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Kim's POV*

My father pulled up the the house as the guards opened the door. I hated this I hated everything. I bowed as I walked in. I went straight to the piano room. The first lesson of the day. I played the notes until someone caught my attention outside the window. We stared at each other for a while and then he ran off. I was trying to see him better but was brought back to reality by my father. "Don't get distracted Kim." He said strictly I continued to play the piano. The lesson went by quick I took one pill for pain and that's when I saw him again. We made eye contact. Not the awkward kind but the one where you just wanna get to know them. My father pushed me "Who is he?" I asked "Don't worry about it Kim just keep walking." He said and continued pushing me as I saw him turn and leave. I went into my room and saw him again outside with other boys playing soccer. I can't go out beyond the area my father restricted. He says there are bad people beyond those points. But I don't really see them. I only have a couple of friends. Kris and Tao . They go to the same school as me. I just take private piano lessons at home. I was shaken out of my thoughts as my phone started to ring. New text message from: Kris

K:Hey wanna go to the mall after your piano lessons?

Me:Sure I'll be out in a few.

K:Cool I'm bringing some friends I want you to meet.

Me:Cool ok I'll see you in a bit.

K:Ok bye.

I changed from my school clothes and picked out what I was going to wear. I got some black jeans and a black shirt with a black leather jacket. I got my keys and ran out the door before my father could see me "Kim where are you going?" He asked from the door "Out with kris I'll be back before dark don't worry." I said from the window of my car. My father just nodded and closed the door. I sped out of the drive way and to the mall.

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