why would she love me? My own Ada (father) doesn't love me."

"Your Ada does love you, Legolas. He probably just has a hard time showing it." I don't reply when Aragorn says this. We just stand there in silence until Lord Elrond walks towards us.

"Is she alright?" I ask him.

He is silent for a moment before answering.

"Yes, she is alright."

I let out a sigh of relief.

"May I speak to her?" I ask and he nods. I immediately head to the room that she is in.


She is alright! :) What do you think is going to happen next? Will Legolas realize that he loves her too? Or will he continue to be mean to her? Updates are every Tuesday and Friday! Love you all,

~Ellethwen <3

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